Last updated: 7/10/2024 19:33 UK time
Sami_Alfoheday: The one who cast the curse was Voldemort. How can a goblin break it?
The goblins have been around for centuries or even a millennium, so I would assume they would have knowledge of Olde Magic. I would also assume Voldemort would use Olde Magic for the curse, as no witch or wizard would know about it. Therefore, it makes sense for one of the best Goblin Curse Breakers to break the curse.
Kajuan_Foster: What year is the Potter trio in?
They are in fourth year as cannon.
Ripperdoc12: Is Mrs. Norris a human in this story or a Maleductus?
She is a Maleductus that Percival has cured before the events of Chapter 002 - Last time.
_unknown_0: Crown? {In reference to the crown of Slytherin}
The Crown of Slytherin is the leading figure among the Slytherin student body.
LazyBartender: They allow final year students to drink Vespers? Didn't know they were allowed to drink.
The drinking culture in the UK is absolutely unhinged. Nearly every time you go out with mates, drinks are involved. I know people who start drinking from the ages of 13 or 14. I don't see why students wouldn't drink at Hogwarts.
Wachdog: I must say... those images don't excite me at all.
They're not meant to. A personal pet peeve of mine is how nearly all the cast to shows, movies, and books are literally 10/10. To me, it's more realistic if there is good-looking but not too good looking, if you know what I mean. Also, those pictures are mostly for my reference. You're free to picture the character however you want in your head when reading.
Mrdelightfill: So, who is the love interest?
Well, I'm planning on making the MC and Fleur have a little fling during his last year. Whether this becomes permanent is entirely up to you guys when it's time to make the decision.
Petch_C_Charu: So many female characters, I assume it's another harem fan-fic? Lol.
Nope. This fanfic does have a lot of female characters, but they are not love interests.
maskhara· Is this another potential gen strangled in the cradle or is it on a long release cycle?
A long release cycle. I usually have a couple days off after releasing a few chapters, and then start writing again. And don't worry, we're here for a long time. Volume one 'The Tri-Wizard Tournament' was originally meant to have 80 chapter, however this is a huge underestimate. Volume two 'In the pits, with Sinners and Snakes' is estimated to have 100 chapters. Volume three 'Warlords and Conquerors' about 80 chapters. Volume four 'The Ebon Woods' has been planned but the skeletons are there. I have already hinted at those three volumes in the novel, and started planning volume two and three.