On Monday, Ben found himself working as a detective for the first time. As explained to him by the Chief of the LAPD, Trent Williams, he would hop through a bunch of departments for a few weeks instead of going to his liaison position immediately.
The Chief of the Metro division decided that his first day would be with the bomb squad. He argued it was one of the more relaxed positions that would give Ben a bunch of crucial connections into one of the most high-stakes divisions in the LAPD. The bomb squad rarely rolled out, and if they did, it was often to the same locations as SWAT. A good relationship with them was therefore important.
But as Ben was getting to know Sergeant Reggie Knowles, and going over the most basic of instructions any detective should be familiar with on the topic of explosives, a call came in that forced them to roll out.
"Do you get calls like these often?" Ben asked from the passenger seat of a tank car driven by the sergeant himself.
"Nah, mate," Reggie answered with a shrug. "Still more often than any regular civilian might think, but someone finding explosives in a home they just moved into happens maybe once a year for us. Most of the times it's someone in the family who calls with concerns."
Ben was typing away at the laptop that was hooked up in Reggie's car to find out more for the call, going through the last registered residents until he spoke up, "I guess this Walt Kleezak guy is the most likely culprit. Lived in that house for several decades, army veteran from the Vietnam War. After that came a graphic designer who moved out just a few weeks ago."
"Yeah, probably. I'll tell you for sure when I see the cache. Whenever we get called to a house for bomb removal, it's because the kid of a vet finds their dad's army memoribilia like I said before. Hiding away a few grenades, claymores, or landmines was way too easy back in the day. I mean, it still is. But computers, digital scales, and serial numbers at least made it so it doesn't just happen because some dummy put an explosive in his backpack entirely unbothered," Reggie explained with a proud laugh.
"And a bomb sniffing dog from the K9 unit is called there as well?" Ben asked, and Reggie nodded. "Wouldn't it be easier if you had your own dogs? For logistics, better coordination, shorter red tape?"
"Explain that to the egg heads deciding our budget. I'd take a puppy paid for by the LAPD in a heartbeat," Reggie scoffed with a carefree smile but left it at that.
"Funny that we're driving to Culver City. Just had a family over from there two days ago," Ben mused with a smile. Reggie didn't comment but looked at his passenger through his glasses for a moment.
Both cops bantered a little more during the drive. Ben learned that Reggie was really into surfing - he even had a surf board tattooed on his wrist and answered most things with a relaxed 'hang loose' hand sign. Something Reggie had also tattooed on his body but wouldn't tell Ben where. Ben suspected it was on his ass but had no interest in confirming his theory.
When they arrived, Ben got out of the car and looked around in curiosity and took a back seat to what was going to happen next as he stood there with his SWAT getup, complete with bullet proof vest and communications gear, instead of the casual wear a usual detective would be in.
Ben looked back and found Phil walking to him with an excited expression.
"Wow, Phil? What are the chances? Are you here for work?" Ben asked as he saw Phil dressed in a smart suit.
"No, I live here," Phil said as he pointed to the house to the right of where Reggie had parked. "Should I be worried?"
Reggie and two of his team members were fanning out, talking to the neighbors to warn them as is protocol.
"No, not really. That might change depending on what we're going to find in your neighbor's basement... but we're all in good hands. Reggie knows what he's doing, and we're just waiting on the K9," Ben explained in a reassuring manner. "I'm starting to think it's fate that we met. I mean, what are the chances that my first case as a detective is in the house next door."
"Oooh, what are you investigating?" Phil excitedly asked.
Ben was stumped, sheepishly scratched his ear, and corrected himself, "My bad. I'm not technically here as a detective. We're here because your new neighbor found something concerning in his basement."
"Like what?" Phil asked in concern.
"Your new neighbor found what he believed to be explosives in his basement. Do you know anything about that?" Ben asked as he kept an eye on his surroundings.
"I mean, I know my new neighbor. I'm the one who sold the house. Twice, actually, in recent years."
"Yeah, we're suspecting it was a memento that your old neighbor Walt Kleezak got from Vietnam. Would you believe that?"
"Walt was a scary guy... should I be worried?"
"The stash's been here for quite some time, and we got the experts here. You got anybody still at home? We're evacuating everyone a few houses over just for safety."
[Haley Dunphy commentary scene change]
"I was really excited for that date tomorrow, and just as I was looking at what cute outfit to wear, he just appears in front of our house!" Haley described with an eager grin.
"And oh my god. He looks like a superhero in that SWAT getup! Black is really his color... It was SO hot!"
[Commentary ended]
"Wow, does it ever end?" Luke asked with a raised brow. The bomb squad had been walking back and forth for quite some time as the Dunphys watched.
Ben came over after Reggie finished showing him the full procedure and the haul after they tallied it. He got out his phone and decided to show Phil and Luke, who looked really excited about the whole thing.
"Eight individually packed claymores and two boxes of old grenades - possibly even fragment grenades," Ben described as he scrolled through the photos. "Has Walt or the neighbor after, Henry Collins, ever shown you anything like that?"
"I mean, Walt once showed me some old pistols, but he claimed they were all he took home," Luke described with a small frown.
"He showed you old weapons?" Phil asked in surprise as he looked at his son. "You never told me."
"Just a second," Ben said and walked over to Reggie, who was busy assisting one of his men to put the claymores into a big iron ball they used for controlled explosions on site.
"He looks really cute in that," Haley mumbled from next to her father and brother.
"Yeah, he does," Phil agreed with a thoughtful expression. Then he looked around with a sheepish look. "I, uh, yeah. No, he really does look quite handsome looking like that."
"Dad!" Haley scolded with an appalled look.
Luke, on the other hand, pondered a little before nodding in agreement with his dad's statement.
Getting the explosives out went without complications. The following day went without any calls as Ben and Reggie worked to dismantle or dispose of yesterday's haul. As such, Ben got out early, went home to get dressed, and spent some time with Anna.
His kid would be starting her treatment on Friday, so three days later.
He had discussed if she would prefer him coming with his car or his bike, so Ben got on his touring bike and drove to pick up Haley.
"You look ravishing," Ben praised as she stepped out of the house in skinny leather pants, plateau leather boots, and a cute jeans jacket. "Really nailed that biker chick chic."
[Haley Dunphy commentary scenery change]
"Cha-ching," Haley beamed with a self-confident smile. "Too bad he insisted on the helmet. My hair looked really cute before..."
[Commentary ended]
"I'm telling you. Your hair is fine. More than fine," Ben reassured as they arrived at a restaurant near Palisades Park near the Santa Monica Pier.
Haley was still fussing over her hair despite everything Ben said until he got out a his phone and used it like a mirror for her.
"Sooo~ How did you get a reservation here so quickly?" Haley asked when they finally entered the restaurant. "Isn't this place like super popular?"
"It is. One of the guys from SWAT knows the head chef. Pulled him out of a burning car or something, and I traded the favor in for something else," Ben explained with a shrug.
"Oh my, I hope it wasn't too much?" Haley wondered with a pleased smile.
Ben turned to smile at Haley and clarified, "Sucker didn't know that I duped him. I would have hung out with him either way."
"You're going to hang out with someone as a favor? Are you really so cool that this is payment enough?" The eldest Dunphy daughter asked as the two were seated.
"I'd like to simply say yes, but Luca is kind of weird like that. No worries, I'll make it up to him some other way."
"Is that like a police officer thing?"
"Kind of. We can be pretty tight-knit, I guess. That can be a good thing, but sometimes it's kinda terrible."
[Haley Dunphy commentary scene change]
"Not saying something stupid was getting kind of hard. He was funny, kind, and so considerate," Haley contemplated with furrowed brows.
Slowly, she started smiling again, "But I got that feeling again. The one where I felt safe."
[Commentary ended]
"You're telling me you traveled to Brazil in a shipping container?" Haley asked as the two were walking along the beach during sunset.
"Traveling economy is overrated. I got to smell like a gym locker for a week while eating granola bars and bananas. And then there was this amazing atmosphere. Nothing but the blue seas, the smell of salt, fish, and seagull poop..."
"You're really talking the whole thing up. How can I get a ticket?"
"Just change your name, join a gang, and then start smuggling things," Ben instructed with a serious expression. "It's really easy, no?"
Haley laughed and used that chance to touch Ben's arm, who in turn used that chance to keep her hand on his arm. They walked a little slower and closer to each other.
"So, what countries have you been to? There's gotta be a reason you learned so many languages?"
"Hmm. Most languages I learned because it was convenient. My mom raised me bilingual so that I could talk to my grandparents back home, that's where the German comes from. I learned Hebrew despite not technically being raised jewish to connect with my mom's heritage. I learned Spanish because my second crush in high school was from Honduras originally, and honestly, it really helps out as a cop. French because my first ever girlfriend was from the Ivory Coast... I don't know. Learning to understand people fascinated me and learning the languages was kind of easy."
"That's fascinating," Haley said in a weirdly strained tone. "So, you've been to how many countries?"
"Hmm, been to Germany several times. Netherlands for my grandmother twice. Canada, Australia, and Japan for trips with my dad... and then suddenly, I turned into Mister Worldwide for the undercover op. Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Egypt, Spain, England, Ireland..."
"That's crazy. I've been to like Mexico and Hawaii. Other than that, I don't think I even left California if it wasn't for weekend trips to Las Vegas or a visit to my grandpa in Florida..."
"You're still young. You can travel as much as you want once you saved up a little money, no?" Ben suggested, brushing over the fact that Hawaii isn't its own country. "It doesn't take much money either if you have the right mindset. You live in LA already. Go to the correct neighborhood, and you'll meet people from all over the world. Want to get to Jamaica? I know a really cool soul food place near where I live. Want to experience South America? There's this crazy street I know in Long Beach with all kinds of food trucks from people all over. Interested in African culture? I know-"
"Let me guess, a restaurant with chefs from all over the country?"
"Uh, well I do know several nice restaurants with African roots and I'll gladly show you around," Ben offered, once more brushing over the fact that she apparently meant that Africa was a country. "But I meant more that I know a market where you can buy fabrics and fashion from all over Africa. It's right next to a giant flower market in South Bay... I'm kinda thinking that might have been a nicer first date spot. How about that becoming our second date location?"
Haley, who was inwardly worrying about being out of her depth, perked up with a big grin.
"Is the fashion any good? I can't really picture it in my head?"
"Oh, you're the expert on that. I can tell you it's mostly colorful and on the right woman, anything can look beautiful. That's as far as my fashion sense goes," Ben acknowledged with a shrug.
"Well, your outfit is nice," Haley complimented with a sweet smile.
"It's my nice sneakers, my favorite jeans, and a flower shirt under my lucky leather jacket. It fits without restricting my movements... uh, it looked okay in the mirror. That's how much thought went into what I'm wearing..." Ben conceded with a wry smile.
"Men have it so easy," Haley sighed. "But good job anyway. You look really handsome."
"Thanks," Ben accepted with a warm expression. "I take most of my fashion tips from women anyway. You'll be able to help me out if you want. You seem pretty fashionable... but I've seen harem pants there. No shot you're getting me into one of those."
[Haley Dunphy commentary scene change]
"I looked it up to see what the fashion of that place looked like. Some of it is really cute, but that's beside the point. Africa is not a country," Haley groaned out with an embarrassed expression that slowly turned into a content smile. "... and Ivory Coast is not a beach somewhere in Florida or something either... I wondered what that had to do with French to begin with..."
Haley looked frustrated with herself for a short moment. Her smile turned a little wistful eventually.
"He didn't look at me like I'm stupid, not even like he wanted to get away or anything. He invited me on a second date, too... He's so sweet... is he too sweet?"
[Commentary ended]
Ben was back home again after the date. He had dropped off Haley back at her home. When he arrived, Emilia was still up watching Anna sleep in her arms as the TV showed a 'Highschool Musical' rerun on a low volume.
"You're into stuff like that?" Ben asked with a startled look and a low voice.
Emilia was singing along without a voice, just mouthing the words with a melancholic look in her eyes. Her hands were gently brushing through Anna's hair.
Instead of answering Ben, she sang along even more passionately, but still not making a sound.
When the song ended, Emilia gave Ben a small smile and moved Anna's head down on a pillow and stood up. She gently took Ben's arm and moved him to the kitchen.
"How was the date?"
"Oooh, aren't you a gossip?"
Emilia leveled him an unimpressed stare long enough for Ben to squirm.
"Haley was pleasant to be around. She has this really cool, fun way to look at the world. We're going shopping for our second date on Saturday," Ben answered as he drank a glass of water.
"Uhuh," Emilia nodded along.
"What? Do you think taking her shopping isn't a fun date idea? We were talking about traveling, and since she hasn't done much, I'm taking her to this marketplace that I know where she can get fabrics and outfits from Africa and other exotic places?"
"No, it's a splendid idea. She seemed quite fashionable," Emilia expressed with an impressed smile. "I'm just surprised she isn't jumping your bones already. You couldn't keep your hands to yourself when we met in that bar."
"Ah, I'm older, more mature now," Ben quipped with mockingly serious look.
"You're an idiot."
"Ugh, why am I even telling you all this?"
"You're secretly hopelessly in love with me?"
Ben looked at Emilia with a raised brow and leaned on the counter to scrutinize her.
"Are you hoping I am?"
"What makes you say that?"
Ben sighed and argued, "Except for calling me an idiot, you're just asking questions. You're not saying anything. Is this an interrogation?"
"It might be. She might be my daughter's future stepmother," Emilia remarked as she rummaged through the fridge instead of showing her face to Ben.
Ben himself had a complicated look on his face.
"Can I tell Anna I'm her father?" Ben wondered out loud after a pregnant silence hung over the room.
"What? Yeah? Don't you remember when I walked up to you in that plaza? I openly said, 'Your daughter? Yes,' right in front of her. Don't you remember?"
Ben looked stupefied when Emilia was finished.
"I was so worried the entire time," Ben mumbled under his breath.
"You're an idiot is what you are. Anna already figured it out, I betcha," Emilia argued with a small frown. "You thought you needed my permission or something? I didn't fly halfway across the world just for your money."
"Well, there was that thing with the bone marrow..."
"Oh, shut it," Emilia ordered with a disapproving huff. "We're here now. You will have a part in her life now if you want it... I'm not a monster..."