Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 71 - The Strange Book

Chapter 71 - The Strange Book

At the speed the ship was moving, we would have circled earth a hundred times over. I saw the isle through the glass. "Beautiful" I couldn't help but comment.

"How's a ruined and apocalyptic city beautiful!?" One of the girls from Owen's family who's name I couldn't bother to remember asked and even Owen turned to lwith a questioning gaze.

"Of course it is, look at the underlying beauty that speaks chaos, ruin and age, it's not only beautiful it's breathtaking even" I replied calmly.

"Yeah, I don't see any of that, all I see is a city that has seen better days.

"Sigh, looks like you also don't get it"

"What? he asked.

"The beauty of chaos" I stated as I shook my head.

After that silence, ensued until the ship docked on the edge of the isle, just by the ocean. Soon we were all out of the shop and before us stood an instructor.

"The exam will commence in the next few minutes and there's only one rule. That is, you don't attack your fellow cadet, if you do, you'll be automatically eliminated and all your points for this exam will be revoked. Meaning you automatically fail this field exam with zero points" the instructor paused taking in the expression of the cadets before he continued.

"And you better know when to give up because no one's coming to save your asses, you'll be left alone in this ruins until all Asuras in the ruins are eliminated or you give up".

"The exam starts...NOW!!" The instructor bellowed.

True to his words, after he finished saying his part, the instructor casually walked into the ship and it disappeared right under our gazes.

"Now then, how do we start?" Owen asked as everyone began venturing into the ruins.

"How about we get ahead of everyone and eliminate any asura we see, that way, we get ahead of others from the start" spoke Edward.

"Good idea, but not feasible, what if we face enemies we alone cannot take care of? Or what if we end up in an ambush?" I spoke exposing the flaws in his idea.

"What do you propose then? Do you think we should wait until everyone is ahead of us?" asked Edward with a scowl of dissatisfaction. Oh did I forget to mention he and his family members were glaring at me? Well they are, and also with a lot of disdain.

"No that is also not feasible, if we wait until everyone has gone ahead of us, then we won't be able to get easy points, cause they would have slain the weaker ones. So what I propose is the middle, not ahead and not behind, that way we wouldn't get into any risk while simultaneously getting easy points" I stated.

"Let's do as he says" Owen said. Keep in mind that we were strategizing while walking, so we were already subconsciously in the middle.

Meanwhile deep into the isle, inside a half ruined palace like structure. Inside of the structure was a stone throne. Sitting on it was a black skinned red eyed asura wearing golden robes.

The asura was looking to his side and If you look keenly, you'll notice a hologram on the side he was looking.

"If I'm correct, what you're saying is those pesky human sent their scions onto this ruin to kill us?" The asura boomed.

"Yes my liege" spoke the hologram or rather the man on the hologram.

"I see, you'll be rewarded" he said to the man on the hologram.

"Thank you my liege" the man said curtly.

"Since I have guests, what type of host will I be if I don't prepare an event for them!? Kukuku" The asura crackled.

Three days later,

We had just dispatched a group of silver ranked Asuras we encountered, this was the fifty group we slayed. Everything has been going good so far 'did I just raise a red flag?'.

We did encounter some other groups of cadets on the first day but after that we haven't encountered any other cadets or groups.

Anyway, who named this isle an isle, this isle is so big that it shouldn't even be called an island, talk less of an isle, they should have instead named it a country.

Maybe this is the Jupiter's idea of an isle but on earth this isle is the size of a fucking country. Though I haven't seen it fully, but just going from the fact of how I couldn't see the ends of it when the ship approached the said isle speaks volumes. Today is already the third day and I don't think we're even halfway of reaching it's other side even though we pick up pace most of the times.

Though I couldn't do much due to me barely using my bloodline, but it was about to change. From the past three days to now, I had finally reached my limit of supressing the breakthrough. That's why I was currently seated crosslegged.

I opted to start the breakthrough by releasing the suppression I put on my bloodline while simultaneously visualizing where I wanted my core to form. As soon as I released the suppression, an immense amount of energy radiated from my body but instead of being violent, it was controlled.

The torrent of controlled energy started making way to the center of my chest and then, there was no then. Instead I suddenly found myself in a while expanse where there was no sky or ground.

Instead what was prominent was a gigantic, no gigantic will be an understatement, maybe a planet sized book. It was navy blue in color with mesmerizing glowing silver runes as if meticulously carved on it's cover and spine. It was the most breathtaking view I had ever seen.

The book had a certain presence I couldn't put into words along with the indecipherable silver text on it's cover. Soon something began to happen, the book vibrated before it opened. When it opened, the pages of the book were written in the same indecipherable text used on the cover.

But then suddenly, something strange happened, the book flashed a silver light, I was blinded for a moment and then I found myself back in my body.