Chereads / ressurected in Pokemon with a system / a brief explanatory chapter

ressurected in Pokemon with a system

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a brief explanatory chapter

{A/n before we get this chapter underway there are going to be a few differences in this pokemon world than in canon}

{ One: Pokemon trainers who make it to the national League are allowed to carry eight Pokemon instead of six}

{ Two after defeat the Pokemon league tournament the elite four will select two of the victors to do battle and the victor will challenge the elite four and the champion,}

{ Three: even if a trainer defeats the champion he is not bound to stay in the region and is able to roam freely between the regions if he or she wishes}

{ Four: the champion is allowed to compete in the master league even if somebody else defeats him,}

{ And finally all trainers are age sixteen due to the context of harems and adult situations}

Also this story begins in sinnoh around the time that ash left pallet town and thus the story is taking place on a different timeline than the anime or games,

Finally although ash is in this story so will the game protagonist


As well as hilbert,Nate,calem,elio and Victor,

They will serve as rivals to Leroy,

The female game protagonist, Green, Kris/ Lyra, may, dawn, as well as Hilda, Rosa,

Serena,selene and Gloria will be the MC's romantic partners and yes he will have a harem with gym leaders and female champions, some older girls like onee-san's and milfs will be his partners if you know what I mean author smirks and cocks left eyebrow,

Ash buts in: wait just a stinking minute you gave him the chimchar I'm supposed to get,"

Me: yeah and your point is,

Ash: how am I supposed to beat the sinnoh League without it,

Me: go out in the wild and catch one yourself you did it with Bulbasaur, squirtel and Charmander and that was when people actually cared about you getting starters even though you had Pikachu,

Paul steps in: give me back that chimchar you damned author.

Me: how about I give you both this instead,

Ash/Paul: what,

Me: hakkai.

Anyways now that the trash is taken care of let's get onto the teams you will know to expect and the pokemon that will remain with Leroy,

Leroy team one: urashifu single strike type,( jet) Urshifu rapid strike type (Etsuko)

Infernape ( kusunagi) Electivire ( Naikido)

Eevee/Espyon ( monmiji) Staraptor ( kasumi)

Lucario ( cage) and Garchomp (scorpion).

Dawn's team: will be the fallowing pokemon.

Empolion,Pachirisu,Magmortar, togekiss, glacion, momoswine, Roseraid and Heatran.

Lucas team: Infernape, mightyana, Beautyfly,

Glacion, Porygon Z, Rotom spark form, gardovire, and wevile,

Paul: Magmortar, Luxray, rampardos, Floatzel, leafion,explodra,tyranotar, and Rotom blaze form,

Rare Pokemon for our characters,

Leroy will have Giratina,

Dawn will have Dialga,

Lucas will have palkia,

Leroy will have azelf due to it being linked to his will power,

Dawn will have mespirit due to her emotions,

Lucas will have Uxie due to him being professor rowans grandson yes that's right In my story Lucas is the grandson of professor Rowan,

Lucas walks in: now wait just a god forsaken minute Rowan is my what,

Lucas mom walks in: oh honey I'm sorry I didn't tell you your father was rowans late son Jason,

Lucas: jason who?

Lucas mom: and he wanted you to have these

She hands him a hockey mask and a machete.

Paul and ash: screw this crap I'm out.

Me: passed twenty dollars to Lucas and his mom.

Anyways now for the harem members of sinnoh of course there's dawn and Cynthia, plus theres Candice Zoe and then there will be the new entry if you didn't read the authors comments in chapter one Fatima.

As for the tournament arcs we just finished the rookie tournament next will be the Po-K1 tournament which will reappear frequently because it will be world wide this is a fighting type tournament which if your Pokemon is a fighting type or a sub type will be able to compete dawns emperion will be able to compete since whenever I see the thing it screams ninja samurai penguin,

Almost all of Leroy's team will be able to compete, Lucas Infernape will be able to enter it and paul he'll have to sit it out.

Paul: wait just a Goddamn minute how come everyone gets a legendary except me.

Ash: it's because your a cuck.

Paul: your a cuck too.

Ash: well at least I'm the main character of nine animes.

Me: actually it's eight series spawning over twenty six seasons.

Paul: ha.

Me: you had three seasons in one series and we're a dick and a literal loser.

Now as I was saying.

The next tournament will be the pokemon league qualifier which will only be able to be taken if you meet the requirements of having four gym badges and all of your Pokemon on your team at the time are evolved.

The next tournament will be the tournament of wills in which the winner will get to have the chance to battle the pyramid king Brandon.

The next tournament will be the pokemon league championship which will be only a accessible to those who have all eight gym badges and will take place on victory road,

The last tournament in sinnoh will be the elite four and will be a a eight man tournament where four trainers take on the elite four and the winner takes on the champion.

And then we'll get to the other regions championships.

Disclaimer there will be no quest to catch em all since I don't have the time to go to the national Pokedex for every damned chapter.

Disclaimer I do not own Pokemon,street fighter, dead or alive, king of fighters, Jeet Kune do, the pholosophies of Qi or any mentioned references i simply love pokemob martial arts movies fighting games and fanfiction

Future team members for Leroy,

Swampter, flygon, sudo woodoo, Charizard (because I want them mega evolutions,) Mewtwo, Suicun, Lugia, Rayquaza,deoxys, Articuno, typlosion,Emboar, inceneroar, and cynderace,

This is an auxiliary chapter by the way