Netedodo, Tirik, Nekoabat and Netayam went into the forest to do what the priest told them, they wore the rings given to them by the priest and recited the charm, when they finish reciting the charm, the ground open and the four boys fell into the ground shouting, soon they falling from this blue thing that has this white thingy around it. They landed on the ground.
'He could have told us that this was how it was going to be like' Netedodo said.
They all stood up from the ground together. When they saw each other they started to shout, they looked different from before, they now have black and fair skin, and their ears and fingers looks different.
Netedodo is average in height, dark in complexion, has blue big eyes, he is slim and has full curly blonde hair.
Tirik a short young man, fair skin, has deep dark eyes, he is chubby and has low hair, his red lips everything about him was perfect.
Nekoabat is tall and has a caramel skin color he has long golden hair with tiny grey eyes, he has a deep dimple that shows without smiling, he has tiny pink lips and a little gap teeth.
Netayam is tall and huge, he is also fair in complexion, he has big eyeballs with green pupils and he also have six packs, and big pink lips and a bald head.
They all look young and handsome, the look like college students.
' Look at Netayam' Tirik said.
The four boys began to laugh seriously.
' Where did all your hair go to' Netedodo said laughing.
'I will show you what the guy with no hair can do'. Netayam said as he started to chase the boys round. They landed in an uncompleted building and when Netayam started to chase them, they came out of the building to see tall buildings, moving vehicles and people that look like them so they stopped to observe.
'What are does thing moving and those tall things' Nekoabat asked
' I don't have a single idea'
'Hey they look just like us and are wearing what we are wearing' Tirik said.
'Maybe the priest made us look like them so they won't know that we are here to look for the chosen one' Netayam said.
'So what now, how do we look for the chosen one, where do we start from' Nekoabat said.
'How about we start looking for her tomorrow, as for today we rest' Netedodo said.
' Question is how do we rest' Tirik said.
'We keep on walking till we find a tree to rest' Netayam said.
So the boys started walking in search of a tree to rest under just like they do in their universe, the sun was extremely hot.
'What is making me feel this way' Netedodo said.
'Guys look I am bringing out water from my body' Nekoabat said.
The other boys gather round Nekoabat when they saw it, they check their self and saw they were also bringing out water from their body.
' We are cursed' Tirik said
'Maybe this is the way they do here, so let's get use to it' Netedodo said.
Nakoabat saw a recycle bin and was amazed.
' Look guys it amazing' he ran closer to it.
The four boys ran towards the bin, slowly they touched it and when they saw it can open, they started to bring out all the waste inside the bin, loitering the place.
'Hey' a police man shouted approaching them. Immediately the four boys began to run seriously like the man was going to kill them. Then the saw a zoo and decided to hide there so that the police man won't see them. When they got into the zoo, they were at the back of some kids, the kids came for excursion, so when their teacher said he will pay tickets for all of the kids, the zoo keeper thought the four boys were among the children so they were let in, after all they were neatly dressed.
'Wow this place is big' Nekoabat said.
The four boys were walking round when they saw a lion.
'Guys it's looking at us' Nekoabat said.
They were walking closer to the lion cage crossing the limit, the lion roared.
'Guys it's calling our name' Netedodo said.
Tirik wanted to put his hand inside the cage when a watch guard saw them and wanted to approach them,then the four boys began running again round the zoo, with the watch guard on their tail.
After running and running they came out of the zoo and ran far away from it, till they could no longer see the building. They stopped and started breathing heavily.
'Why are they chasing us, what have we done' Netayam said.
'Guys look it is a tree' Netedodo said pointing at the tree in a park. They ran towards the park to rest under the tree.
' Hey guys my tom-toms is making noise, I think I want to feast' Tirik said.
'Serve you right for stealing our food and told us lies' Netedodo said.
'I am sorry okay' Tirik said.
'My tom-toms is also making noise, maybe that's how people here say they want to feast' Netayam said.
'How about tomorrow we feast as for this night, we rest' Netedodo said.
They turned around to see Nekoabat fast a sleep so the rest boys joined him and sleep.