Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 65 - Hunting

Chapter 65 - Hunting

**Adam Walker's POV**

"Run, they're coming, it's a fucking horde" Owen yelled as he flew towards me. And I didn't need him to say it a second time as I also took off to the sky.

"What did you do to provoke them? I said distract them not provoke them " I chided.

"I tried to cause enough commotion to distract them, but they didn't budge, so I attacked ....the boss's offspring" he trailed off at the end.

Looking at him, I couldn't help but facepalm, everyone knows that's the easiest way to attract a beast horde, all you have to do is attack the beasts offsprings, though there were some beasts that simply don't care.

Thinking of what we were doing here, I thought of what happened with Aurora yesterday.

**A day ago**

Aurora pondered for a while before she said; "It doesn't matter, the rules are the rules, your punishment is....." She dragged keeping us in suspense.

"You both have to pay a fine of fifty thousand points each" she said. "And you have until Monday to pay, after Monday there will be an interest of ten percent everyday".

Hearing that there was only one thought in my mind 'fifty thousand my ass', I didn't even have five thousand with me currently, my points were a measly one thousand five hundred and some changes.

"Come on Aurora, do you really have to do this? No one will ever hear about it if you let us go, right?" he asked turning to me to which I nodded my head vehemently.

"It's rule one hundred and five of the academy's rule book, anyone who vandalizes any academy property will have to pay a fine of fifty thousand points, and going by the looks on your faces, you haven't touched the rule book" she stated with her ever expressionless face.

"There's an academy rule book? why didn't anyone tell me about it? And what about the others, they were the ones who started it" Owen complained, but unlike him I knew there was one, I just didn't care enough to read it and I also knew there's no way we would be punished while those idiots go Scott free.

Owen tried to persuade and plead with Aurora, but she wasn't budging one inch, I was resigned to my..... no our fate.

Coming out from her office which was surprisingly in the academic building, I didn't know that I mean one moment we were standing after Owen knocked the buff dude and his gang unconscious and the next moment they disappeared and Aurora suddenly appeared before us, and then we suddenly saw ourselves in her office.

"Man, I've known her since I was three, and she couldn't even reduce it just a bit, tsk" Owen continued grumbling.

"Tis what tis, now we have to go hunting, we only have three and a half days but technically it's only two and a half, that is the rest of today, tomorrow and Sunday, Monday is not a good choice, I have done well avoiding Ms Evelyn's eye the past three weeks, I'm not gonna ruin it by not attending class" I summarized.

"Hey how much points do you have left" Owen asked curiously. " Fifteen hundred and some changes, you?".

"Shit even you have more points than me, though, I was planning to go hunting tomorrow anyway" he replied.

Soon we returned to the dorms, I entered my room to get supplies, I picked, three sets of hunting clothes that I had. I made them self cleaning just like the academy's uniform using my MW(Materiokinetic warping) .

After that I picked up some snacks and also some seasonings before I headed out to meet Owen.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you wearing that?" I asked seeing the armor he put on. It was a shiny, bulky, silver armor.

"Hey don't insult it by calling it that, it's a platinum rank artifact, it's called 'the silver echo' my sister gifted it to me on my fifteenth birthday" he said with a wide smile.

"We're going hunting not modelling, just change to your casual clothes or put on a hunting gear" I reasoned.

"Keke, you're just jealous" he chuckled creepily before the armor vanished into a bracelet on his arm, leaving him in hunting gear.

"So which way do we go" he asked.

"Well according to the academy's map, the place with most number of beasts is....

'the echoing valley'. It's located around sixty three degree south west and about eight hundred miles from here" I explained.

"Sixty three degrees south west, got it, race you there" he chuckled as he took off to the sky, and towards the location. With a sigh I also followed after him.

About forty five minutes later, we reached the edge of the valley. "Okay, let's be careful not to go too deep. The valley is divided into three regions. The first region is the outer region where we are currently. Here we can encounter beasts ranging from iron, bronze, and some silver ranks.

The mid zone, where we can encounter beasts ranging from early silver to peak gold, and lastly the core zone, it has platinum beasts" I explained.

"Well then let's get started, I'm thrilled" Owen's eyes glinted.

"Hold your horses, we're gonna have to separate for now then meet back tomorrow in the mid zone. Give me your location". After getting his, I went on my own way, suprisingly, he did not object splitting. The reason I thought of splitting was because we would be able to amass more points like that and he also probably knew it.

I went on to do my hunting directly into the mid zone and didn't even sleep the entire night, by morning, I had managed to amass more to than ten thousand points. And I was also getting closer to Owen's location.

"Roarrrr" a beast emerged from the tree and jumped down before me. It was an ape, a mid silver ranked one. It charged at me but I held it back with my gyro-telekinesis, floated it towards me while it struggled before painlessly ending it's life, earning me a hundred points.