The police arrived at the school and put a caution tape line up blocking the hallway and editorial room. Students were trying to see past the deputies and over the tape as they crowded the hall, but the officers held them back.
Anna logged onto Allison's computer and clicked open the last file she was working on. She creased her brow and made a face.
"Well, this might explain the kidnapping," she stated, looking at Paul and the sheriff.
"What have you got?" asked the sheriff.
They looked at the screen, and she clicked on a few things and opened a file.
"Looks as though she was writing a story about Maverick and Hardy Industries. Something about a secret military experiment called Project A."
Paul read over the file and raised his eyebrows.
"Interesting, Simone. Good thinking about checking her computer," commended the sheriff.
Paul bumped Anna's shoulder, and she chuckled.
"I think we should start with Mr. Maverick and Mr. Hardy," said the sheriff matter-of-factly, and Anna and Paul looked at her.
"Our little reporter might have gotten herself into something she may not be able to get out of," she added.
Anna pressed her lips together, and the sheriff looked at Paul.
"Woods, I want you to go over to the Saunders residence and question her parents. Simone, since you personally know the Mavericks and Hardys, see what you can find out from them."
They nodded, and Paul pulled out the hard drive. Kirsten bumped Tom's shoulder and pointed to the clock. He nodded and looked at his brother.
"Could you call me when you find something out? I've got to go to football practice," he asked, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder, and Paul nodded.
"Yes, of course," he said, and Tom kissed Kirsten on the forehead.
"See you later," he said and walked out of the room.
Kirsten looked at Paul and Anna and frowned.
"I should get to class, too," she said and headed after Tom.
"Seems to me we transferred at just the right time," stated Paul frankly, and Anna only nodded.
The sheriff nodded in agreement, and Anna chuckled. Paul made jokes about how the town was boring and nothing ever happened, but things were starting to get interesting, and now he wanted to stick around.
They finished up at the school and walked into the parking lot. The sheriff drove away, and Paul gave Anna a thoughtful look.
"Anna. Please be careful. Something about him doesn't feel right."
She twisted her mouth and nodded, squinting in the sunlight.
"I know. I feel it too. Something's up, and my gut tells me it isn't good."
He gave her a knowing look, opened his door, and pointed at her.
"I got an idea," he said, leaning on his car, and she leaned on hers, giving him an intrigued look.
"And what's that?" she chuckled.
"If you need me to come beat his ass, just click the mic a couple of times, and I'll be right there."
Anna snickered, shook her head, and waved her fingers.
"C-ya later, buddy."
She got in her car and headed toward the Maverick Manor.
Anna got out of the cruiser, walked up to the door, and knocked. Her favorite butler, Mr. Wallows, answered the door and smiled.
"Good morning, deputy."
"Mr. Hopper, it is good to see you," she said, smiling.
He looked her over for a moment, and she saw recognition reflect in his eyes.
"Little Anna Simone, is that you?" he asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and Anna nodded.
"Well, why didn't you say so? Come on in. Xander is in his office," he cheered, and Anna laughed.
When she came over to play with Xander, Mr. Hopper would always play with them if Mr. Maverick wasn't there, and sometimes Mrs. Maverick would join them. She sighed and waved the memory off.
"Thank you," she said and walked towards the office.
She opened the door, walked in, and saw Xander sitting at his desk, with his back to her and on the phone.
"I don't care, find it!" he said angrily and hung up.
This piqued Anna's interest, and she smirked.
"Missing something?" she asked, and he quickly turned around in the chair.
"Anna, what a pleasant surprise," he said with a smile.
He seemed a little on edge, and she wanted to know why.
"Hi, Xan," she said cheerfully.
"What brings you to the manor?" he asked, and she eyed him, watching his movements.
He fidgeted with his hands, and beads of sweat appeared on his bald head.
"Actually, I came here to talk to you about something," she stated.
He spread his arms wide, like an open invitation to a hug, and said,
She walked over to the desk and laid her fingers on the desk. It was thick glass and cool to the touch.
"What is Project A?" she asked lightly.
She didn't want to seem too eager, so she paced herself and kept her voice from wavering. He looked at her oddly and lightly snorted.
"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Anna. Project A?"
She eyed him suspiciously and felt he was lying to her. She pulled her fingers back and clicked her tongue.
"We got a call this morning that a teenager had been abducted from the high school," stated Anna, and Xander looked at her, puzzled.
"What does that have to do with me? I mean, kidnapping young girls isn't quite my style," he said nonchalantly.
She snickered and looked into his eyes.
"She was writing an article for her school paper about your company and another company and a secret military experiment called Project A," she explained to him, and he looked at her intrigued.
"Who is the other company?" he asked.
Anna saw his eyes flicker and pressed her lips together.
"That doesn't matter, the girl does."
"Allison Saunders, is the missing girl, I take it?"
She never said Allison's name. How did he know it was Allison? The investigation hadn't been reported to the news, and nothing had hit social media yet.
She decided she had enough to go on and further investigate. She could tell Xander was lying to her and couldn't believe it. They used to be so close.
She sighed and shook her head, knowing she had a lot to process.
"I'll keep in touch, Xan, I wouldn't go too far where I can't find you," she said and turned to leave.
Suddenly, Victoria walked in and gave her a smug look.
"Are you leaving? Did Xander give you the invitation to the rehearsal dinner?" she asked in a snotty tone.
Anna didn't like her at all, and she rolled her eyes, turning toward the stuck-up woman.
"Rehearsal dinner?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at Xander.
That would mean that she and Xander were getting married. Anna shook her head and snorted.
"So, that means you said yes?" she asked sarcastically.
"Yes, it is for our wedding coming up pretty soon," he said and smiled at Victoria.
Anna watched as Victoria walked toward him and sat on his lap. She glanced at the floor, chuckled, and looked at the couple.
"No, you never gave me an invitation. But I'm sorry I won't be attending. I have to work to do," said Anna, and she walked out the door as Xander watched her leave.
Why would Allison Saunders be writing about his company? What military experiment? He decided to call his father and do some of his own digging.
"Leaving so soon, Ms. Anna?" asked Mr. Hopper.
Anna looked at him as her expression softened and nodded.
"Yes. I hope everything works out well for them," she said quickly, and the old man gave her a thoughtful look.
"Ms. Anna, can I let you in on a little secret?"
She nodded, and he leaned into her ear.
"I don't like Ms. Victoria either, and maybe, you can figure out how to get rid of her. She's convinced Alexander to do a lot of harm and needs to be stopped."
She searched his eyes, nodded, and left the mansion.
Anna scoffed as she started the cruiser and slammed her hand on the steering wheel. What was that woman up to? What was so bad Mr. Hopper had to tell her in secret?
She was happy for Xander if he was happy, but she felt as though Victoria had some kind of hold on him. Or maybe he doesn't know who she really is. Anna sighed and decided to let it go.
It wasn't her business to get into her best friend's relationships. It was their relationship, not hers, and their problem. She drove out to the Hardy plant and walked inside