Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 77 - Mirror palace 4

Chapter 77 - Mirror palace 4

It amused me for a bit until my body started to feel sluggish and my mind started to get muddled. I looked at Owen and saw he had also stopped slapping Damien and his body was also getting sluggish. It was then I knew that we had fucked up.

We had fucked up by deciding to enter this place. "I'll be damned" that was the last thing I managed to say as I felt my mind plunging into Morpheus' realm.

It's all coming back to me, that was what happened, after I fell unconscious in the ruined palace. I woke up and I was seven years old again, my parents were still alive and seeing my parents, it was as if my brain shut itself, my memories regressed back to when I was seven.

Even though deep down I felt something wasn't right, seeing my parents face again suppresses the feeling or outright makes it disappear.

So I lived like that for ten years, I went to school every morning and come back to see my parents' faces. On some weekends we go on family outings, just the three of us. In short, I was living my dream life or what could be if my parents were still alive.

There were two times I almost remembered before now, but I subconsciously opted to forget about it. Was it because I wanted to stay here In this false reality because of my parents? Or is it because I was afraid to face the actual reality?

I've put it off twice before which now brings us here after my mother asked

"The real me, what was she like?"

I honestly didn't know how to answer that question. From the time my parents died till before I entered this false reality, if I said I really remem8what their personalities were like, I would be lying.

It was after I entered here that I recalled everything vividly. The only thing I couldn't remember, was about their death. For the love of God no matter how I think about it, I only remember, 'they died in an accident' that's the only thought that comes to me.

Nevertheless I still answered "She was kind, beautiful and graceful, perceptive and also fiery. In short just like you" I said with a bitter smile.

"I see" she smiled.

"But how did you..." I started but she cut me off.

"How did I realize?" she asked to which I nodded.

"A memory or not I am still your mother, plus you said it yourself, 'perceptive'.

"And know that we're always with you" my father added.

"Why are you clinging so hard to this false reality? Is it because we're here? my mother asked but before I could reply, she continued.

"You can't hide here forever, sooner or later you will have to leave. Don't hold yourself back because of us, like your father said, we always have been, always are, and always will be with you".

"I know" I replied. No matter how I try to put it off, I knew I would eventually have to wake up.

"And what was the real me like?" My father chipped in.

"Goofy, just like you. You know, I've always wondered how you managed to land someone like mother" I jabbed.

"Come on, what's wrong with me? Many people have said that before and now even my own son is saying it" he whined dramatically.

Soon as we were talking, the world started to shimmer and fade out.

"It seems it's time for you to go. I would have loved to ask you about everything that happened after we 'died' but being part of your memories, we already know that" my mother said.

"Remember Adam, we'll always love you" they said in unison before the world turned dark and I opened my eyes to find myself once again inside the ruined palace.

I looked around but my eyes were blurry, I thought it was because I just woke up but I felt two lines running along my cheeks. So I put my hand to my face and behold it was tears.

When was the last time I cried? The last time I think was nine years ago when I was told about my parents' death. Since then, I've never cried, even when I was beaten by bullies in the orphanage.

"I love you too" I muttered as I closed my eyes for a few moments.

When I opened my eyes again, gone were the tears, instead my eyes were unwaveringly calm. I took in the surroundings once again, and realized there were hundreds more cadets than there were when Owen and I reached here.

"How much time must have passed?" I muttered as I checked my watch.

"Two and a half weeks!?" Approximately, from the time we arrived at this country sized isle till now is two weeks meaning barring the time we spent roaming and killing Asuras, I've spent a little over ten days inside the false reality.

How do I even go about waking them up, and then a thought came to my mind as I remembered Owen slapping Damien. 'No' I quickly shook my head, if it works Damien would have already woken up from the slaps he received.

Then I thought of an idea, so I acted on it, I picked Owen up and went outside the palace and just a few meters from the palace, he stirred.

"What.... What is happening?" he stuttered.

"Hey, listen, relax it's just an illusion" I comforted.

"Adam? You're still alive?" he asked confusion etched on his face.

"No this is an illusion, I clearly saw him being torn apart by that monster" he mumbled to himself.

"Okay, listen dimwit, you were inside an illusion and I just bought you out of it and also there's no way I'm going to let myself go out in the hands or paws of a monster!" I explained as calmly as I could.

Meanwhile deep inside the mirror palace,

"What how did someone break free from my mirror palace, no two" the golden robed asura frowned as he felt two people going out of his control".

"Bagheera" he bellowed. And a few moments later an asura appeared in front of him.

"Go outside and kill some annoying pests, they must not have strayed far from here".