Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 87 - House hunting 2

Chapter 87 - House hunting 2

"I've never been away from this district or sector, heck I've never even been out of millennium city, except for when I was going to the academy a little over two months ago.

"No problem, when are we going to check them?" I asked.

"Anytime you're ready" he replied.

"How about now?"

"Then I say we're good to go, come with me" he chuckled. I followed him to where seemed like a garage where there were different types of hover vehicles, all with the company's logo.

"Hop in kid" he said as we reached a vehicle and it was then a question came to my mind, I once again looked at the man from head to toe. 'Can he reach the vehicle's controls?" I thought but then again, he might be using an AI.

Shrugging off my thoughts I entered the passenger sit beside him and as I thought, he was too short for the controls, he was using the vehicle's AI for control.

"Yeah as I was saying, we're going to the two in this district first, one is in Autumn city and the other in Oak city. But we're heading to Autumn first since it's closer" he explained.

"No problem" I replied because it didn't really matter to me which one we went to first.

"Then buckle up kid" he said before instructing the AI to go full speed ahead. The ride was nothing phenomenal, he tried to make small talk but I ignored him and it also looked like he had a bad sense of humor because he kept cracking bad jokes.

"And we're here!" he exclaimed. And to be honest I felt a little happy, because his incessant nonstop talking was starting to get on my nerves, and I was this close to punching his face.

The house in front of us looked nothing if not marvellous, the exterior was painted white, it was a duplex with three bedrooms on the first floor and one bedroom on the ground floor. There was even a lake about a hundred meters from the backyard.

But there was just one problem, you see, I love the color green of plants, forests and the likes, but I hate the color green whether in painting or chlothes.

"Really!? Just because the interior painting and design is green in color!?" he asked bewilderedly.

"What you just said" I replied.

"Let's go to Oak city then" he sighed. Then we got back into the car and set course for oak city.

"What did bison say to his son when he left?

Bi- son. Get it? bye- son hahahaha" he laughed after cracking another humorous joke. My eye twitched, he has been doing that nonstop since we left the house at Autumn city and my patience was wearing thin.

"Oh oh oh, here's another one, 'i went to the aquarium this weekend but I didn't stay long, you know why? Because there was something 'fishy' about that place hahahaha".

And that was when I finally snapped, "If you so much as crack another joke before we reach our next destination, I'll fold you inside out" I all but growled.

I prided myself on always keeping my calm in every situation, even in extreme fear but this man managed to exceed my patience by a large margin, big feat for a small man like him. 'oh shit, I think he's starting to infect me.

"Relax man, I was just trying to lighten up the atmosphere since you look like those moody ones" he protested.

The rest of the journey was quiet and since it was closer. Soon we arrived at the destination, the house was almost the same as the first one, it was good but also had just one problem.

"Where is the water body?" I asked. "Um, you see there is a little inconvenience, it's about a kilometer away, it's a public beach" he replied.

"I'll check the other houses" I said to which he groaned but before he could protest,

"You know what, change the parameters, I want a house preferably near a waterfall" I said again. 'Having a waterfall near my house would be quite the nice view' I thought.

"Why the sudden change?" he asked curiously. "Just because" I replied and he groaned again before he tapped his device and seemed to be communicating with most likely a superior.

After he was finished he then turned to me and said "I'm so sorry but we don't have any" before he grinned which honestly looked horrible on his face but I'm not one to judge.

"But you can buy a land from us that has a waterfall, and then our construction crew can build you any house of your liking on it, for an extra price of course. But do keep in mind it's Aragon hills" he looked at me like I was supposed to know what the hell Aragon hills was.

"What is Aragon hills?" I asked. "Not what, it's a place that's basically a mountain chain where the rich among rich resides, normies of course, land there costs about twenty to thirty nexus stones" he clarified.

So the rich among normies huh. There was difference between a rich normie and a rich bloodline holder. A rich normie might not even have more money than a gold rank bloodline holder since a single gold rank bloodline beast sells for hundreds of thousands of credits.

"Fine I agree, let's go to this.....Aragon hills, but tomorrow, for now let's go back to millennium city" I said. "Okay" he replied. And In less than an hour we were back in millennium city.

"When you come tomorrow, you just have to tell miss green to call me over" he said pointing to a holographic manifestation of the resident AI.

"Will do" I replied before walking out of the building. As I was walking home, I was feeling the itch to fly but flying was forbidden in metropolitan cities ever since some accidents ensured between flying vehicles and flying bloodline holders. It was forbidden since over 4000 years ago, unless it was an emergency.

In no time I reached home, "hello Daisy, how did you do today?" I asked. "I was alright, how was your journey? She asked. It was fine, I'm looking forward to tomorrow".