Chapter 3 - Twins!

Cries of babies echoed in the early dusk as the blackbirds sang their melody. The fresh aroma of the morning glory freshened up the entire room, putting everyone in a refreshed mood.

It was a happy occasion. 

"Let me look at them! Let me look at them!" A voice of a cheeky 4-year-old girl echoed the loudest as she moved past the people, reaching the twins.

"Easy their kiddo. They aren't running anywhere," an old man, in his 70s, smiled as he looked at those kids. There was a joy in that smile that seemed to have made him look at least a decade younger.

"Not today, Gramps. Let her spend time with her brothers at least," retorted another kid of 20 as she cared for her aunt, who just gave birth to the duo.

As for the babies…

They were both taking a glance around at everyone in the room with their eyes slowly treading around. 

"Owaa wa owa? (I have been reincarnated?)" the first baby, Azariel, spoke as he looked around.

"Owa! Owaaa! (Yes! I have really regressed!)" The second baby, Ariel, tried his best to shout in excitement, only for it to end up with some random baby's words.

"See how excited they both are! My! How adorable!" The aunt spoke, making everyone look at the babies. 

Though, at this moment, both of them also realized one more thing. 

"Owawa! (I have a twin, huh?)" Azariel, the reincarnated one, spoke as he tried to look at the brother he had in this life.

"Owa? Owawa? (Huh? I have a twin?)" As for Ariel, he seemed to be more confused than Azariel. He had nothing like that in his previous life.

"Owa Wawa? (Is it those bastard gods again?)" He seemed to reach his own conclusion with this. While Azariel looked at Ariel with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Look! He is trying to say 'Mama'!" The old man looked at his daughter with a smile, while pointing at those kids continuously trying to speak.

"Wawa (Man this is shit!)" Ariel thought, as he didn't like the idea of having a brother at all. For him, it would be better to have things stay the way they were before.

"Owa (Bothersome!)" Azariel, too, didn't think much of it, as he found this bit a little unnecessary over the top of his reincarnation. 

Being reincarnated was already something he didn't look forward to, but to add a twin brother to that? Not something he would like to fancy.

"My… babies! My babies!!" The mother's sister was ecstatic, about to pick the twins and hug them, but was stopped by her brother and her own husband.

"What do you feed her, Sebastian?" The brother held her sister, barely able to stop her back. 

"Believe me or not, she is on a diet! Ow! Ow! Ow!" And her husband cried a little as he stopped her with all of her excitement. Though hearing what they were talking about, she stepped on his foot, making him cry in agony.

This, however, stopped her from moving as she glared at the guys before speaking." Can't I even show some excitement? These are our nephews, for God's sake. And where is he? He should have been the first one to be here!"


The door opened up as another man, wearing a back suit, entered the room. His eyes narrowed towards the mother as he smiled with a relieved expression before a loving look appeared on his face.

"Sorry, I am late," he spoke as he had just finished work and ran all the way to the hospital. 

"Finally," the aunt sighed.

"You are right on time," the mother spoke with a weak voice, making him nod before he moved towards the place where the kids were. His eyes melted a little, as tears of joy appeared looking at his adorable sons.

Everyone gave way to him as he walked towards them, and slowly picked them, hugging them both closer to his heart. He held them carefully, trying not to put them in any discomfort. He felt as if he was in heaven itself.

"…" Azariel felt a strange warmth in his heart. A strange form of safety that he had forgotten about. He had never seen his father, so this was new to him.

He couldn't process the feelings that were going through his heart right now.

As for Ariel he tried his best not to cry. But after meeting his father after hundreds of years, he couldn't control it anymore.

"OWA! OWAAAA! OWAAA! (DAD!! I AM SORRY! I AM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PROTECT YOU! DAD!! PLEASE FORGIVE THIS WEAK SON OF YOURS!!!!)" he cried in agony while he tried holding more of his father.

The father panicked a little as he tried comforting his crying kid," it's alright. It's alright. Don't worry. You are fine. Everything is fine. I am here."

But this only made Ariel cry even louder. He felt regret and agony washing over his entire body, as he felt his body going numb from fear. From the memories of the past life. 

Their father patted Ariel's back slowly while moving around the room rhythmically with the speed of the patting.

"It's all right," and the voice of his father slowly washed over his body, calming him as he slowly brought himself together. Perhaps all this crying took all his energy, but now he was feeling sleepy. 

"Owa… wa…(This time father… I won't disappoint you… ) " and slowly he drifted to sleep as he vowed not to repeat the mistakes he did in past life.

"…" As for Azariel, he was already feeling confused by this newfound feelings of his. Being held in the arms of this man, he strangely felt safe. 

'Is this what it means to have a father?' He thought as he looked at his father. The corner of his lips pursed into a small smile, before he too fell asleep like his brother.