"What of it, who's going to stop me? You? Unlikely, you always leave me to my own devices so long as it doesn't interfere with your stuff. Anyway, tell me about the Circulation Skill you chose. I had initially wanted to go over it with you so that you didn't do something stupid like picking the same one you had in the Origin Timeline…" The moment I said something about his skill, I heard Brenden's footsteps stop some way back, causing me to halt in place and stare forward with dead eyes.
"Brenden…tell me you didn't do something that stupid…." Apart from the static sound of the Command Center's air conditioning unit, there was only silence…and with each passing second, I grew more and more agitated at the lack of answer from Brenden.
"You…just when I think you may finally be using that peasized brain between your ears…You little SHIT YOU COULD BUY ANYTHING!" However, when I spun around, all I saw was a massive shit-eating grin on my little brother's face.