Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 91 - Beast horde 1

Chapter 91 - Beast horde 1

We ignored the people that kept chattering about us and bought a ticket for millennium city. Perhaps it was because we were bloodline holders but the people in line easily moved away and allowed us to go first.

3rd Person POV↓

In a dark unknown place, two figures appeared in the dark, hidden by the shadows. If one looked keenly, one would notice that one of the figures was bowing slightly and the other was hooded.

"Is it done?" asked the other figure. "Yes my lord, I've had them planted as per your orders" replied the bowing figure. "Great, today an entire district will fall" he declared.

"Go back and ensure no one suspects you, after all, the position we got you is still useful to our course" the hooded figure said to the bowing figure.

"As you wish" replied the bowing figure as the hooded figure vanished into the darkness.

After the hooded figure was gone, the bowing figure rose up revealing a the features of a typical middle-aged man. The man let out a sigh, thinking if what he was doing was really the right thing. But he had no choice either way, whether he thinks it's the right thing or not, he has to follow 'their' orders.

And it was his fault, he wanted power and wen they came to him to propose power, he gladly accepted and now all he does is dance to their tunes. With a shake of his head, he also vanished into the darkness.

Meanwhile Adam and Owen had reached millennium city and headed for Adam's house.

"You know, this was the first place I came to but then found out you weren't around" said Owen as he thought back to how his people he had tasked with getting Adam's address got him to this house but then upon further investigation they figured out Adam had bought a new house.

"You shouldn't have come in the first place" drawled Adam as they entered the house. Though he knew he was glad Owen actually came, even though he was fine on his own, a little company would do wonders but there was no way he was telling Owen that.

"This house has a familial feeling" Owen remarked softly.

"It does, doesn't it? Even though a family hasn't lived here for the past nine and a half years" Adam said solemnly. And technically he was right, he alone wasn't a family even though he had lived here for two extra years.

"Anyway not to get sidetracked, let's quickly do what we came to do and head back" Owen said breaking the somber atmosphere.

"Hmmm" Adam hummed and then walked to the side closet in the living room followed by Owen. "Daisy take us down" he ordered Daisy as they entered the closet. With a soft whirring sound the closet's floor went down to the dark basement which started to get lit as they touched ground.

"I would have commented sick besetment but I've seen better" Owen remarked. "Though it is cool though, who would ever suspect the way to the basement was through the closet floor acting as an elevator".

Adam ignored him and instead asked "Okay Daisy, how do you link up with it?"

"Go closer to my servers".

He then walked closer to the metal boxes which Daisy had said were her servers. To his surprise the metal box on the left swirled and morphed, making a hole in it's center.

The hole was precisely the size of the sticks of the shared servers. Without being told, Adam already knew what to do. He took one of the sticks and inserted it in the hole. Making a 'click' sound, the rectangular box swirled and morphed only this time the hole and the stick were gone. It had completely reverted to the way it was.

"I've finished synchronizing with this server and I'm now connected to the one in your hand. Now all you have to do is insert the other stick in the power center of your new house" Daisy clarified.

"Hmmm, sounds reassuring" Adam commented.

"Um, can we go already, this basement looks gloomier and gloomier by the second". Owen drawled.

"Fine" said Adam but just then, "rumble"..... "rumble", the basement ground began to shake as if hit by an earthquake.

"What the hell, did you feel that!?" Owen exclaimed.

"Daisy, what's happening, is it coming from the ground!?" Asked Adam.

"No sir, it's coming from above ground".

"Take us back" said Adam as he walked to the platform followed by Owen.

Soon they were back in the living room and the rumbling sounds persisted. 'Could it be an earthquake? No it would have been predicted beforehand and people would have been evacuated' Adam thought.

'Well whatever it is, my instincts are telling me to get out of here' he thought before turning to Owen and saying "let's go".

"With pleasure" Owen replied.

As they were enroute to the portal station, they saw all the people on the road panicking and running aimlessly around. Then suddenly, a voice started "Citizens of millennium city, there is a beast horde heading towards this city.....and they are moving fast. It is estimated that they'll get here within the next ten minutes. It is advised that those who have bunkers to lock themselves in and those who don't should head to the government bunker assigned to every community.

And resident bloodline holders, please we would need your powers to help with this, our soldiers are fighting but they can't hold them for long as the beasts are much more than we anticipated".

"Aren't there barriers around every city close to the wastelands!?" Owen said more of a statement rather than a question.

"I know what you must be thinking" the voice continued. "But for some reason the barriers are disabled and we're trying our best to get them back up. So please we would appreciate any help we can get. Meet us at east of the city thank you" the voice finished.

The speech did little to reassure the civilians as they became even more panicked and rushed around with no direction. Adam turned to Owen with a rare smile and asked "so we're going?" "Of course we are" Owen replied matching his smile with a grin as he started floating off the ground.

A/N: please show some love and drop some powerstones.