"I see…" Hearing that it would be several years before the next big outbreak, the Commandant's worry was eased slightly, but many more questions popped up, ones I had answers to.
"Think of it this way, Commandant: the first section of the tower consists of 6 floors, and that took almost nine years to complete. But there were plenty of circumstances revolving around that long clear time."
"The players were dumped in a strange place and forced to adapt, but now that they have, I assume that they will be able to clear the second peak in far less time."
"And how many floors do you believe there to be to reach the second peak?" Pulling up a chair and sitting on the opposite side of the bed Piniki was on, the Commandant inquired further.
Most of what I was saying he already knew, having spent a few hours speaking with the players who stayed back to help fight the NightWalkers.