Synopsis: The Ace Of Games is now facing the Ex Merchant of Death. However, his anger & bravery sparks for his friend after he was demolished. Meanwhile, J Genesis chose to...
At One of the Waiting Wards, Hou Ren is having a talk with Tasuku on a call through is tablet.
Tasuku: And that's all I know on J Genesis's playstyle. I'm sorry I couldn't help much.
Hou Ren: It's okay. Obviously, he's making this hard for me. (Remember Ranma's Loss) The way he humiliates him...I won't forgive him.
Tasuku: (Worried) Hou Ren...
Hou Ren: Never mind that, Shiloh & I also received an anonymous email.
Tasuku: Is it? What does it say?
Hou Ren: It just says 'Kyoya plans to eradicate all of mankind and reduce tragedies'.
Tasuku: My goodness. What else?
Hou Ren: That's all it says. Sorry.
Tasuku: I see...How cryptic...
Hou Ren: There's something else too.
Tasuku: (Curious) Which is?
After a brief transition....
Tasuku: I see....why didn't you tell me about this nightmare of yours?
Hou Ren: It's too painful to even talk about it. Moreover, what are the chances of it happening in real life?
Tasuku: Don't worry. Even if I shall fall, know that I will always be by your side. Besides, if you want to know, I have found a way to stop it if it was real.
Hou Ren: Yeah? I have a better solution.
Tasuku: You're not planning to...
Hou Ren: Yes I am.
Tasuku: Out of the question. I won't let you do such a thing. It's too reckless. You could....
Hou Ren: Even so....I'll be glad to do it if I have to. It's like you said. We protect and serve. Tops.
Tasuku: Hou Ren.....for now, just stay calm and fight on. I wish you the best of luck, my apprentice. (Ends call)
Hou sighs. Meanwhile outside of the door, Shiloh & Garga are hearing the conversation. They all felt concern.
Shiloh: What is he trying to do?
Garga: I don't know. But he's up to something alone. (Flashback Time...) During the one week time, he often gets up early. Training. His emotions's almost similar...
Shiloh: You don't say...
???: What do you think you're doing?
Hou Ren suddenly appeared behind them and scared the both of them.
Garga: How did you?
Hou: I have Lost Ren's Teleportation Ability. Why are you both snooping around?
Shiloh: Is everything okay? You look serious.
Hearing this, Hou closed his eyes and walk past her and pats her right shoulder. His face becomes unfazed and his eyes become shadowed.
Hou: Sometimes I wish I hadn't drag you into the mess...
Hou walks away. Garga and Shiloh are feeling even more concern.
Garga: Now I'm worried.
Shiloh: Me too. (Thought) Is this regarding our breakup? (Thought)
Garga feels very concern for his buddy. Meanwhile at the Buddy Stadium's Cafe, J Genesis is observing Kyoya's whereabouts while thinking about a few things.
J Genesis: (Remembers his actions towards Ranma and remembers his deal with Kyoya) I should count myself lucky. But I'm not even close to an associate. Regardless...
???: Trying to pull a wrong move?
Sophia then approaches the latter. J Genesis looks at her sternly.
J Genesis: What do you want?
Sophia: Kyoya wants me to deliver a message to you. Should you try anything funny, you know the consequences.
J Genesis: Does it look like I have forgotten that?
Sophia: You should be grateful that he has allowed you back here after your release from prison.
J Genesis:'re being used you know that?
Sophia: I don't mind being used. Master Kyoya will change the world before we even knew it. By any means necessary. (Walks away)
When Sophia is gone.
J Genesis: Quite the loyalty. Still my mind has made up. Gemclone.
Gemclone: (Appears in SD form) Yes Father?
J Genesis: Will you stick by my side? Till the end?
Gemclone: Of course Father. I'm forever your son.
J Genesis: (Feeling glad) I'm glad. Let's go.
At the Stadium, the match is about to start. The crowd begins to cheer.
Ion: Helloooooo Buddyfight Fans. Ion here. It's time to begin the SEMI finals. Am I pumped up or what? Are you all pumped up as I am?
The crowd cheers loud in reaction.
Ion: That's the spirit. 4 fighters have have gathered and only two will make it into the finals. We will start with today's match. Please join me in welcoming the fighters.
Starts with J Genesis.
Ion: The former head of the Gaen Financial Group. An ex merchant of death. J Genesis.
The crowd cheers loud and outcomes Hou Ren.
Ion: He goes by many names. Even now, he's a champion. Teng Hou Ren.
The crowd cheers even more. Meanwhile, Rouga, Lost Ren and Cerberus are on the stands.
Rouga: To think I would be seeing this.....
Cerberus: You don't think Hou Ren's going to lose, are you?
Rouga: No. Knowing him, he'll be fine.
Lost Ren however feels unfazed. Both players enters the stage.
Hou: You may have bested Ranma. But you certainly won't best me.
J Genesis: The results will determine how strong you are. And this won't be a waste of time.
Hou: So be it. It's been awhile since I become like this.
Suddenly, Hou is wrapped in a wind tornado. Everyone's surprised. The moment the tornado stops, Hou appears in a new form. His hair becomes spiky. His shirt becomes longer. Reaching his knee level. His jeans become black and he also wears a red tie. His sneakers becomes red. Everyone's surprised.
Masato: WHAT JUST....
Agito: Happenned?
Lost Ren: (Sternly) So there you are..."The Ace Rogue".
Rouga: What?
Lost Ren: You'll see why.
Hou: A deity dragon brigade descends on the battlefield. Come On. Gather. Champions of Great Strength. Luminize, Dradeity "Z".
J Genesis: Witness the revolutionary of Buddyfight. Mirror my opponents like there's no tomorrow. Luminize.....Mirror Of Genesis.
Ion: Buddy....Fight.
Both: Raise the Flag.
J Genesis: Hero World.
Hou Ren: Dragon EIN.
Ion: Oh here he goes again. It's the same flag he used to overpower Rouga. Will he do the same cause he's going first.
Hou Ren: Draw. Charge and Draw. Cast. Divine Dragon Creation. (Draw 2 cards) I pay 1 gauge & equip.....
Suddenly, Hou Ren's clothes and trousers turned shiny blue. It sparkles bright at the stars in the sky. He even wears a pair of fingerless gloves. The winds blows through his jacket and tie. His eyes become sharp.
Hou Ren: Gargantua Spirit.
Ion: Oh my. He's got a new item.
Shiloh: He looks so Shiny.
Natalie: Tell me about it.
J Genesis: A new item is a waste of time.
Hou Ren: Oh Yeah? Buddycall.
Garga: (Appears on the right) Don't lose your cool Hou Ren. Stay Calm.
Hou Ren: Don't order me around.
Garga: What?
Hou Ren: I cast, Gar Oracle "Z". (Increase Resources)
Hou's Lightning sparks and then creates some blue sparkles and spread them front. The blue sparkles creates two Garga Face Cannons and a massive spirit of Garga itself. Hou also charges two energy sparks through his palms. His eyes flash blue.
Hou Ren: MATRIX.....MODERANTE. (Fires)
The Cannons and the spirit fires at J Genesis. J Genesis yells as he's being hit.
Tako: Amazing, Chu.
J Genesis's Life: 10 -> 8
J Genesis: Curse You, Draknight.
Hou Ren: SHUT UP. (Points You) You got some nerve to insult. Just like you insulted that one guy who fought hard against you. (Fists Up) You're facing me, pink tails. And I'm not weak hearted like you think he is.
Garga & Shiloh: (Worried) Hou Ren...
Ion: Woah. Is Hou Ren in a bad mood or something?
Hou Ren: Mind your own business. My turn is over. Now Hurry Up.
Shiloh: What's gotten into him? He's like....(remembers his dark self in the Sanctuary)
Remembering this, Shiloh's feeling very worried.
J Genesis: Meaningless Rage is a waste of time. I draw. Charge & Draw. Cast. Hyper Energy. (Gains 4 gauge and holds up a card) Final Phase.
Hou Ren stares sternly.
J Genesis: I pay 2 gauge and Impact Transform.....Mirror Hero, J "Gemclone Origin Cloak". Impact call to the right, Mirror Hero, Captain Answer "Answer Question!!"
Captain Answer: Here I am.
Hou Ren: This time it's that famous hero Captain Answer.
Garga: But you and I know that it's fake. It has no life. Just an empty shell.
J Genesis: Impact call to the left. Mirror Hero, Einder "Eins Formula!!"
Ion: Due to Einder's effect, J Genesis's hand & gauge increased.
J Genesis: I cast, Artificial Talisman: TWO DRAW.
Hou Ren: (Scoffs) Dragotrap. (Pays 2 life & 1 gauge)
J Gemclone Origin Cloak cannot attack.
J Genesis: Why you.....
Daryl: Smart Move. Dragotrap reduces the number of attacks that's gonna happen.
Masato: Yeah but...
J Genesis: In that case, Captain Answer's effect. I declare the top card of our decks are spells.
Both player's have their top card discarded. For J Genesis, it's a spell. For Hou Ren, it's a monster.
J Genesis: I see.....Quadruple attack for Captain Answer.
Hou Ren grunts.
J Genesis: Einder. Attack Garga.
Hou Ren: No Use. Gargantua Spirit's effect.
A spirit of Garga appears and passes through the real Garga's body. The real Garga powers up as Lightning surrounds him. When Einder is about to land his punch, Garga singlehandedly blocks it.
Einder & J Genesis: What?
Hou Ren: If I pay 1 gauge, Garga cannot be attacked this turn.
All: WHAT?
J Genesis: Curse You. Captain Answer, Attack the fighter.
Captain Answer: With pleasure. (Attacks)
Ion: Captain Answer deals damage twice, causing 6 damage. And now comes the third attack.
Hou Ren: I cast, Deity Dragod Shield. (Blocks the attack)
Captain Answer: Quadruple attack.
Hou Ren's Life: 5 -> 2
J Genesis: My turn is over.
Hou: It's my turn eh?
Hou's expression remains sharp. His blue aura glows bright. He gets back up after being knocked down. He wipes his face off and pulls his phone and plays a song. When the song is played, it plays through the entire stadium. Everyone's quite surprised.
Ion: What's that music?
Hou Ren:
Believe me I know.
I sunk very low.
(Draws, Charges & Draw)
But know this well my friend, I
won't lose.
Garga: Hou Ren...
Hou Ren:
(Clenches his right fist)
I'm the bad guy, that's fine.
It's no fault of mine.
And I Guarantee, that this match
will be mine.
Ion: What is...
Hou Ren:
(Walks forward)
Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
As he sings, J Genesis watches in small surprise. Watching his spirit and bravery.
Hou Ren:
(Holds Up A Card)
And I'll stand up and fight 'cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Hou Ren all of the sudden glows gold and transforms. It is so bright and it blinds everyone. Golden Lightning surrounds him.
Shiloh: What's That Light?
Daryl: What's happening to him?
Lost Ren: I recognize it...Mark of Supremacy....Hou Ren...."ZEUS".
Shiloh: You mean...the God of Divine Lightning itself ???
Hou emerges in another new form. His entire form becomes glowing white. His hair becomes longer and its also glowing white. He also wields a golden lightning bolt trident. It is so divine that people are feeling in aww.
Hou Ren:
Now It's Time To Rise Up. And there's no backing down.
And The Answer is easy to see.
(Summons Nincat "Aftermirage" & Sets Hell Gate Inferno)
And I swear like a knight, that I will fight with my might.
(Turns Around)
Are You Ready?
Garga: (Raises his sword) I'm Ready.
Nincat: (Raises his kunai) I'm Ready.
Nincat, Garga, Hou Ren: (Raises Up) WE'RE READY.
Hou Ren: READY AS I'LL EVER BE...(Marches Forward)
Witnessing this, Hou's friends, Shiloh & her siblings, Rouga, Cerberus, Lost Ren & Even Tasuku & Light are staring in amaze.
Masato: For Share...
Daryl: Insane...
(Stops Him)
Are you quite sure we can do this?
Hou Ren:
Together, we will guarantee.
(Eyes Glow Gold and Attacks)
Hou Ren: I'll make them kneel before me.
Hou's attack wipe out all of J Genesis's monsters. Everyone's shocked. Thanks to the effect, Hou Draws 2 cards.
Draknights: (Offscreen) Now it's time to redeem or it's time to revenge.
Hou Ren: (Creates a strike with his trident) Prove they can respect me.
Draknights: (Offscreen) For Our Moment has come.
J Genesis blocks himself but the attack still hits.
Hou Ren: I'll slay all of my enemies. (Have Garga & Nincat attack)
As the song goes, Garga & Nincat swiftly link attack J Genesis. But J Genesis was able to held his ground.
Draknights: (Offscreen) And no matter what, we will stop those who cross our families.
Hou Ren: (Holds out a spell) And I'm ready.
Garga: He's Ready.
Nincat: He's Ready.
Hou Ren: I'm Ready. Ready as I'll ever be...(Casts Sunlight Beam)
As intense music runs in the background, All of Hou's cards stand back up.
Ion: WHOA. Hou's Cards Just Stood Back Up.
Hou Marches forward slowly. Golden Lightning sparks around him as he carries his lightning trident. His eyes spark with thunder. Glowing and electrifying intensively.
Hou: (Marches Forward Slowly) Countless days have passed. Again and again I had to watch myself and my family suffer. Here I say. I WILL NOT (Attacks) HAVE IT.
Hou lands his trident attacks but J Genesis blocks them with his suit. The battle was intense, swift and the earth rumbles when Hou stabs the ground. Eventually, the two clash.
J Genesis: You may be strong, Ace of Games. But you're still no match for me. Just like your friend. I will crush those who stood before me. (Attempts to punch)
Hou Ren: (Blocks) Don't make me laugh. I told you before. You may have bested Ranma. But You Won't best Me. (Strikes)
J Genesis: (Being Hit) ARGHHHHH
J Genesis's Life: 5 -> 2
Hou Ren: You just had to be a (Kicks Him & Points His Trident at him) scumbag and look down on people. Waste of time. Waste of time. You always think low lifes like us are a waste of time. Man, you sicken me, you cretin.
Shiloh, Tasuku & Garga: (Worried) Hou...
Hou Ren: (Forward Points his Trident) And you know what? I will promise that you will beg for mercy. As I tear your own pathetic soul limb from limb.
J Genesis & Garga: You wouldn't...
Hou Ren: Yes I would. (Jumps back) Do you know why I'm known as the Ace Rogue? Back then I had to endure a lot of backlash. Day after Day, I'm like a villain to those I know. So I decided to embrace my true self and slay those who stood in my way. Thus, I'm reborn.
J Genesis: You...
Hou Ren: You may have the power of Impact Monsters. But I Have the Power Of Gods. Garga. Finish Him.
Garga: No.
Hou Ren: What?
Garga: I said No.
Hou Ren: What are you on about? Do As I command.
Garga: I won't do it. Hou. You're not yourself right now. I didn't say it before but...You're like a monster. And let me ask, must you go this far to achieve your goals?
Hou Ren: What are you saying?
Garga: I'm saying I understand your wish to sought to stop those who threatens you and your life. But to slay as in Killing? I won't allow it.
Hou Ren: Garga. Life isn't fair. People like him just loves to bring misery to our lives. He even insulted Ranma the other day. No. I won't let him get away with this.
Garga: Listen to yourself. You're the leader of the Draknights. The Ace of Games. A student of Master Bunbuku. Not a Monster. And certainly not the Ace Rogue. You're better than this.
Hou Ren: Be quiet. Do As I say And Attack.
???: NO.
Hou Ren then heard something and then noticed Shiloh shouting towards him.
Hou Ren: Shiloh?
Shiloh: What happened to the Hou Ren who's full of passion and love. What happened to the Hou Ren who never loses his cool and fights fair and square. Right now, You're not the same person I admire. Garga's right, You are a monster.
Hou Ren: Not you too....
???: Shiloh's Right, Hou Ren.
Hou Ren then notice a fully healed Ranma on the stands.
Hou Ren: Ranma? You're fully healed?
Ranma: I am. But nevermind that. This isn't what you are at all. You're not the same man who's evolved during our match. And you're not the same man who promised me that you'd win this tournament for me.
Hou Ren: But.....
???: They're both right.
Hou Ren: Lost Ren?
Lost Ren: I may be the opposite of you but seeing you like this is wrong. Did you forget what Gwen & Eden said to you once? You're someone who spreads joy. Not fear. You're a friend. You should be setting a good example.
Rouga: And you're certainly not the same man who defeated me with honour. Where's the real Hou Ren when we needed him most? Answer Me, Ace Rogue.
Hou Ren: I...(Rage slowly cools down) I'm not like this.....I shouldn't be like this.
Garga: Hou Ren.
Hou Ren: Huh?
Garga: I understand you have good intentions. But you need to realize that not everything must be bent to achieve your desires. We're going to give you a choice. You can fight fairly or continue as the way you are now and I will cancel our buddy contract.
Hou Ren realized that Garga has a point....He starts to calm down.
Hou Ren: (Sigh) I choose Fair & Square. Let's try this again.
Garga smiles proud while Shiloh & Ranma feels glad and Lost Ren & Rouga feels impressed.
Hou Ren: Garga. One more time. Attack the fighter with Nincat.
Garga: With Me, Furball.
Nincat: Got it, Master Garga.
J Genesis: Cast. I've seen through your moves.
Hou Ren: My turn is over.
Ion: Hou launched a total of 6 attacks but he's unable to finish his opponent off. On the other hand thanks to his ability, J Genesis's Monsters are wiped. Let's see how he responds to that.
J Genesis: Draw. Charge & Draw. Final Phase. (Closes his mask) Fake Replica Weapon, Gemclone REB.
Garga: Here it comes...
J Genesis: Impact buddycall to the right.
The Impact Monster Symbol appears.
J Genesis: Cast. Artificial Talisman: TWO DRAW. And I cast. Mirror Effect: TWO DRAW EXTRA. (Draws 2 cards & gain 2 life)
Ion: Unbelievable. J Genesis just increased his hand twice.
J Genesis: And since I'm transformed into a Super Warrior, Two Damage to you. (Creates A Strike)
Ion: Uh Oh...Hou has two life.
Hou Ren: Cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Reduce damage)
J Genesis: What?
Shiloh & Ranma: Nice One.
Daryl: Man, Hou figured out quick.
Masato: For share.
J Genesis: Then I'll pay 1 gauge & activate it's ability. I transform Gemclone into Jackknife Galactical Punisher.
Jack: Guess it's my turn now.
Gemclone turns into Galactical Punisher and roars out loud.
J Genesis: Galactical Punisher.
Galactical Punisher strikes but...
Hou Ren: Cast. Deity Dragod Shield.
J Genesis: You can't survive my attacks with two hand cards. (Attacks) I have no enemy.
Hou Ren: Cast. Guts Of The Relentless Draknight.
Hou's Aura lit up and he blocks the attack with his bare hands.
Hou Ren: For this turn, my cards gain 10000 defense. And I didn't activate Gargantua Spirit bonus ability didn't I? When I sent it to the dropzone, I can place it into ZEUS's soul and thus I gain it's abilities until end of this fight.
J Genesis: What?
Hou Ren: And by paying 1 gauge....(Aura up) Another 10000 defense.
Garga: And since I'm here, The opponent receives two damage.
Hou strikes back with his trident.
J Genesis's Life: 5 -> 3
Ion: Woah. Hou just made use of his item and his spell as a combo. And Origin Cloak can't make a single dent.
Daryl: How is Hou so good???
Masato: I don't know !!!
J Genesis: Cast. Artificial Talisman: THREE GAUGE. (Acquires Gauge) Impact Call to the right. I pay 3 gauge and transform Galactical Punisher to Gemclone Origin Breaker REB.
Origin Breaker REB appears.
J Genesis: Size 3. 20000 Power. 15000 defense. A critical of 2. The Greatest Impact Monster to ever live exists here and now. (Reveals 3 impact monsters) From my hand, Galactical Punisher. From my dropzone, Bal Burst Smasher & Abygale Vanishing Death Hole. I place them into his soul.
Origin Breaker absorbs the soul cards.
Ion: Origin Breaker REB now absorb their abilities. In other words, his attacks can't be nullified or reduced, and he has a critical of 5.
Daryl: Then that means...
Ranma: Hou's Dragon Shields are useless.
Shiloh: Oh No...
J Genesis: Origin Breaker. Fire.
Origin Breaker: Right. (Attacks)
Hou Ren: Cast. Gar Heilen "Zenith". I gain 6 life. (Braces himself)
Hou's Life: 5 -> 11
Origin Breaker fires his cannons and a burst of energy rush towards Hou. The attack was intense and Hou was able to held his ground.
Hou's Life: 11 -> 6
Masato: YES.
Ranma & Shiloh: ALRIGHT.
Ion: UNBELIEVABLE. Hou survived the attack by a cinch. Incredible.
Alec: Of course he can survive.
Eden: After all.
Rouga: He is...
Lost Ren: The Ace Of Games.
The crowd cheers loud.
J Genesis: I never thought you were able to survive Origin Breaker's attack. (Sigh) I concede my defeat.
J Genesis's flag is destroyed.
Hou Ren: HUH?
Garga: WHAT?
Everyone's shocked.
Ion: What just happened? J Genesis's flag is down?
J Genesis: I'm saying I lost. After all, even with my current hand and defense, He would have finished me off instantly. There's no point to continue this fight.
Ion: Well...In that case. Game End. Winner. Hou Ren.
The crowd cheers loud. Shiloh and Ranma are feeling cheerful.
Ranma & Shiloh: He Did It.
Rouga & Lost Ren feels impressed.
Rouga: Of course he win.
Everyone claps their hands in support.
Ion: Our Ace Of Games literally defeated the ex merchant of death. How strong has a he gotten since he started playing. Nevermind, he is moving onto the finals everyone.
Kyoya: I knew you would be victorious. I expected nothing less from the Ace of Games.
Back to the stage. Hou Ren & J Genesis look at each other sternly.
J Genesis: I will apologise to your friend later. I'm deeply sorry for what I have done.
Hou Ren: I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out my anger on you. I was wrong as well.
J Genesis nods.
J Genesis: Regardless, I need to discuss with you about something.
Hou Ren: What is it?
At One of the Waiting Rooms, Hou, Shiloh, Rouga, Lost Ren, Garga & Cerberus as well as J Genesis discuss about something. Tasuku & Agent Ren & Light, Scott are seen through via tablet.
Hou Ren: WHAT? You're the one who sent the anonymous Email?
J Genesis: (Nod) Yes.
Shiloh: But why?
J Genesis: Kyoya was the one who sent the email to the BP about me long ago. So I thought I might as well do the same thing.
Tasuku: Interesting. Although to be precise, your email made no sense at all.
J Genesis: I'll explain it all. The real reason he created the Gaen Cup was to gather energy from fighters. Many Strong contestants will appear and create even stronger energy.
Hou Ren: (Thought) Just like what Ms Shafi said. (Thought)
Lost Ren: And Azi Dahaka absorbs those energy isn't it?
J Genesis: Indeed. Not just to make himself evolve but also for something.....sinister.
Hou: Which is?
J Genesis: The more power he gains, he will not only evolve but to also...corrupt all of the Monsters. In fact long ago, when you receive the unfair backlash, he was the one behind it.
Hou: What? But I thought Ms Shafi...
J Genesis: Ms Shafi serves the as the conduit. Under Kyoya's Orders, Azi Dahaka corrupt her jealousy without her knowing and thus start the unfair backlash on you.
Garga: But why?
J Genesis: With the unfair backlash, Humanity and Monster's sorrow, anger, and other negative emotions create energy. Azi Dahaka feeds on it and thus evolve and become stronger.
Lost Ren: Thus, monsters will be corrupted and will lose their free will and obey Kyoya. (Thought) It's just like what me, Trickstar and Sensei found during investigation.
Rouga: And when that happens, mankind will be slain and die. Therefore, it reduces the mass number of tragedies there is. So I was right...
J Genesis: It doesn't matter who wins or who loses. In the end, we are all merely pawns to his plan. I find it a waste of time but he blackmailed me into joining him otherwise.
Shiloh: That's not fair. Everyone should have their own right to live however they want, even monsters. What Kyoya's doing is wrong.
Hou Ren: Shiloh's right. (Remembers his vision) This is just like my vision. Still, Garga, if that was the case, then would you...
Garga: Good Question.
Scott: Don't worry Hou. Me, Agent & Light were able to create something to counter this scenario.
Tasuku: He's right. But it also needs one final piece.
Hou Ren: Which is?
Tasuku: I need your Mirage Crystal. And your protection powers.
Hou Ren: Oh...With The Mirage Crystal and My Protections powers combined, I can share my ability and shield you guys or no?
Tasuku: You're catching on. I expected nothing less from my lieutenant.
Lost Ren: Wait, you're promoted?
Shiloh: Congratulations.
Hou: (Blush) Hehe...
Light: Still, we need to take action. I'm suggesting we arrest him now.
J Genesis: No. There's no point. Even with all the evidence we had, he would have just denied everything and play innocent. Even if I'm there, nobody will believe me because of my previous image.
Garga: Besides, Lost Ren & Shiloh still have their match to settle. Followed by the finals and then the match with Kyoya. I think it's best that we follow the procedure.
Hou Ren: And when one of us face Kyoya, we can pry the truth out of him and take action.
Shiloh: Good Idea. You're a genius.
Hou Ren: (Blushed) Hey....
Tasuku: Aside from that. J Genesis, will you back us up?
J Genesis: I can't. I need to stay hidden for awhile. Believe me, it's not like I have a choice.
Hou Ren: I see.....
J Genesis: However, there is something else I can do.
Hou Ren: Which is?
Lost Ren: Finally, My turn is next. And Shiloh is my opponent. Wait, are those...Next time, "Shine of the Unparalleled". Join us for a Buddyfight.
Story End.