"Are you really alright? You have been dazed from the moment you came," Casper asked me for the umpteenth time, and I smiled at him, a little forcefully I must add.
Was I fine? I don't know.
All I know is that it was a really close call. I don't know why this was happening suddenly. I have been living here for 6 months and nullifying these rogues' plans and fighting them, but never once I was this close to being caught as today.
It's like from the moment I met Shadow, he has placed some kind of radar on me. I am sure he isn't tapping me because I know how to handle all those things, but how the hell does he reach everywhere I am sooner or later?
I can't even imagine what kind of questions and explanations I would have to form if they had caught me. However, something about his eyes told me he kind of already guessed it was me.