Chapter 7 - Episode 31.

Continent of Axal, Imperial Kingdom of Tikalt, Year 1811. Summer.Still seemed as if it were yesterday when we had just arrived. Time passed so slowly and swiftly at once that even boredom had become routine.We thought things would be much more chaotic here in Tikalt with all this talk of the "Black fever" epidemic. Supposedly, it had taken the lives of many of the region's inhabitants, but upon our arrival in the kingdom, it turned out that things were calmer than one would expect.Despite the curfew being implemented, people still moved about the streets, food continued to arrive from the fields outside the capital, and commerce remained active. The truth was that there didn't seem to be a critical state of emergency here.However, the absence of any apparent dangerous illness in the air didn't mean there wasn't exist. Just seeing Narek's betrothed, Countess Anush, was a warning sign that this was serious.In all the time I've been in the palace, I haven't dared to enter the royal chamber; I couldn't risk contracting the disease and spreading it to my companions, or worse, to Queen Mireya; but every time I walked down the hallway, I caught a glimpse of the deplorable condition in which the poor woman lay.She was covered in dark spots all over her body, infected by a dreadful rash that surely caused her terrible pain, yet she was too weak even to attempt to move or scratch herself. The color of her veins was so dark that they resembled more ink rivers flowing through her limbs, ending up being expelled from her mouth. Watching her cough up that black liquid without ceasing, the way that dreadful "tar" emerged from her body, was most terrible.The palace physicians and shamans attended to her at all times, constantly entering and leaving the royal chamber, always carrying blankets and warm water, or bringing trays full of glass vessels. They administered all sorts of medicine and tried to alleviate her pain with healing commands, and although this helped her stop coughing for a while, she would soon vomit blood again.It was incredible how brave these people were, risking being infected and jeopardizing their own health to help improve the Countess's condition. However, in the nearly six months we had been here, I still hadn't seen anyone become infected, not even these doctors who cared for her all the time and attended to her without any covering over their faces. It was extremely strange that nothing happened to them despite being in constant contact with the patient. Wasn't the disease supposed to be highly contagious?Queen Mireya: 『 Roef... Roef... Hey, Roef!... ROEF! 』Roef: 『 Hmm? 』Queen Mireya: 『 I'm talking to you. Can you pass me those herbs over there? 』Roef: 『 Ah, yes, of course. Here you are. 』Queen Mireya: 『 Seriously, sometimes I wonder where you go off to. 』Roef: 『 Pardon? 』Queen Mireya: 『 It's just that I always see you lost in your thoughts. Suddenly you go silent for a while, so focused, analyzing something in particular that catches your attention. 』Roef: 『 Is that what you think, Your Highness? 』Queen Mireya: 『 Not only do I think it, I've seen it. And honestly, I envy that concentration of yours; it would be very useful to me when I'm making my potions. But also, your company and that of the boys here have helped me a lot in my work. 』Honestly, I didn't know what to think of it. I was just doing my job; I always had to be attentive to any situation. As the Queen's bodyguard, our only responsibility was to protect her and watch over her quarters and the entire palace so she could carry out her experiments and no one would try to sabotage or harm her. But so far, no one has shown up with those intentions. We've only ever kept watch over the complex, with no suspicious behavior to report or any kind of incident or emergency. We did intercept a couple of thieves who tried to steal some palace belongings, but that had nothing to do with this matter.Queen Mireya has had complete freedom to work here. She can ask for almost anything she needs to make her potions, like the herbs she always uses, and the palace servants bring them quickly, whether they have them in stock or not. Her distillation equipment worked every day; the glass vessels were always filled with yellowish and greenish liquids, which she then combined with salts and other substances I didn't know. She applied heat to them and boiled them, then passed them through a long, thin tube that led to a large repository where droplets of the concoctions slowly fell.The most notable part of this large array of chemical contraptions was the enormous crystal ball where the Gem of Creation was kept. From this huge contrivance protruded a wide tube with a valve that connected to the repository, and it also had a strange upper entry made like cork, where the Queen could put her hand and come into contact with the catalyst.When she used it, she recited a somewhat long and low command, as if she didn't want to be heard, and then turned the valve very slowly, just enough for the grate inside the transparent tube to open slightly. The gem lit up entirely, emitting a radiant light, and several energy streams around it that were sucked through the open channel, reaching the other matrix with the distilled liquid. When she closed the valve, mana trails fell like fine bird feathers and mixed with the infusion, clarifying it and giving it a distinguished shine.After the process, the Queen would open the repository from above and insert a small leather hose, which would draw part of the liquid and transfer it to a conventional glass vessel. Thus did she create day after day her potions for the Countess. She had already filled two complete boxes with various bottles, a total of 50 brews made in a single afternoon, enough to distribute them to all the apothecaries in the kingdom's capital, but just sufficient for only 5 days of treatment for her patient.Queen Mireya: 『 All done, that'll be enough for today. I only hope this time it has a much greater effect. 』Roef: 『 Why do you say that, Your Highness? I thought the medicine was working? 』Queen Mireya: 『 Well, it has been working. The tests conducted indicate its effectiveness. But the Countess's condition is very grave; the infection advances rapidly through her body, and the effects of the infusion last very little. It has been difficult for me to find a specific formula for her... Hopefully, this one will finally be the right one. 』Queen Mireya appeared somewhat disappointed, frustrated by her inability to find the solution. Since her arrival, she has devoted all her dedication to this work, studying the disease and its symptoms thoroughly, the way it attacks the body and the organs it inhabits. She pledged to find the cure, and after months of arduous effort, she managed to find a remedy that proved effective for the afflicted inhabitants. Although the recovery was somewhat slow, little by little, the disease diminished its strength in those who possessed it. It was an enormous achievement, a discovery that confirmed her talent as a medic-magician and apothecary.The folk of Tikalt were grateful to her for having saved their lives. It's a pity that the same couldn't be said of Narek's opinion. No matter the hour or the day, the man was always seen with the same stern and displeased expression, constantly reproaching that the advances of the investigation were not sufficient to cure the Countess. The Queen was not negligent; she knew that time was beginning to run out and that she must hurry, but the haste of her employer was not helpful. No matter how much she tried to explain the complexity of the disease and how it evolved; to him, it only mattered that her orders were carried out. He was not interested in how she did it, only that she achieved it and quickly.All of this had caused her enormous daily stress, making her feel tired and disheartened on multiple occasions. Seeing her downcast made one feel bad as well. I wanted to say something to motivate her and make her feel a little better, but knowing myself, I don't believe I'm the most suitable for that. I was not as charismatic as Jean or as empathetic as the fool Laurent. The best thing I could do for her was to keep her safe and fulfill my duty as her loyal soldier, only that.Tikalt Servant: 『 Your Highness Mireya? 』Queen Mireya: 『 Hmm? Oh, yes? 』Tikalt Servant: 『 Forgive the disturbance, but Prince Narek requests your presence in the lower chamber. 』Queen Mireya: 『 Again?! *Sigh* What does he want now? Tell him I'll be there shortly. 』Tikalt Servant: 『 Yes, Your Highness Mireya. 』Queen Mireya: 『 Come, Roef. Accompany me. 』Roef: 『 To the order, Your Highness. 』Without further ado, I left my seat in front of the Queen's worktable and followed her through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace of Tikalt. The complex was much larger than Haiza Castle, with about five main buildings, all with four floors filled with large rooms and halls. We were in the central building, on the top floor. We had to descend to the ground floor to answer the call of the capricious prince.The servant from moments ago was already waiting for us at the door of one of the many sitting rooms of the palace. As soon as she opened it, the figures of three tall men appeared, although one stood out from the others with his nearly two meters in height. But as soon as they turned, they regained prominence, and we were surprised by their presence.King Van Laar: 『 Mireya, I'm glad to see you again. 』Cmdt. Rask: 『 Thank you for bringing her, Roef. 』It was the first time in months that I had reunited with the Commander; we had been separated again after he and Hector were chosen to lead the invasion of Tesotl, leaving me with Laurent and Jean the task of protecting the Queen here in Tikalt.She seemed somewhat dumbfounded, but much more annoyed, surely because, after several months, she was finally reunited with her husband, and he acted as if nothing had happened, typical of him. She walked towards him, and truth be told, I thought she might slap him for the altruistic manner in which he presented himself, but she surely had to restrain herself not to lose composure in front of Narek and appear bad.Queen Mireya: 『 Can you explain to me what you are doing here? 』King Van Laar: 『 I came because Prince Avak asked me to. 』Queen Mireya: 『 Yes, I figured as much, because who would think that the great Argus Van Laar, governor of all Haiza, would come here to visit his wife, whom he sent away by force, right? Of course not, you only care about politics, that has been clear to me for 10 years, 'Darling'. 』King Van Laar: 『 Mireya, lis− 』Queen Mireya: 『 There's no need for you to say anything. I'm not in the mood right now for another one of your sermons and more excuses. So get on with it and tell me what's going on. 』Queen Mireya has a sweet and gentle character, but she is also someone who knows how to show strength. She is a determined and persistent woman, rooted in her values and convictions, someone who never gives up and always stands firm. She is not someone who easily shrinks from others; she has fought hard to become the best doctor in Haiza, sacrificing part of herself to help people, so she won't simply be belittled, especially not by her king.King Van Laar: 『 Prince Avak... Please. 』Avak Narek: 『 Listen, Your Highness Mireya. I have requested King Van Laar's authorization for you to use the Gem of Creation directly on the Countess. 』Queen Mireya: 『 Pardon? You want me to...?! Have you lost your mind?! Do you know how dangerous that is?! 』King Van Laar: 『 Mireya− 』Queen Mireya: 『 No! If we do that, the gem will absorb all her mana until she is left like an empty shell. 』Avak Narek: 『 And, therefore, it will take the disease with it, ending her suffering once and for all. 』Queen Mireya: 『 ... *Sigh* Let me put it another way. She will die! As soon as the gem touches her, it will drain all her energy, and there will be no way to bring her back to her body. Do you understand? 』Avak Narek: 『 Yes, I understand, but you can control the gem and prevent that from happening. Just leave her the minimum to survive. 』Queen Mireya: 『 That is impossible. Even if I could preserve her second gate, she couldn't lead a full life. She would become very weak and wouldn't be able to cast commands, neither she nor her descendants. 』Narek seemed not to like the answer, those last words managed to open his eyes a little, showing his surprise and concern. He said it himself when we met in Losalt, what mattered most to him was preserving the royal bloodline. However, if his descendants were unable to inherit their powers or those of their ancestors, then the treatment would be of no use. All the work of Queen Mireya and the palace physicians would have been in vain, and the Kingdom of Tikalt would be left without a worthy heir.Narek felt pensive, analyzing what could happen and trying to find a possible solution to the problem. It was then that something came to his mind that neither I nor any of us would ever think of, something quite radical that already marked how desperate he was and that he didn't care if certain 'sacrifices' had to be made.Avak Narek: 『 But, if we were to sacrifice this generation and replace it with the next, could that restore the ability to inherit the mana? 』Queen Mireya: 『 ... R−Replace? 』Avak Narek: 『 Perhaps my next child cannot inherit my power, but maybe a grandson of mine can. If one branch of the tree breaks, then I can create a graft, and attach a new branch, much stronger and more resilient than the previous one. Thus, the tree will continue to bear fruit, even with greater quality. I believe it's a good opportunity to increase the purity of my family line, to create a new species, much more powerful than the current one. I only need another tree that can donate one of its precious branches to me. 』Narek, who paced about the chamber, began to approach Queen Mireya, who grasped the message clearly and could only be horrified by the words of the giant man. I wanted to draw her away from this lunatic prince, but the solemn and calm manner in which he spoke made our bones chill with fear. It was incredible that he could calmly consider his solution as something entirely normal as if humans were mere heads of cattle that he could acquire whenever he pleased and it suited him.Queen Mireya: 『 You are mad. 』Avak Narek: 『 I don't care what you think of me. I will do whatever is necessary to keep my kingdom at the pinnacle. So just tell me if this is possible or not. 』Queen Mireya: 『 ... Yes, it is possible. But it would have to be with someone of a unique race, capable of controlling large amounts of mana. 』Avak Narek: 『 Such as the Astris, for example, right? 』Queen Mireya: 『 Don't even think that I am willing to...!! *Sigh* I will perform the absorption command for you to leave me be once and for all. BUT NEVER!!, never!!, will I hand over one of my children to you or your family of arrogant and greedy narcissists! I'm not a damned 'incubator' of your ownership, so find yourself another one elsewhere! 』Queen Mireya turned around in fury and strode away quickly, surely fearing that the tall man would hinder her by pulling her back. She was clearly irritated and disgusted by Narek's twisted idea. She was fed up with all of this and had no choice but to fulfill his initial demands and attempt to use the gem to absorb the Countess's illness and finish the job once and for all.King Van Laar: 『 Prince Avak. This time you went too far. 』Avak Narek: 『 If that is what you believe, then I apologize. But I'm not someone to retract my words, your Majesty, so I will tell you as well: I care not what I must do, I will ensure that the honor and supremacy of my kingdom prevail until the end of days, and I won't allow anyone to interfere with my mission. 』Narek continued to display his haughty and deranged attitude, now threatening King Van Laar that he should not provoke him or the consequences would be severe. In response, Commander Rask finally moved a muscle and stepped between them to protect his leader and also to deliver a few words to the exasperated prince.Cmdt. Rask: 『 I apologize, Prince Narek, but we too have a kingdom to protect. If you think that just because of your prestigious lineage you can command over us, you are mistaken. We too are descendants of warriors who fought for these lands hundreds of years ago and defeated their enemies mercilessly. So, if you or anyone else dares to endanger our homeland, believe me, you will face all that fury that was passed down to us. 』Narek didn't reply and only looked angrily at the Commander, realizing that his words carried great truth, and not only that but also, if he tried to make any sudden move at that precise moment, he would have to face three elite soldiers and special operatives of Haiza alone and unarmed. Of course, he was no fool to attempt this, even with his physical advantage, it would be extremely difficult for him to defeat us all at the same time. So he had to begrudgingly let everything that happened slide, for the sake of both kingdoms. But true to his arrogance, he wouldn't be defeated in this argument; he wanted something that would ensure he could fulfill his objective and would continue to subtly insist on it.Avak Narek: 『 Agreed. It's not very convenient for both kingdoms to enter into war again, especially when one has just ended. It would be best if we set aside our differences for the sake of all that we possess. But if we want to keep this alliance afloat, I believe it would be best to negotiate a good agreement this time, King Van Laar. 』King Van Laar: 『 Is that so? Tell me then, Prince Avak, what kind of agreement do you propose we make? 』Avak Narek: 『 Both nations possess the most powerful armies on the continent. As Commander Rask rightly said, our ancestors were warriors of these lands who left us a great legacy. If we were to combine our forces, we would be able to put an end once and for all to this dark period of war that has only brought pain and suffering. Thus, trade would flourish again throughout the region, and the exchange of resources would be feasible, so that finally, both kingdoms could focus fully on technological development that would make us the two greatest powers on the continent, or better yet, in the whole world, surpassing even the Euralia nations. 』King Van Laar: 『 I see, so you want a military alliance. What, then, do you offer, precisely? I don't believe it's solely about trade routes, is it? 』Avak Narek: 『 Indeed, King Van Laar. I offer to you and your realm security. Ye shall no longer need to worry about further invasion attempts or unnecessary wars. Henceforth, the Imperial Realm of Tikalt shall serve as a bulwark for the Great Kingdom of Haiza. At any time you have need, all my troops shall be at your complete service, for whatever suits you best. Does this seem a good deal, your Majesty? 』Rey Van Laar: 『 Too good, Prince Avak. So much that you might ask something of equal value from me, though I already know exactly what it is, you have made it clear. 』Avak Narek: 『 I'm glad you understand, your Majesty. So I hope you will accept my offer− 』Cmdt. Rask: 『 Wait a minute, Argus. Let's speak a moment. 』Before Narek had finished speaking, Commander Rask encircled with his right arm the shoulders of the King, and without me realizing, did the same with me with his left arm. The three of us turned our backs on the prince, and as if we were in the midst of a game of rakpí (a ball game of contact), we began to whisper among ourselves, speaking of how ill-favored this deal appeared.Cmdt. Rask: 『 Argus, this doesn't look good at all. I don't understand why we'd need this protection if Tesotl's already defeated and the mana wells are recovered. What benefit do we gain from all this? It's clear he has other intentions. 』Rey Van Laar: 『 Nay, Luvric, it's not like that. The conflict with Tesotl isn't over. Even though their territory was subdued, King Zigor managed to escape. 』Hearing that news greatly disturbed us, though it wasn't surprising given our vexation upon learning, for the wretched Thorben Zigor we hated with good reason. He was the one who ordered the invasion of our realm, and because of him, we've lived in hell these past two years.After the raid into his territory, we thought they had finally caught him, but it wasn't surprising at all that the cursed coward was still out there. If there's one thing that characterized the unscrupulous King of Tesotl, it was his ability to vanish whenever it suited him.Cmdt. Rask: 『 Are you damn joking?! How did they let that cursed bastard escape? 』Rey Van Laar: 『 I don't know! But we know he's in Amell now with his guerrillas, and he's already persuaded their ruler to continue this war. 』Roef: 『 Do you mean he formed an alliance with the army of Amell? 』Rey Van Laar: 『 Precisely, Roef. And not only that. Recently, Amell troops raided Anton, where they've already begun plundering the villages, and they'll soon reach Haiza as well. Now, more than ever, we need soldiers to cover all the losses we suffered last winter. If we want to end these cursed barbarians once and for all, we'll have to use everything at our disposal. 』From the way King Van Laar spoke, the dire situation of the realm was clear. With luck, we were able to face the troops of Tesotl in the past few months, also because the fools ran out of slaves to continue exploiting our mines and had to do it themselves, giving us an advantage. However, if they'd already managed to convince Amell to join this dispute against us, it was almost certain they would overrun us.We would be facing an army that is five times larger than ours, with better artillery and much more infantry specialized in prestidigitation. If the battles we fought against those of Tesotl were challenging, facing the casters of Amell would be even tougher.Cmdt. Rask: 『 Argus, listen to me. I know you're still a stubborn and all, but don't do it! As much as we're in need, if we let Tikalese troops into the realm, be sure they'll make a usucapion and end up claiming the lands. Believe me, these guys are nothing but damned liars, they made it clear to me when Hector and I went to Tesotl with them. 』King Van Laar: 『 *Sigh* I know you lads are troubled. But we have no alternative now. Amell be a nation much more potent than Tesotl, and they'll have no qualms with us. At this moment, we cannot prevail against them, not without aid. 』The King was right, alone we'd achieve nothing. We needed the help of our allies if we were to prevail, but the great problem was that we had none. Among the six great nations of the North of Axal, all relations were dire. Past wars and disputes over defining the borders caused a long period of political tensions, for all desired to seize the mana wells of the region; it was very difficult to distribute the territories equitably, and of course, many were not content with the final result; leading to a complete rupture among all states.Seeking aid from the Euralian colonies in the South was not an option, it would entangle us in great troubles with the eastern kingdoms and furnish them with an excuse to also seek to invade us. The temporary alliance formed with Tikalt was all we had, no other alternative remained for us. However, I worried more about the payment Narek demanded to seal the deal.Roef: 『 Your Majesty, if you permit me, I support your wife's decision. Perhaps now we need Narek's aid and his troops, but to demand a child in return? 'Tis not ethical to 'forge' for this madman a puppet he can use in the future, and much less for Queen Mireya to bear it. If she does so, it could cause her immense harm, and then− 』King Van Laar: 『 Fear not for Mireya, I shall handle convincing her for the greater good. She is resilient, but at the end, I know she will aid us in resolving this. 』Roef: 『 But, Majesty, do you not understand? You'll put her and your child in great peril! 』King Van Laar: 『 I am the one who makes decisions for my family, and if I decide that my future child shall become the ruler of Haiza and Tikalt, so it shall be! Let it be clear that you cannot alter that destiny... none can! Understand?! 』Roef: 『 ... Yes, sir. 』Though it pained me, what he said was true. I didn't know what I was thinking, I wasn't as close to the King as Rask to contradict him. He was the one who made the decisions, who guided the realm so that we all could have a prosperous life and ensure a good future, and I, as his soldier, must follow him on the path he chose for me. After all, if it were not for him, I would have died long ago. He was right, it was not my place to meddle in his relationship with the Queen.Cmdt. Rask: 『 *Sigh* Very well, Argus. Since we have no other choice. But let it be known that none from my team will follow the orders of that prince on the battlefield. Spectrus is and always will be the defender of the people of Haiza, not of Tikalt. 』King Van Laar: 『 It seems fair. Let us settle this matter here and depart this ridiculous castle at once. I only ask you both to keep this secret. We cannot let the word spread and inform our enemies of what was agreed here. If it were to happen, it would be easy for them to break the bond knowing where to strike against us. Understand? 』Cmdt. Rask: 『 Agreed, Argus. 』Roef: 『 ... Yes, your Majesty. 』The King turned to me, silently asking if I was also willing to keep this secret, one of the many hidden in relation to this war, and truthfully, being involved in this particular one caused me great discomfort. But if it was the only way to end this incessant strife, then I was willing to keep silent. After all, as Queen Mireya said, I am good at it.Avak Narek: 『 Ahem! I believe I've given you enough time to discuss it, haven't I? Tell me then, King Van Laar, do you accept the offer? 』King Van Laar: 『 ... All right, Prince Avak. I'll aid you if you shall aid me. But first, we shall deal with Zigor and his people. I deem it unwise to raise children in times of war. Moreover, Countess Anush shall need much time to recover. 』Avak Narek: 『 Hmm, I see. I understand your point. So be it then. When the war ends and peace is restored, Haiza and Tikalt shall unite under the sacred marriage of our heirs. Until then, I pray for the well-being of both realms, King Van Laar. 』King Van Laar: 『 So be it, future King of Tikalt, Avak Narek... So be it. 』