Before the War against the Pirates...
At General Choi Kangso Mansion...
At General Choi Kangso's room... That time it was his post marraige a night after their marriage.
At the bed...
He and his wife had no clothes...luckily he lock the door that night.
Someone suddenly knocking his door
General Choi Kangso, king ask for your presence...
At the palace...
He Kowtow to the king...
Long live your majesty what shall I do for you?
Sorry for interruption for your honeymoon days. You and my daughter is now one.(Hanshi) the eldest daughter of king.
No problem as long as I can I will.
Good! Good! I hope you'll not change you by your ambition oneday.
Only experience can change a person.
Umm your right...
I want you and your battalion to fight against the Pirates at the border.
As you wish your majesty!
After 3 months...
A woman(man) show up and help them to win. Then now they'll back. Thanks to his knowledge they win.
At the Voyage...after the war.
General Choi Kangso ask it if she was one of those cursen people according to the legend.
No I'm not! I'm a prince shadow of kingdom of Yulkang they called me Dae means Great. My twin brother's name is Yul Dong maybe Yul is my last name. They treat us differently. He treated well while I never. Our mother had executed because according to them I'm son of demon because of the color of my eye.
So I called you Yul Dae if then.
No I hate Yul name from then till now...
So, what if Kang Dae.
Kang means healthy and Dae means Great.
What a good name! Then he smiled.
Sorry, we thought you're a female.
Ah, that's fine.
Then General Choi Kangso back to his room.
(I am Daehan a God of War. I live in this world morethan 999 years and today is 1000 year probably they called it birthday. I am an immortal a gumiho with 12 tail. I was a red gumiho and having a red eyes. According to the legend we are created we mythical creatures to make a chaos by those fallen angels but I choose a different path. I choose to defend the human beings. But because of their greedy nature I choose to disguise through shape shifting luckily I can manage to become a fox, human or a soul I can shape shifting on any kind of age and it has no limits to protect myself. As of now I try to be a soul for a first time and I enter to a body of unlucky shadow prince. He died after his born I guide his soul to the angel who catching babies soul. There are 3 kind of soul catcher... first is for baby, second is for heaven and third is for hell; even demon can't last the hell. Now they are imprisoning at the purgatory and according to God one day the angel of hell will guide them to hell and make them suffer day and night. While growing up I taste miserable life that's why now I fled away from my homeland and bring my knowledge I learned every time I sneak on it. In their eye I am a cusen child but they didn't know I am a God of war. From now on I become another person. But I have a big problem I become a gumiho every full moon and probably tomorrow is full moon. Every full moon my tail always shows and appearance changed, I become an animal but I can manage to show off my tails except for 1 and I can turn my self to human appearance but my mark can't show off, my sharped nails and my ears can't hide either. But when the sun will dawn my appearance will back to human form.)-Monologue-Daehan/Kang Dae