Chapter 291 - Reunion (3)

The much-anticipated day of the reunion had finally arrived. The organizers, wanting a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, requested that everyone come in casual attire, ensuring no one would feel out of place at the rented venue.

However, with four hours remaining until the gathering was set to begin, the scene at Yasushi's residence was still one of calm. The group had prepared their outfits the previous day, eliminating any need for a last-minute rush. For the moment, each person was absorbed in their own thing.

Nandini and Yinhaie, assisted by other staff, were carefully supervising Advika and Yue as the two young girls enthusiastically explored the large house, finding much entertainment in its unfamiliar spaces.

Himari, on the other hand, chose not to join in the exploration. Instead, she was in one of the sitting rooms, deep in a tutoring session with Xinyi and Jingliu. Her desire to be "smart" had her taking the session with a serious demeanor.

Yasushi stayed close, occasionally checking in on Himari while also sending messages to Furuya and simply unwinding. He would also frequently take a moment to observe his daughters as they continued with their adventures around the house, falling into this regular cycle of actions.

Without warning, a cool fingertip touched Yasushi's cheek, causing him to turn and find himself face to face with Hakufubuki, the city's guardian goddess. Her sudden appearance took him by surprise. Though they'd kept in touch over several years, including her visit to London to spend time with him and his daughters, he still was taken aback.

"Are you here for the... reunion?" Yasushi questioned, his eyes fixed on her. The others in the room noticed Hakufubuki as well, greeting her with waves.

Himari, Advika, and Yue knew that Hakufubuki was "special," but they were unaware of her true nature as a goddess or the reality of the supernatural. The adults had decided to keep this hidden for now, concerned that the children might reveal the secret to others or face ridicule for their "belief" in something so outlandish, even though it was actually real.

As a result, the girls simply thought of her as "Auntie Hakufubuki," or "Aunt Haku" for short.

"Yep," Hakufubuki responded, her words carrying a playful tone. "Amaterasu will be there as well, so try not to be too shocked, and it looks like Shiva is coming too," she added, chuckling at Yasushi's bewildered expression.

"That... makes a strange kind of sense, I guess," Yasushi commented, processing the information. "Anyways," he continued, "the reunion doesn't start for another four hours. What are you planning to do until then? Would you like to stick around here?" He finished by sending a final message to Furuya before putting his phone away.

"I think I will stay for a bit," Hakufubuki answered, a smile gracing her features. "Where are your daughters, by the way? I'd love to see them." She glanced over at Himari, who was completely absorbed in her studies, adding, "I'd go spoil Himari but she seems rather focused right now."

"Last time I saw them, they were exploring the underground part of the house," Yasushi stated. "Let's head down there." And with that, they quickly moved in that direction.

The sound of shouts and giggling soon reached their ears, leading them to a smaller, indoor pool. Peeking into the room, they saw the girls, along with Nandini and Yinhaie, all sitting around the edge of the pool, happily splashing their feet while chatting and laughing together.

Upon noticing Yasushi and Hakufubuki, the two young girls excitedly waved them over. Hakufubuki settled herself between Advika and Yue and began chatting with them. The conversation quickly turned into Hakufubuki sharing a series of captivating stories with the girls, who listened with wide-eyed wonder.

Yasushi positioned himself between Yinhaie and Nandini, and for a time, they simply sat in comfortable quiet, each lost in their own thoughts, cherishing the peaceful moment. The demanding nature of their lives left them little time to relax.

Both Nandini and Yinhaie's only real breaks had been after giving birth, but they both had to return to work soon after, assisting Yasushi and Jingliu.

Yasushi, himself, barely got any rest at all. His schedule was relentless, filled with his job, going over documents at home, constantly doing house renovations or making sure to spend time with his daughters, sister, parents, fiancé, and friends. It felt like a never-ending cycle of responsibilities.

Knowing that the upcoming hours would be filled with commotion and activity, Yasushi recognized the significance of this short window of calm. He closed his eyes, his body swaying gently between consciousness and sleep, savoring this fleeting moment of tranquility.

Just as Yasushi was about to drift off, the feeling of Yinhaie and Nandini's hands resting on his thighs jolted him awake. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at them. They both smiled at him, their touch both comforting and teasing.

"Tired?" Nandini asked, her hand moving a little closer to his upper thigh, a playful look in her eyes. "We still have some time...and you could always catch a nap if you want."

"Hmm," Yinhaie added, her own hand venturing just as close. "I agree. You could go to your room and get some sleep. We can come get you later." Her voice was a soft whisper, adding to the suggestive nature of the moment.

Yasushi was now wide awake. He was well aware of the risky game they were playing, and he had a pretty good understanding of what the two older women were feeling at this moment. With a slightly awkward cough, he gently removed their hands.

He noticed Hakufubuki grinning at him, but she quickly turned her attention back to her storytelling. "I appreciate the offer," he said to Nandini and Yinhaie, "but I'm okay. I want to spend time with my daughters and their mothers." He gave them a smile, trying to lighten the mood and move the conversation to a different topic.

Yasushi was somewhat baffled by their sudden, suggestive behavior, but he couldn't fault them. After all, he understood that everyone had urges. And he was sure that some people had likely overheard him and Jingliu having sex over the years.

However, his loyalty to Jingliu was unshakeable. Despite knowing that several women were interested in him, he would never betray her. Yes, he had assisted both Yinhaie and Nandini in becoming pregnant through artificial insemination, but that was as far as he would ever go in that direction.

He was committed to loving and caring for his daughters alongside them, but he wouldn't pursue anything beyond that. He would remain close friends with Nandini and Yinhaie but would never cross that boundary. He simply couldn't. His love for Jingliu ran too deep, but his care for both of them was also a strong part of his life.

The two women shared a knowing look before each placing a hand on one of his shoulders, starting to gently rub it. A satisfied groan escaped Yasushi's lips as he felt the tension in his body ease with their touch.

Yasushi allowed them to continue, recognizing it as a harmless massage. After a short while, they stopped their actions and settled into silence once more, listening to the captivating stories Hakufubuki was sharing.

Eventually, they decided to move on from the pool area and explore other parts of the house along with his daughters, Advika and Yue.

And just like that, three hours seemed to vanish into thin air. With only an hour remaining until the reunion party was set to begin, everyone began preparing themselves to leave, making their way to a waiting vehicle. The vehicle was driven by one of the staff members from Yasushi's home, ready to take them to the party.


The drive to the venue was surprisingly short, taking only about ten minutes. Upon arrival, Yasushi and the others found that Furuya and Catherine had selected a rather unusual location.

It wasn't a typical bar or a restaurant, but rather a large, open space that was only covered by a roof. What made it more unique was the fact that it was decked out in Christmas decorations, as opposed to any sort of theme related to the reunion or even their upcoming wedding.

"This is an interesting choice," Yasushi commented as he stepped out of the car, making sure to thank the driver.

Just like the instructions had stated, everyone had opted for casual attire. Nandini and Yinhaie had changed back into their work clothes, while Advika and Yue were in their usual outfits, which were suitable for the cold weather and snow.

"Didn't you read the note that Catherine sent out?" Xinyi asked, looking at Yasushi with a puzzled expression. "They wanted a big, open area where everyone could move around and talk freely. They also rented out some TVs and projectors, in case we wanted to watch a movie."

"I did read it, but I'm not, you know, making fun of their choice," Yasushi clarified, before walking towards the main area of the venue with his group.

As they got closer, they started to spot familiar faces, all of whom were also attending the reunion. Soon, they could see that a large group of people had gathered around a table in the distance. When this group at the table saw Yasushi's party approaching, they raised their cups in greeting.

"Hey everyone, we made it," Yasushi announced as they reached the table, and the group all began to mingle and chat amongst each other.

Furuya beamed at Yasushi before wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "What's up, hoverboard man?" he asked his best friend. "Enjoying your life over there in London?"

Before Yasushi could even respond, Bhaqui, another friend of theirs from China, who had gone to school with them during their final year of high school and was currently employed by Jingliu's family, also put his arm around him, smirking mischievously.

"The whole world saw you, you know that right?" Bhaqui remarked. "Anfeng and Heinz were equally surprised when they saw you doing all that on TV."

"I was just doing my job, okay? Leave me be," Yasushi responded with a small sigh, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Besides," he added, "you should really try it sometime, it's pretty fun."

"I already tried it, and I fell a few times," Bhaqui admitted, chuckling slightly. "But yeah, it's way better than a scooter or anything like that. I use it to travel around Mengyinhu when I need to run errands outside of the house." He reminisced about the fun he had using the hoverboard.

Furuya let out a sigh. "I don't have enough money for that," he said, shaking his head. "I'm saving up for my future with Catherine, after all. And no, I won't touch her savings to buy myself toys. I'm a responsible adult now."

Furuya's face showed a slight tinge of frustration. He was still in his mid-twenties, with a strong desire to experience new things. However, his love for Catherine was stronger, making him unwilling to waste the money he had set aside for their future together.

Yasushi smirked at Furuya, replying, "Well, you're in luck, because I have a ton of presents saved up for when you two finally tie the knot, so you've got that to anticipate. I'll give you one of them today, but for now, let's just relax and talk. Anyway, would you two like to meet my kids?"

Bhaqui and Furuya were well aware that Yasushi had children with Yinhaie and Nandini. Just like Laura and Reina, they had all initially expected Yasushi to have children with Jingliu first, not with them.

"Sure," they both answered, agreeing to meet the children. They then walked towards where Yinhaie and Nandini were standing.

Standing beside the two mothers were Yue, Yasushi's daughter with Yinhaie, and Advika, his daughter with Nandini. Next to them, with Yunxue, was Yasushi's younger sister, Himari, who looked around with a nervous expression.

Yasushi bent down and picked up Himari, holding her close. "Are you nervous?" he asked, and she nodded, her eyes still fixed on him.

"So many new people..." Himari mumbled softly before looking at both Furuya and Bhaqui, her anxiety still showing.

"They're my friends, so don't worry. They are good people," Yasushi reassured her, and Himari seemed to relax a bit at his words.

She then started firing questions at both Furuya and Bhaqui, who did their best to answer them. Himari, after all, was a very curious child, and once you managed to break through her initial shyness, she became very friendly and outgoing.

This went on for several minutes, and it began to overwhelm Furuya and Bhaqui. They were surprised by how much Yasushi's little sister wanted to learn about them, Yasushi, and the world in general. After listening to it for a little bit longer, Yasushi gently chopped the top of her head with his hand.

"Okay, Himari, how about we go and ask other people some questions too? These two are a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of questions you've got for them," he suggested, offering her a gentle smile.

Himari finally seemed to come out of her "questioning-mode," nodding in agreement. "I'm sorry," she apologized, bowing her head slightly, "I just really enjoy learning new things."

Himari, after being placed back on the ground, immediately walked over to Yunxue, excitedly telling her about her desire to talk to more people and learn more. Before anyone could react, she grabbed Yunxue by the arm and dragged her off in another direction. Yasushi barely had a chance to say a word when another familiar face appeared next to them.

"Hey, sorry we're a little late," the person announced, causing everyone to turn towards the voice.

It was none other than Guo Tianyu, accompanied by his wife, Noelani Ewa! Yasushi had extended the invitation to them, and he, along with Xinyi and Jingliu, had informed Furuya and Catherine about the situation with Guo Tianyu. After explaining the past events, Furuya and Catherine had happily agreed to have them join the reunion.

"We're glad you could make it. How's married life treating you both?" Yasushi asked with a smile, offering Guo Tianyu a fist bump.

Two years earlier, Guo Tianyu and Noelani Ewa had gotten married. They didn't have any kids yet, but were actively working on it. Noelani's name was now Noelani Guo, or, in the traditional Chinese format, Guo Noelani.

Tianyu chuckled, returning the fist bump with Yasushi. "It's been great. We've been traveling a lot, letting the company basically run itself. But if any problems pop up, then we head back to help out. We've set it up so that they barely need us there," he explained, adding, "The people I hired are really good at what they do and never slack off."

"That's good to hear," Yasushi replied, glad that things were going smoothly for them. They continued talking about their lives, with Noelani excusing herself from their group to go and catch up with Xinyi, Jingliu, and a few other familiar faces.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yasushi noticed Alicia standing with a group of girls. She saw him looking her way and gave him a wave. He returned the gesture, relieved to see that she looked well. It had been quite a while since they had properly seen each other, similar to his friend Bhaqui.

The group continued to chat and laugh, sharing stories and making the most of the reunion well into the night, as the hours slowly faded into the distance.


As the day progressed and night began to fall, many of the attendees were still at the venue, their attention now largely captivated by the gods who had made an appearance.

There was Hakufubuki, the goddess who watched over their city, Ginsukimura. Amaterasu, the chief goddess of Japan, was also present, along with Shiva, considered the most powerful god in the entire universe.

Most of the people present were now aware of the supernatural and, as a result, many were eager to ask the gods all kinds of questions. However, a few individuals remained on the sidelines, allowing everyone else to approach and ask what they wished. The gods seemed more than willing to engage with them.

"They're acting just like we did when we first found out about all this, huh?" Xinyi commented, leaning back in her chair while sipping on a non-alcoholic beverage.

"If by 'back then' you mean after discovering the supernatural was actually real, then yes, I'd agree," Jingliu replied from her seat on Yasushi's other side, taking a sip of her coffee.

Their friends continued to ask the gods questions, while those who were more familiar with the supernatural simply relaxed nearby. Some chose to chat with each other, while others helped themselves to the food provided. Yasushi glanced over at Yinhaie and Nandini and saw that both of them were holding his daughters, who were already sound asleep.

During the reunion, many people had gushed over the girls, who had happily run around and played with everyone they encountered. All the excitement had eventually tired them out, and although they had tried their best to act "grown-up" and stay awake, they were unable to fight off their exhaustion and had fallen asleep.

Himari, herself, was also fast asleep. She was curled up comfortably on Yasushi's lap, snoring softly. She, too, had a wonderful time throughout the day. She spoke to many people, asked numerous questions, and gained new knowledge. She had also made some new friends, which made her exceptionally happy.

However, like the others, she was still quite young and had eventually succumbed to fatigue. She had managed to stay awake for an extra thirty minutes compared to Yasushi's daughters, but eventually fell asleep.

As the night deepened, people began to make their way home from the reunion. Heartfelt goodbyes were exchanged between everyone, with many promises made to meet up again soon. However, what struck Yasushi as rather strange was a quiet exchange he observed between Shiva and Furuya and Catherine.

Both Furuya and Catherine appeared taken aback by what Shiva had said, but they also seemed genuinely happy. Shiva then noticed Yasushi watching them, gave him a quick wink, and then disappeared into thin air. Yasushi then looked towards Hakufubuki and Amaterasu, and saw that they were both smiling warmly at Furuya and Catherine.

After witnessing all of this, Yasushi came up with an idea about what might have happened, but he made the decision to keep his thoughts to himself. If his guess was correct, then it was entirely Furuya and Catherine's choice as to when they wanted to share the news.

"Well, we should get going now," Bhaqui announced, his arm around Alicia. "We'll be in the city for the next few days, since we all made plans to hang out, seeing as none of us have any work."

"Alright, sounds good, see you later," Yasushi said, bumping fists with Bhaqui before they both headed out.

Slowly, the room emptied, leaving only Furuya and Yasushi, with Himari sound asleep in Yasushi's arms. Yasushi adjusted his hold on the sleeping child, and then spoke up. "I wanted to give you something, as a gift for everything," he began, bringing his ring into view.

A soft glow emanated from it, and a sleek hoverboard appeared above it for a brief moment before Yasushi snatched it out of the air. "Here you go. It's a new model we're planning to release in a couple of months. Consider this the first of many presents, the rest will come after your wedding."

Furuya just stood there, mouth agape, eyes wide, completely taken aback. He hadn't anticipated anything like this. However, Yasushi was not yet done.

"And if you'd like, I can also cover the entire cost of the wedding. Consider it a token of gratitude for being my friend all these years, even when I was a total jerk," Yasushi added with a small grin, leaving Furuya utterly speechless. "No limitations on the budget."

Furuya's mind struggled to process the implications of such an offer, his expression clearly one of bewildered disbelief.

Yasushi gently placed the hoverboard into his best friend's hands, his expression soft, "No need to decide now. I get that you and Catherine want to make these choices together, so just think it over, okay?" He offered a small, understanding smile, acknowledging the hard work Furuya had put in over the years. "I know how much you've saved up."

He continued, his tone warm and generous, "And to reward that dedication, I want to take care of the wedding and honeymoon. That way you can use your saved cash to make life with Catherine that much easier." Yasushi's eyes held a genuine concern for his friends' well being as he mentioned his knowledge of Furuya's reluctance to depend on Catherine's saved earnings from Xinyi. "Just keep my offer in mind, please."

"We're heading out in a few days, so if you have an answer by then, let me know! If not, a call or text is perfectly fine too!" Yasushi announced with a wave of his hand, as he started towards the exit of their reunion venue, leaving Furuya to mull over his generous propositions.

The car's engine idled softly as Yasushi settled into his seat, the staff member who had picked them up pulling smoothly onto the road. The interior was quiet for a moment, until Xinyi turned towards Yasushi, breaking the silence.

"We heard about the offer you made to Furuya, and Catherine knows too, since we were all nearby. She's thankful and wants to talk it over with him," Xinyi said, a hint of warmth in her tone. Her look was direct, showing she was serious about the conversation.

"Ah, is that so? We'll just need to wait then," Yasushi answered, his voice remaining calm, without any worry. "Then, we'll just wait to hear what they decide. We'll honor whatever they choose," he stated firmly, his tone showing his acceptance. Xinyi gave a small, pleased sound, indicating that she felt the same way.

The answer came the day before Yasushi and the others were due to head back to the United Kingdom. Furuya and Catherine came to them, and their response made Yasushi very happy, a real smile showing on his face as he heard their news.

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