When I got out, I did not use the portals this time but instead flew to my training spot and took a long bath in the lake. After that I took out clean clothes from my storage and wore them, then headed back to the dorms. I could already tell it was going to be a boring Sunday.
**Time skip no jutsu**
It's been three weeks since the virtual test and my breakthrough to peak silver, and all I can say is that the past three weeks have been pretty boring. Except for attending classes and training, there has been no particular event. Everything is just monotonous.
Oh and it's been getting difficult to hold back my breakthrough, not extreme level difficulty though, just difficult. I reckon I won't be able to last more than a week longer and speaking of my core, I was thinking I should form it in my head or rather brain.
So I researched and and also asked Owen about the most optimal place to place your core. He said the same thing as instructor Blake, that is most people form it in their heart. And it is advised to form it in your torso as apparently anywhere but there and it will serve as a weakness.
Imagine you're fighting and you formed your core in your arm and your opponent managed to cut off said arm. It means you're done for because your rank will regress below gold rank until you manage to reform your core again which would take tons of resources.
After that I still kept with the desicion to form it in my brain, because if you cut off my head I die anyway so I'll protect my head either way. Now that aside, currently Owen and I were sitting in front of an expressionless Aurora in the office given to the First year representative. Why are we here? you ask, well I would have to take you half an hour back.
It was a sunny Friday afternoon, just after classes. Owen and I decided to hit the mall, yep you heard me right, but not hitting the mall like girls do. I needed to get some supplies for my dorm, especially cooking supplies and Owen.... well he just decided to tag along.
"Do you think this one fits?" asked Owen, he's been so picky that we've spent the better part of the hour in a clothing store.
"Why do you care if it fits or not, are you a girl? Just pick whatever you see fit and get over with it" I replied finally tired of his quirks.
"Fine" he sighed, "but let me try this one first" he said grabbing another pair of clothes and hurried to the changing room.
I'm begining to regret letting him tag along, I had already got everything I wanted in less than fifteen minutes but this is already our second hour in the mall. Thankfully the attendant was a robot or we would have been kicked out long ago.
As I was waiting for Owen to come back, I felt a hostility around me. I turned only to meet the gaze of young master...whatever, I couldn't really remember his name but the guy and his lackeys who caused me to get banned from my favorite restaurant.
Only this time, there were others with him, around twelve people, and he didn't seem to be the one calling the shots, it was one buff dude.
Meanwhile with the twelve, who is that? and why are you glaring at him? asked the buff dude. "That bastard, he was the one who ambushed us last time" the young master replied with hostility in his tone.
"Didn't you say you slipped when I asked you about your swollen face? the buff guy asked. "I...I" he struggled to answer.
"Tch, coward, so you got done in by a commoner and you couldn't even report to me".
"Go get that guy for me" he said gesturing to Adam. "He dared to hit a noble, today I'll show him his place".
As I continued waiting for Owen, I felt some people approaching me from my back, five to be exact but I acted as if I didn't know.
"Hey kid come with us, the boss wants to speak with you" said one of the guys behind me. Hearing that, I turned and asked "And who is the so called boss".
"You'll know when we get there" he said even though I could see the so called boss as he was literally just about five meters away from the clothing store whose walls happened to be glass.
"What are you waiting for? let's go" said another one of the guys.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to decline" I replied.
"The hard way it is then" said the first guy who spoke and attempted to grapple me but I spoke before he made his move.
"You do know that we're not allowed to use our bloodlines in this mall right?". Really, the mall had a screen at the entrance with 'bloodline use is prohibited" shining boldly at the top.
"You think I need my bloodline to get hold of you? don't mock me" he said with a mocking smile.
He attempted to punch me but I sidestepped easily and proceeded to knock him out with a single slap, it was nothing, he was merely at mid silver.
The other four seeing this, also jumped at me, and I also knocked them out one by one. It wasn't difference in power, it was difference in pure skill.
"You seem to have some strength, join me and I'll forgive you for beating my guys" said a voice behind me. It was the guy who had sent the ones on the floor and he came together with the other six.
"Not interested" I simply said, my gaze falling on the 'young master' who cowered away. "Then I'll have to punish you" he said as his peak silver rank aura manifested like a tide.
Just because using bloodlines was prohibited didn't mean people were weak. After all the physical and mental aspects have been upgraded beyond normal.
At that time Owen came out, "what's happening" he asked glancing at me. "Are they fighting you?" he asked. "No they're giving me a massage" I said. After that I gisted him about everything.