Chereads / Soul Stalker: The Dark Arts Saga / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Rising Storms: Bonds and Battles

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Rising Storms: Bonds and Battles

Matsuda's eyes start to glisten as he heard Hirihito Yūma say those words, he can't help but think "This guy isn't so bad after all, maybe I judged him too early, if he's willing to give me a second chance after what I did maybe this guy is secretly nice but looks and acts mean".

"Matsuda stop staring at me like that, you look like a lost puppy" said by Hirihito Yūma while looking at Matsuda with a look of disgust.

"Anyways I'll put you under the wing of Captain Yamaguchi for now" said by Hirihito Yūma.

"And yes that means you're part of division 4, you'll go on missions together, oh and your girlfriend is also part of division 4 as well. But keep in mind that you can still rank down if you don't keep participating in missions, training, etc." Said by Hirihito Yūma with a calming voice.

"Rise the ranks and then maybe you'll soon be under Captain Hiroshi" Hirhito Yūma added.

Matsuda, Suzune, and Captain Yamaguchi walk out the meeting place. "So kid, you have to keep on training now, in order to keep the division 4 title" Captain Hiroshi said in a calming tone.

"Wait what will happen to division 6?" Matsuda asked.

"Well since no one is at it at the moment, then it shall stay empty." Said by Hirihito Yūma.

"Alright then, I have to get stronger, in order to redeem myself" said by Matsuda.

Matsuda determined to get stronger and rise the ranks decides to follow a routine:

5:00 am - wake up and eat.

5:30 am - shower.

6:00 - 8:00 am - training 1.

8:00 - 9:00 am - rest 1.

9:00 am - 12:00 pm - participate in missions if possible, if no missions are available then more training.

12:00 pm - eat lunch.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - training 2.

3:00 - 5:00 pm rest.

6:30 pm - eat dinner.

9:00 pm - sleep.

Matsuda followed this routine everyday for a month and he was looking very fit, while Matsuda was training Suzune had fallen into a deep coma ever since Hirihito Yūma knocked her out, they tried communicating with Hirihito himself but he kept saying "I didn't do anything, it was just a normal chop" although Matsuda is skeptical he trusted him and believed him.


"Alright this shouldn't be too hard" said by Matsuda.

Matsuda trains and follows the schedule ver strictly and punishes himself if he doesn't follow it as planned, even if he was a minute late he would train even harder pushing himself even further.

On the 15th day Matsuda collapsed due to severe training, he was on the verge of death but he refused and he kept training while taking care of Suzune as well.

*after a month since training*

"Man it's been a month already, Suzune you've been asleep for quite some time now, when will you wake up? Your hair is quite long, and I know you don't like it when it's too long, but I think it suits you very well, just please wake up." Said by Matsuda while petting her hair.

"Hey kid, you ready for a mission?" Captain Yamaguchi asked.

"You know it" Matsuda replied.

Matsuda puts his suit on and prepares his sword, "So Captain Yamaguchi, this'll be the first time we teamed up in a mission, and I have no idea what you're capable of." Said by Matsuda. Captain Yamaguchi replies with "Yeah... This will be the first, let's see if you can hold up to your nickname. Child prodigy"

Matsuda grins and cracks his knuckles "Child Prodigy eh? That's not a bad nickname" said by Matsuda.

"So do we leave Suzune?" Matsuda asks.

"Suzune? Oh your girl, I mean what are we gonna do anyway, it's not like we have a choice." Said by Captain Yamaguchi.

"I mean I'm worried about her, what if they kill her, she is a demon, and only me, you, Captain Hiroshi, Miss Chevious and Hirihito san knows that she is a demon." Said by Matsuda.

"Thanks to Hirihito san for wiping everyone's memory about that scene she caused." Said by Matsuda.

Captain Yamaguchi and Matsuda leaves and they're on their way to the demon. "Alright this demon seems to be similar to the humanoid demon you fought on that train, but except this time it's in this hotel." Captain Yamguchi said in a serious tone.

"We're not gonna die right?" Matsuda says in a jokingly tone.

Captain Yamaguchi just stares at him, "Right?" Matsuda says now in a worried tone.

Captain Yamaguchi doesn't respond but he prepares something, "What is that" Matsuda asked. Captain Yamaguchi replied "Well it's a secret weapon just in case we are in a tight spot and this is our only hope of surviving in case s**t goes bad."

"So Child Prodigy, are you ready?" Said by Captain Yamaguchi.

"Yes, let's kill this bastard" said by Matsuda.

Matsuda kicks down the door to reveal an abandoned looking hotel, it was dark and empty, cobwebs everywhere, water leaking from the ceiling, and it was cold, abnormaly cold, "This place... looks very rundown, I'm sure this is a place where a demon lurks" said by Matsuda.

"DUCK!" Captain Yamaguchi yelled.

Captain Yamaguchi pushed Matsuda away, due to the push he was able to dodge an incoming table. Matsuda looked over to where it came from and he saw a shadowy figure. "There!" Matsuda pointed at the shadowy figure fleeing from the scene. Captain Yamaguchi grabs onto his own arm and points it at the demon "Radiant Vortex". The demon's legs was instantly obliterated.

*in Matsuda's mind*

"He's on a whole 'nother level, I mean he's a captain after all but how is he only division 4? With this strength he should be at least division 3, I mean these demons are really tanky especially these humanoid ones and he just blew the legs off of it instantly."

The demon fell on the ground after being hit, Captain Yamaguchi slowly approaches it, he draws his own sword preparing to kill it. Just then the demon grew a shadow like tentacle thingy from its body and it rushed towards Captain Yamaguchi, "Radiant Vortex: Defense Varation" the tentacles disintegrated instantly after making contact with the shield.

The Demon grew more tentacles and kept attacking Captain Yamaguchi's shield, the demon was persistent and kept trying but it's tentacles kept disintegrating.

*in Matsuda's mind*

"Wait.... This one is different than the last on I fought, this one has a more feminine build but the other one had a masculine build... Does that mean that these bastards have genders? Or is a woman being hostage?"