The older I get I become more interested in games, but not any type of games, I did betting games I used to bet a ton of money I shouldn't of done it but I was perfect at these games like poker or cards, if I wasn't so young I would have been playing in a casino but at the time I was only 16 years old. I was amazing at playing these games. I played this so much that people owned me money even but they never paid me. Betting kept food in my sibling's mouth, I barely ate, I wanted to make sure my siblings had enough food first, so I always ate last. But sadly the games I was playing were illegal so I always had to hide and run. I couldn't go to school or have a job, I was too young for a job and too poor for school. Ugh that's just my life for you, games and challenges and of course deals. And if I played the game and won it and the other players couldn't pay up, we would've made deals, deals always became a part of my life no matter where I was. I made deals with with siblings, with friends, with adults, even with strangers sometimes. I should've not made that much deals specialty with Randoms.