Rolling side to side in my crib in an attempt to comfort my rapidly devolving thoughts, I felt helpless for the first time in a long time.
'There has to be a way for me to get enough cash to use my Circulation skill repeatedly…but how…Uncle Gideon…no, the stock profile idea is irrelevant right now; I need a few more years until I can capitalize on that front…Aunt Penelope isn't a viable option either since the Rink doesn't draw in that much money.'
For the rest of the night, I was restless until, eventually, I passed out from mental and physical exhaustion. As much as I'd like to say I was unhindered by the amount of effort that goes into using a Circulation Technique, I can't because, unlike my Mythical "GitGud" Skill, the Hidden Vestiges of Physicality was unlike anything I had ever experienced.
Slowly closing my eyes and drifting off into the comforting embrace of slumber, my final thoughts were of how to make money fast…
And then…time moved on.