I woke up finding myself on top of a rock plate
" Augh my head," I said as I Got up I looked around and noticed dawn was laying near a pool I came closer until I heard a hissing sound.
I looked and saw a Purple snake Pokemon,
' oh Shit it's an Ekans,' I thought.
I picked up a stone and prepared to distract the snake Pokemon.
It hissed and at that moment Dawn woke up.
' No, God please No!' I screamed internally.
She looked up and squealed and as a result she was bitten near her thigh.
' why the protagonist God, Why does the protagonist get put in the lewdest situations,'.
I heared a loud cry of { Noooo!} And dawns prinplup came out and as if it were a scene from a movie the penguin Pokemon used twin blades and cut down the enemy with a movement so fast that there was a split second delay.
I couldn't stop to admire it at the moment, I pulled out a knife and gently cut a small slit in the bite area then began to suck the venom out of her body before pulling out a small canteen of alcohol and pouring a small ounce of it before lighting a match and using it to sanitize the wound.
Dawn had a blush on her face before passing out due to the alcohol entering her bloodstream.
I heaved dawn on my back and told the two of our partners to follow me.
I made my way to the nearest sound of running water until I found the place I was at the caves entrance and outside was a forest.
I rushed down the path until I came upon a small clearing where I heard the sound of wood being chopped.
" Help me, please someone," I shouted.
I big burley man in lumberjacks togge approached me.
" What's the matter sonny," he asked,
" It's my friend shes been bitten by an Ekans," I said.
" Well bring her in kid, I've got some antivenom," said the lumberjack and he then lead us into the cabin and pulled out a bottle.
" You'll have to inject it into her she'll be out for a couple of hours," said the man, " I'll head to town and get nurse joy; you two stay here," he said.
Witu dawn sedated I cursed myself for not being strong enough to beat Cyrus.
I realized that this wasn't just set in the Cannon of Pokemon games but also elements of fan games were in it, the world of unbreakable ties with its wuxia inspired ideas had somehow influenced itself within it.
I cursed and Began to beat myself up for it, after my anger subsided I decided to train.
I began doing every exercise I could think of from push ups to sit ups to burpees to bench presses.
I then went to the river and looked at it, I calmed my mind and began to practice a technique from the scroll of the waters called the water flow encampment.
I began by practicing standing perfectly still this technique was similar to the idea of the cloud hands technique in Tai-chi Quan fa.
As Magicarp came at me I would wait until it was in my reach and then slap the water sending them into the shore.
After a few hours of this I began to feel a change over my body.
I got up and went to the trees I held my arm out and I punched the tree I did this over five hundred times.
' I will get stronger,' I said and began training harder than before ever before I punched the trees until I felt my energy flowing out of my hands I kicked them untill I felt air currents come out of my body, I finally built up enough strength.
I walked to the edge of the woods until I came upon a waterfall.
' time for the leap of faith,' I thought to myself.
I dove off the building diving down as I vaulted to the ground all I could think was, I have to get stronger to protect dawn, and plunged into the water below.
As I floated in the surface I heard my system chime in.
{ Host has unlocked a new ability soul cultivator, Host now has the ability to utilize life energy, Host can now use true battle mode,}
I shot out of the water flying on the air with my body encased in an aura.
I landed on the ground and saw jet, etsuko, Kusunagi, Riolu, Austin, Chyna,( my nidorina) Rothrock, ( the name I gave Lycanrock,) and dawns Pokemon, Prinplup, Pachirisu, Lucario, ponyta, and Appom.
I watched each of them sparring and soon something happened, maybe it was the energy from the mountain maybe it was the training they've consistently been doing, or a bit of both, But kusunagi, Naikido, and Prinplup all evolved Kusunagi had now become an Internape, Naikido became An Electabuzz, and Prinplup became Empoleon.
I didn't realize it but the Pokemon had dedicated their time to training and growing stronger for dawn.
" Oh, what the hell," i chortled and walked over to them.
I joined with Jet and Etsuko and Riolu,
" Okay you three were going to train our asses off until that Cock sucker Cyrus won't be able to even predict when our attacks come at him," I said.
The trio growled in agreement.
(Four hours later)
I collapsed on the ground panting everything heart both physically, spiritually, External and internal, I felt like I was on fire.
We had spent the past four hours training and meditating learning all there was to know about the scrolls secret techniques with etsuko and jet both reaching the 4th of the 8 levels in under that time, ' 4 more levels and they will be fully evolved,' I thought.
I returned to the cabin and few minutes after that and found nurse joy and the lumberjack waiting outside.
Nurse joy saw me and looked at me surprised.
" Oh my Arceus! What happened to you?!" She half shouted.
" Training, lots and lots of training," I said and went inside collapsing on the ground as my legs finally gave out.
I fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I found myself laying in the lap of a certain person.
I looked up and above me was a beautiful blonde woman.
" I see you are awake," said Cynthia.
I shot up and looked around and found dawn sitting in a bed..
" Dawn is Okay now, " said Cynthia, " she is suffering from a bit of memory loss but only temporarily." Said Cynthia.
I got up and went to Dawn's room.
" Who are you?" She asked me.
" I'm a friend, my name is Leroy Jackson, I've brought you something sweet," I said giving her a cream curl I bought from the store.
" Thank you," she said.
Later I began training to perfect using my skills.
" Force Palm!" I shouted and blasted a stone with a wave of Force pressure from my hands.
The stone had a huge human hand imprint in it.
" Nice," I said.
After a few hours of training I came back to check on dawn.
" Sugar!?" She said with a smile.
" Oh sorry I don't have any cream curls right now," I said to her before she Glomped me.
" Sugar, You're Back!" She said with a beautiful smile.
I silently thanked God for this in my head and pat her head
" That's right, I'm here," I said with a smile.
After another hour dawns memory returned, needless to say she was a bit distant after that whole sugar incident.
" Wow prinplup evolved into a emporeon,and ponyta became a rappidash and Magby became a Magmar," said Dawn.
I decided to give Dawn Chyna ( my nidorina) and the pokemon evolved when I traded it to her.
" I feel that this may be to much for me," said Dawn a bit insecure about having been given a gift.
" Your fine Dawn, you've earned it," I said affirming that she had earned it.
We left for veilstone city ready to take on maylene and prepared to see what we could find in the city.
As we arrived we entered veilstone city I was surprised to see that The town was full of strong looking people I noticed that one guy was a bigger man trying to bully people into facing him in a trainer fight, of course at that moment a young girl with pink hair and a bandage on her nose appeared and with an electric punch she sent him flying into the sky,
" Did you see that, shes the legendary soul cultivator and gym leader of veilstone city, Maylene." Said the street announcer.
" Wow that girl's Got some serious power," said Dawn.
" She's quite strong for her age," I remarked,
" If you've got time to Bully people into fighting you, then you have got time to train to become stronger," said Maylene.
" Hey boy you look strong, How about you spar with me," said a black belt trainer.
' this town must be one of those anime style martial arts cities,' I thought .
" Fine I'll indulge you," I said
The black belt assumed a forward horse stance while I began to move light on my feet.
The black belt came at me with a Seiken-zuki but I used a wing Chun shocking hand to slap his arm and pull him into a back fist to the temple the man's arm was snapped in half and the blow to the temple nearly caved his skull in.
' Holy Crap Just How Strong Have I Gotten After That Extreme Training Session,' I screamed internally.
This caught the attention of the other trainers.
" Hey kid you're strong," said Maylene, " meet me at my gym," said the girl.
I decided to check in at the hotel with dawn.
After we were given a room with separate beds we each took a well deserved shower and crashed in bed.
The next day we arrived at Maylene's gym.
There were four black belts there.
Dawn would challenge two and I would challenge two.
During our trip Dawn caught a wild croagunk and a Tyrogue for this gym battle.
I already had a team of fighting type Pokemon but due to the rule of more than 2 I would only use Jet and Naikido however I could use my others in the trainer battles which is basically the gyms gaurds.
" Heh this kid's going down," said the first black belt, " the name's Robbie and he's my brother Ricky," said Robbie.
" My name's Leroy," I said with a smirk.
" Go Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee," he said.
" Do it Kusunagi and Austin!" I said.
" My name's Lena and this is my twin sister Luna and we challenge you," said Lena.
" I am Dawn Shirogane Berlitz, And I accept your challenge," she said before tossing two Pokéballs out with Her Emporeon and Her Nidoqueen Chyna.
The twins sent out Machoke and Hitmontop.
" Let's do this!" Said the trainers.
" Now Hitmonchan use your meteor punch!" Shouted Robbie.
" Kusunagi use double team and counter with Machpunch!" I called out.
" Hitmonlee use Quick attack plus Thunderous kick!" He shouted.
" Austin use endure them use poison jab!" I ordered.
Hitmonchan threw a barrage of burning air jet punches and hitmon Lee let out a lightning coated roundhouse kick.
Kusunagi created multiple afterimages and when Hitmonchans punches connected with them he was surprised to see that the monkey had vanished only to appear from the side and deliver a Joe-Joe's style Punch Barrage all over his body before delivering one final smash punch, the sweeping hook punch knocked Hitmonchan across the ground.
" This isn't a game to me, I've got to get stronger to prove myself to protect everyone I love, so I'm going to give this everything I've got!" I shouted " let's show them what we're made of Kusunagi Bursting Machine gun Punch!" I shouted.
Kusunagi performed a merged technique that combined Mach punch and meteor punch which sent multiple superheated Air Jets at the Hitmonchan.
The Hitmonchan was surprised and was knocked into a wall as bombs of super heated Air hammered him.
He lay on the ground swirls in his eyes.
Austin faced Hitmonlee as hitmon Lee went for another kick, Austin caught it and when Hitmonlee went for a second kick Austin caught that one as well before putting him through the big spin thenusing a move out of bret harts playbook he tossed Hitmonlee into the air before catching him midair in a reversed headlock and performed A Jumping Cutter to the ground.
" RKO from outta Nowhere!" Said Riolu from by my side.
Hitmonlee was taken down despite not having a neck.
He got up weakly and was prepared to attack Austin with a spin kick combination but he fell to one knee due to the fact that Austin had gotten in some hits with poison jab.
Austin then lifted him up into a back-breaker rack before turning and slamming him down on his head.
" That's Austin's signature moves the Death valley Driver, you know what comes next," said Riolu.
Austin lifted Hitmonlee up and got him in a rear waist lock before launching into the sky and flying around the world as he converted what appeared to be a German suplex into a Celtic cross before slamming him face first into the ground while driving his poison horn into the back of the fighting type.
" Austin's Edge!" Said Leroy.
Hitmonlee shifted before passing out.
" And that's what's called opening up a can of American whoop-ass," I said.
The two boys called back their Pokemon.
Chyna and machoke both battled In a grapple contest.
Machine used what appeared to be an attempt at a front waist lock but Chyna kicked Machoke in the gut before grabbing him and performing a spinning pile driver into the ground.
The Machoke was impressed but was still strong enough to breafree the reason was because Chyna was still a newly evolved Nidoqueen and wouldn't be strong enough to fully best Machoke in a battle of power.
" Chyna, use poison Jab!" said Dawn.
The Machoke had learned not to let that happen, but was caught off guard by Nidoqueen throwing a jab from a lower angle due to it using a flicker stance; this meant that he got hit a couple of times before Chyna saw an opening and got her enemy with a spear before going for a spine buster, then performing a High lift for what appeared to be a vertical suplex, she turned and planted him with a powerslam, her opponent with a Move known as a jack hammer; finally, she lifted Machoke up and Performed a high lift placing his neck onto her shoulder before leaping into the sky grabbing the Machoke legs and dropping down on her butt.
" Seismic buster!" Dawn shouted before Chyna created a force blast that covered the entire area.
"Okay, now Emporeon! let's take down that Hitmontop use Watergun," said Dawn.
The pokemon blasted him with a high powered jet stream of water that punished the Hitmontop before it had a chance to even evade.
The result was Dawn won.
With the trainers bested Leroy and Dawn wound up climbing to the platform in the center of the gym where Maylene was waiting in mid meditation.
" Well it looks like they made it," said Maylene.
To be continued.
It's been a while guys I've been busy writing fanfiction on Wattpad and Fanfiction.net and I've been working at my job doing custodian work of course it's not the best job but it puts food on my table anyway yeah I kinda took a whole writing this because I had to find the right way to execute and deliver this part now for those who don't know what a soul cultivator is it's from a Pokemon fan game called Pokemon unbreakable ties I'm using all sorts of media for reference now not just anyone can be a soul cultivator it's something you have to be born with but because Leroy wasn't born in this world but resurrected in it he has that power to help him survive anyway that's it for this chapter see you next time.