Chereads / Shackles Of Reality / Chapter 60 - End Of The Test (End)

Chapter 60 - End Of The Test (End)

"Hahahahaha, do your worst, Owen laughed like a mad man". A few moments later, Adam also landed and his reaction seeing Aurora's number was; "I'll be damned".

Adam knew there was no way he or his team was taking first place. Sure barring Aurora, his team most probably had the best chance due to Ashley, but he wasn't sure about the strengths of emo dude and Quinn Darkheart.

Heck he has never seen Quinn fight before and he knew he that he was part of the weakest here being at mid silver.

As Adam was going over his thoughts, more and more cadets began to appear at the center and even those on the opposite side of where Adam and his team had come from and other directions, most also probably attracted by the large amount of flaring auras.

After people stopped arriving, everyone stood silently, watching each other intently as if waiting for one person to make the first move but the one that had most eyes on her was perhaps Aurora. A few moments later of staring at each other continuously, The majority of the cadets seemed to come to a strategy. 'Eliminate the strongest first, then duke it out later'.

'No, no, no, fuck, not a good idea at all, the other scions of the great families should also know that' Adam who understood what the eye contacts meant cursed inwardly.

'Sigh this is going to end with our heads off our torso' he remarked with a sigh.

"I see it has come to this" suprisingly it was Aurora who broke the silence. "You know this is useless but you all are more than welcome to try" she said with her ever expressionless face.




The moment she finished, colorful attacks rained at both Owen and Aurora from all directions with the most prominent being, a tide of darkness, multiple light constructs and huge bolts of crackling lightning.

As soon as the cadets started bombarding Owen and Aurora, Adam stealthy weaved backwards, "there's no way in hell I'm waiting for the aftermath of this" he muttered as he successfully made his way to the back.

'This is gonna take a lot of energy but, I'll have to do it' so he placed both his arms on the ground, unnoticed due to the commotion of the attack, he slowly sank into the ground as if it were water.

Aurora and Owen's figures disappeared in the attacks,so much as not even a shadow of them was seen. A few moments later the attacks slowly died down and the area where Owen and Aurora were cleared up only for the cadets to see them both inside a swirling spherical barrier completely unscathed.

As soon as they saw this, the faces of the cadets grew grim. Deep down, they knew, most especially her peers from the seven great families, they knew that there was no chance of defeating her, she was just that of a monster, but at least they hoped their attacks would be able to do some damage. Seeing her unscathed was a huge was a huge blow to their pride and ego.

Meanwhile Aurora didn't care about their grim faces, she could have simply teleported Owen and herself out of there but she didn't, and instead created a barrier around them.

Owen on the other hand, "Haha that right suckers, weren't you guys hellbent on eliminating me? Now no matter what you do I'll be unscathed. Come on do your worst" he said looking around hoping to catch a change of expression from Adam's face.

But he couldn't find Adam anywhere, 'dont tell me he accidentally got himself eliminated during the chaos, nah that's not like him' he concluded.

"Let's attack again, I don't believe she can come out unscathed, give it your all" a voice shouted attempting to rile up morale.

With a shout they attacked again, though there were a few who didn't join in knowing it was completely useless. Like Ashley and the rest of the cadets who really knew Aurora.

After another barrage of attacks, the cadets who attacked saw Aurora and Owen still unscathed, their morale plummeted once again.

"Is that all?" a crisp voice sounded from Aurora but no one answered. "If that's all then, 'Spacial collapse'" she muttered.

Then, there was no then, the space in a hundred miles diameter cracked and fractured like glass along with anything and anyone unfortunate to be in it's range. Ashley, Quinn, Damien, Lily and Victor watched as their body broke into pieces along with everyone and the surrounding space, safe for Aurora and Owen.

After everyone turned into motes of light and disappeared, Adam underground was bewildered at what just happened, 'they were gone just like that?' he thought.

"You rock Aurora, looks like we're the only ones remaining, how boring" Owen spoke.

"No, there's a mole hiding under ground" she said and with a wave of her hand, Adam who was underground appeared before them.

"Um hello?" Adam let out. One moment he was under ground and the next he was out here but he understood Aurora likely knew he was there since, heck maybe she even saw him when he entered.

Owen was at a loss for words seeing Adam before his body started shaking involuntarily and he burst into laughter. "Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect you to hide underground".

"What? it's a safety measure and like it or not it did work. If it was you you'll never have figured out I was hiding underground" Adam countered before he said "I guess it my tim.... but before he could even finish talking,

'wait, is that my body?' he thought. His last thought before he lost consciousness was; The least you could do was let me finish my speech you know'.

Waking up, Adam saw the nanoparticles covering his body receding and the capsule, pod or whatever it was callled was opening, he stood up coming out of the pod and saw everyone coming out all at the same time.

"Guess it must have been delayed to let everyone come out at the same time or anyone eliminated was made to stay unconscious" he thought. "Man your death was epic" he heard Owen behind him.