Chereads / X-specs / Chapter 4 - Into the fray

Chapter 4 - Into the fray

"But won't that be suicidal?" Akari asked

" It's the only way," Fushiguro said with a straight face

" He needs to understand his climax state to be trained"

" So he has to go on a mission right now"

They turned their gaze to him but he was asleep

" Maybe in the morning"

Akari watched as Fushiguro left the room and she looked at Kaito...

" You'd win... You have to" she said

Day breaks and the sun shined magnificently

Kaito woke up and wondered what happened

His gaze moved around the room then stopped at seeing Akari sleeping on a chair beside the bed he was sleeping on

He stands up and walks out of her presence then walks out to the yard, seeing Fushiguro standing there

The wind gusts and swayed through the air, and Kaito was lost in thought of just viewing Fushiguro

"Go to the town next by, your attention is needed there," Fushiguro said

" And come back alive "

Kaito's eyes widened with shock then he smiled and nodded affirmative

Then he left the dojo and headed for the town

Night fell casting its calming light on the earth,

Kaito walking on his way to the town while passing through the forest,

The forest had a chilling aura, owls echoing through, the leaves rustled in the wind

"Come to think of it, I never asked for directions," Kaito said

He stopped mid-way and sighed

The leaves rustled,

Kaito immediately moved his gaze left "What's that???"

As he stood there looking for the source of the sounds

A shadowy figure emerges overhead with its arms stretched out

Kaito was unaware of the impending threat

Something dashed towards him

He looks at the ground which the moon cast its light upon

He sees the shadow of the figure below him

"What!!!" He exclaimed and moved his gaze up

The figure puffed its chest and shot a breath attack of air toward him

It made contact with the ground, decimating it into a crater, and emitting smoke

Kaito crashed on the floor, his eyes widened at the destruction from the attack

It landed on the floor with all four legs and roared towards Kaito

"A spec??!" Kaito yelled!!!

It jumped onto him, he dodged it by ducking then ran the other way

He got hit and crashed into a tree,

"What was that??*

He looked at his hand me saw it trickling with blood

" What the...?! But how!!!!!? "

He stood up and continued running away

"I couldn't see it??!!"

' I have to get outta here or else I'd be devoured '

The shadowy figure jumped through the trees pursuing him, shooting air blasts

"You have got to be kidding me!!!"

He held a branch swung himself upwards and tried attacking it

"I've gotta get rid of this thing "

He dashed towards it aiming for a formidable punch

The figure shoots an air ball toward him propelling him backwards into the ground

"Well there goes that idea"

He continued running

But it kept following him

"Why won't this thing give up!!!!!!!!!!!"

" Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm??!"

He smirked

" You wanna eat me?! "

" Then catch me!!!!!"

He ran faster but it continued following him at a steady speed,

He then kicked up the leaves, blocking its point of view by the time the leaves cleared up,

Kaito was directly in front of it

'It's simple... I blocked its point of view by using the leaves, at that exact moment I used a tree to swing myself backward running back towards it to do this

"Thunder Bolt!!"

He punched it at lightning speed, making the sound of a thunderclap, propelling it backward,

Immediately after he dashed away out,

He crashed into the forest into a village

Kaito moves his eyes up to see to see he's surrounded by soldiers pointing spears toward him

"Oh well, guess I'm in trouble...."

Someone with a crown walked through them and looked at Kaito

"Oh so they have a King"

As the king strode towards Kaito.

His brow was furrowed with concern. Kaito's eyes followed the king's path, and as he glanced past the soldiers.

There, huddled behind the line of guards, were children, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Their wide eyes darted nervously, seeking reassurance amid chaos.

"You seem...." Before the king spoke

"What happened here??!* Kaito asked with a straight face"

Kaito dashed into the forest at super speed

He flashed back

"A monster took my youngest daughter, Mia, and we can't go after ..." King said but got interrupted by Kaito

He stood up

"I'd be right back," he said walking into the forest

Flashback end

Kaito dashes left and right but stops at a point,

"Where is it?!!"

A sudden growl filled the air from the left

"That way!!"

He went in the direction he heard it

A little girl's scream echoed

"She's here!!" He dashed faster, lightning sparkling, leaving a trail

The growling becomes loud as he reaches the source of it

It landed on the ground and walked to the light,

Its form is as elusive as the wind, with a shimmering, translucent body that seems to ripple and distort the air around it.

Its body is composed of gossamer-like tendrils that continuously shift and flow. Its luminous eyes, radiant like twin crescent moons, cast an eerie glow.

He saw it going towards the girl and dashed at lightning speed, leaving a trail of lightning, it jumped to pounce

As it got closer to the girl, a dash of light passed it and the girl was gone

The Spec looks to the branch of the tree above

"Picking on a little kid are we??!" Kaito said

"That's the weak man!"

It roars at Kaito, and the gust of wind blows from it might...

"Oh, crap!!"

He brought down a Tempest of Wind onto him pushing him down, Kaito tried to keep himself up,

He groaned, "I can't.... Hold on...."

"How is it using such power...??!"

He flashed back

" Climax is a state of energy in living things".....

Flashback ends

" When she said that, She also meant Specs too?!!"

He grunts as he tries to stay in place, his gaze moving to the girl

"The kid"

he jumped out of the wind current and landed on another tree

"Are you ok kid??"

She shivered in his arms

"Yes Sir!!"

He swung her in his back,

" Hang on!"

He jumped into the air, lightning sparkling on his body

The Spec roared and jumped after him

Kaito soaring mid-air, he turns around and sees the spec face first, the spec shoots an airball

towards him, the ball at its center spun in a frenzied, anticlockwise motion,

"What???!" Kaito exclaimed

The air ball struck Kaito, sending him hurtling downward, his body unable to resist the force behind the blow.

As he fell, a whirlwind materialized out of thin air, swirling around him with the intent of dragging him into its tumultuous depths.

The wind tore through the surrounding landscape, ripping branches from trees and hurling debris into its voracious vortex

He grabbed onto a branch and swung himself to the ground, as he lands he runs towards the whirlwind

"Hold on!!!" Saying to the girl,

He dashed around the whirlwind in the same direction, then stopped mid-way and ran in the opposite direction of the whirlwind

The Spec follows suit and chased him,

as it got closer, it swung its claw to attack but Kaito's image vanished an afterimage,...

The real Kaito outside the whirlwind running away ...

"And we're free little girl!" He said

"Home sweet home here we come!!"

The whirlwind upgraded to a large-scale, rotating storm characterized by low-pressure centers and high winds


It dragged him backwards with immediate action

He carried the girl from his back and threw her to the edge of a tree, crashing on a pack of leaves


"The winds alone are too strong, it feels like I'll get ripped apart bit by bit!!"

He got sucked in

The wind took harder damage on his body, swinging left to right then up and down, then getting thrown out of the whirlwind,

he slammed into a tree and broke it in half but crashed on the floor.....

Kaito's eyes open gazing at the floor

"Why can't I win.....?!"

The fight with Fushiguro flashed before his eyes.

"I just can't fight stronger opponents"

He slowly moved his gaze upwards

"I can't see any way in me winning..."

The spec hovered above him

" I just guess it's the end..."

A voice echoed in his head "Do you really wanna die because of this??!"

" Please don't lose sir!!!" Mia screamed

" I believe in you!"

His eyes widened, then a ray of blue light glowed in his direction then stopped

"What in the world was I thinking??!!"

He dashed towards the cyclone again,

Then jumped into the air, the whirlwind dragged him in but he landed and ran in the opposite direction of the current,

This creates a ripple between the whirlwind

The spec roared and dived down from the top to stop him!

" I was waiting for you to do that!!!"

At that moment the blue light cast its glow.

To fight Specs, Climax can't only be used in these situations, you must acquire something deeper,

Something in his consciousness reached out to him...

An ancient artifact

Blue particles began materializing

Weapons used by ancient heroes chose an individual in this era to be their host

An ancient artifact could have been used by a King, a warrior, a witch, or even a species itself

Lightning sparkling as Blade Tonfas materialize.

It had carvings on the cobalt blue handle and the blade glowed blue

Lightning struck the scene,

The sudden wave of Climax energy pushed the Spec backward, the whirlwind collapsed allowing the Spec to fall and crash into the ground, it got up and tried to create another whirlwind,

But in an instant, its front left leg hot sliced off,

Kaito stood behind it...

The spec moved its gaze left, then looked right, his hind right leg got sliced off

The specs regenerated its limbs, and immediately after it launched a wide-range whirlwind, it flew out of the forest

The Spec leaped into the air, a dark blur against the sky. Kaito, sprinting across the ground, following its movements

"I'm ending this in one big swoop," Kaito declared

He jumped to a tree branch and hung onto it, He drew back his arm, the Blade Tonfa in his hand pulsating with blue lightning.

Kaito unleashed the Tonfa with a powerful throw, its glowing blade streaking through the air like a bolt of lightning. It hurtled toward the airborne Spec, piercing its body and creating a gaping hole in its chest, a thunderclap struck the scene and the Spec turned to ash

"I did it.." He said with a heavy pant,

The tonfas dematerialized and he fell to the ground

He crashed on the floor,

Mia's voice echoed through his mind "Sir!! Please wake up"

Kaito groaned while opening his eyes

Mia hugged him in relief

He smirked and put his hand on her head

The sun began to rise, and Kaito walked with Mia into the village

"Father!!!" Mia screamed

The king from a distance saw her and ran towards her, she began to cry and she ran into her father's arms

Both crying unconditionally

Kaito smiled in the background

"What do you want!!? Whatever it is, name your..." As he looked toward Kaito's position, he already left

The king was surprised but he smiled

At the Dojo

Akari walked outside of the building

"I'll go and find him..." She said

Then looked to the right to see him slowly walking back

"Guess he did it himself," Fushiguro said as he walked out

Kaito smiled giving them a thumbs up