Chereads / Crazed Frenzy / Chapter 20 - Chapter 20: A promise

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20: A promise

"You know if you stand that close to the edge, you might fall."

I was startled by the sudden voice behind me.

I turned around to see who it was that just called out to me. My beloved Albert.

"So what. Nobody will care if I'm gone anyway."

I had a sad look on my face.

"That can't be true. I'm sure you have atleast a family member that would care."

My face grew with more sorrow.


"I see…well…bye then."

He then waved before walking awa- WAIT WHAT!


He stopped.


"Well…aren't you supposed to like…I don't know…stop me from jumping?!"

"Why would I get in the way of a person's want? You do, want to die right?"


In truth, I didn't want to die. But that was pretty obvious to him. However, to me, I wasn't sure if thats what I truly wanted at the time.

Arthur smiled before making a proposal.

"Let's make a bet."

"A bet?"

"Spend one whole week with me. At the end of the week, if you still feel like ending it, then that's up to you, and I won't stop you."

"How do you tie into this though?"

"Glad you asked. I will make it my purpose, for that whole week, to make you fall in love with me."

His smile, it resonated such a calm and relieving aura. One similar to my mothers. He didn't even have to try for a week. He already had my heart.

"Fine. One week."

"Cool. Hopefully I won't fail. Can't have the fact that I let such a cute and sweet girl die on my conscience."

I blushed slightly. Trying to not let him see.


"How old are you anyway."

"12. Why ask?"

"I don't know. You just seem so…mature."

He smiled

"Come on."

He then stuck his hand out to me

"I have no time to waste."

I smiled back

"That's right. One. Week."


During that week he took me to many places. Places I'd never gone to or even heard of. He even let me stay and live with him for a little bit. He had to hide me though. If his mom were to find out her son was letting me of all people stay in her home, she would be really mad.

Monday. He took me to a place called an "arcade". We played a bunch of different games. It was really fun. Then we ate pizza after.

Tuesday. This day was a somewhat learning day. On Monday he noticed that I had no experience with the outside world apart from school. So he taught me some do's and dont's. He wanted to make sure we ate something different each day. So that day we had curry.

Wednesday. I could feel myself falling more and more in love with him. His mother could tell he was hiding something, atleast, that's what he told me. So we had to start being a little more careful. Besides that, this day we went to an aquarium. I'd never seen fish before. My mother bought me a few picture books once. One of them was about all the sea animals in the ocean. So I'd only ever seen drawings of them. Seeing them in person was definitely better though. We ate chicken that night.


Thursday. We went to the movie theater. We watched the latest action movie that came out. Looking back at that…it was a pretty shitty movie. But it didn't matter because of how much fun I was having. We ate lasagna that night.

Friday. That day, I asked him how he got the money to keep taking me to places and buying me such lovely food.

"An allowance? What's that?"

"My parent basically give me a certain amount of money each month depending on how well I do in school and sports. Before I met you, I hadn't spent much of it and was saving for the past few months or so. That's when I decided to spend a some of it on you."

"Wait what?!"

"What? Is there a problem with that?"

"W-Well money is important…and you shouldn't spend it on someone like me."

He must've noticed the somber, long expression I was making, because he smiled at me before kissing my forehead.

*Blushing* "W-What was t-that for!"

"To me, money is worthless, when compared to you."

*Blushing* "Can I ask you something."


"What makes me special enough to where you're doing all this. I mean I have nothing to give in return."

"Hm. I don't know really."

A puzzled look formed over my face.

"Maybe it was just love at first sight you know."

And just like that, my love for him reached an all time high.


Saturday. This was the worst day. On this day…his mom found out what he was hiding. It cause them to get into an argument. I sat back and watched, not knowing what to do.




Albert stumbled to the ground from the force of his mother's slap. Without even realizing it, I rushed over to help him.

"Albert! Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He said while rubbing his face.

His mother stood over us with a disappointed gaze fixed on Albert.

"So you finally show your true feelings."

She then looked my way. That look of digust she gave me. You'd think I would be used to it by now, but it was always hurtful to see.

"Get out of my house. And take that witch with you. You are no longer my son."

Just like that, I ruined the life of the only person left who cared for me…the person that actually did things with me and treated me like an actual human being. Its my fault.

Neither of us talked. I felt so bad. I couldn't handle it.

"I'm sorry Albert! I'm so sorry! It's…it's my fault… I should've been the only one to suffer not you."

He stayed silent while shunning his face from me.

I smiled as I thought of the only way to make amends.

"Maybe…maybe if I were to die…"

Albert began slowly turning his head toward me.

*Smiling* "Yes that's right. If I die…then your mother would have no reason to not take you back. I'll do it! I'll die to get your future back Albert!"

I was crying while saying this. It was so obvious I wasn't ready to die. He slowly walked over to me as I balled my eyes out. He…hugged me. I still remember the warmth of his body encasing mine.

"It's ok. I do not blame you in the slightest. If it's anyone's fault, it's that so called "mother" of mine."

He lifted my chin before wiping away my tears.

"So please Serena…please don't die."

He began crying. The strong, brave, and confident boy I knew…was crying. I couldn't handle it. Without hesitation I hugged him back. We stood there, in that dark and cold Saturday night, we cried while holding each other as tightly as possible. I couldn't let him go.

After a few minutes, I made my decision.

"Hey Albert…I don't need tommorow to decide…I made my choice a while ago."

We stared into each others eyes, fixated on one another.

"Albert…I love you. I love you so very much."

I could tell by his face he was shocked. But he smiled.

"I love you just as much."


"I do."

"But I haven't told you what the promise is yet!"

"You don't have to. Any promise you make, I will keep, till the day I die."

"His words lit a fire in my heart. I'd never felt so…care free, and filled with joy."


"Promise me!"


"Promise that you will never leave me! And I'll never leave you!"


*Smiling* "I promise. I promise to never leave you….."



Serena gave Arthur a sharp look. A bloodlusted look showing her intent to kill Arthur as painfully as possible.

She can't be serious. I mean I was going to let her live because I felt bad. But if she's so insistent on fighting then I have no choice.

Serena was alert and ready to fight. Any other fighter would've been on even higher alert considering how much bloodlust she was giving off. But Arthur wasn't. This could be due to trauma from fighting Albert. Now that he was gone, she posed no threat.

This may well be his downfall.

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