Chereads / The Burning Flames / Chapter 14 - The Burning Flames: Menifes II

Chapter 14 - The Burning Flames: Menifes II

They can feel the coldness in the forest. It's giving them goosebumps. Team Leader Justin wonders what's giving them this odd feeling. They follow the thread, as they listen to the sound of their footsteps. There's no sound of insects or any living things in the area.

They can only rely on their senses and hearing to protect themselves. They hold on tight their weapons, ready to aim towards any noise that might appear out of nowhere. 

Theo is on the lookout too, and while they're all focusing on the hearing, he casted a spell quietly, neutralizing the poison that could harm them. The glowing green light on their body could've created a lot of questions if they were to see it, thus why he wants to keep it a secret. To spend less time on answering, and more time on moving.

After a while, they arrive at a lake. The lake is gloomy, and the water is the color of dark purple. There's also a lot of smoke coming from it. It stinks. 

The team frown at the smell, couldn't possibly cover their nose with both of their hands busy on holding their weapons and the thread. It's unpleasant. 

"Did you somehow forgot about this part of the forest, Private William James? Or is this not the area that Private Theo Smith told you?" Team Leader Justin starts to speak up. They didn't know what could be emitting this odd smell. 

Theo looks at his teammates, before looking back at the lake. He needs to lie about this area. He can't tell them that this is a lake, which could possibly be a problem if they know about the next crucial part of the plan. 

"I apologize, Team Leader. Private Theo Smith did tell me about this specific area, because of the unpleasant smell. But worry not, there's no danger around this area," he said, wording his sentences carefully. The smell of the lake was supposed to be sweet. Its purpose was to allure people towards it, blocking other senses, and finally killing the victim by melting them when they slipped into the lake. He doesn't know if this lie would cause a problem in the future or not, but he has no choice.

"I see..." Team Leader Justin respond, suspicious of Theo's answers. 

Theo leads them towards the lake, before he casts another spell, only moving his lips without actually uttering the words. The lake then freeze, like a mirror, reflecting the sky above. 

"Team Leader, this area might be a bit colder. I do hope that it is not too much for the team," Theo alerting Team Leader Justin about the smoke around the lake. It was supposed to be hot, but his sorcery made it the opposite. It's to protect their body from harm. 

"Understood that, Private William James. I will alert the team," Team Leader Justin replied, turning his head to alert everyone. Theo stare at the lake to make sure that his spell is strong enough. He needs to maintain it for quite sometimes, until everyone manage to cross the lake. 

Theo doesn't know how cold the area is currently, as his body temperature is unusually high. This forest in particular, heating him up like a bonfire. Perhaps there's something unexplainable in this forest that makes his body like that. He already warned his team about the cold, so it won't be a problem. 

Everyone is ready to move again. Theo step on the frozen lake, creating the sound of glass. That sound alerts the team, turning their heads toward the lake. 

"What was that?" there's no way they could found any glass in the forest, but this forest is somewhat odd on its own. There might be a possibility of something like this appearing, they should keep it in mind. 

"Oh.. I remembered now.. there's an area that would create the sound of glass when we step on its land," Theo answers, pretending to be surprise. 

"...Private William James, wait a moment," Team Leader Justin grabs the thread, pulling Theo behind slightly. Theo looks at him, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Is there a problem, Team Leader?" Theo ask, a bit frustrated that they had to stop even for a while.

"Are you actually sure that this area is safe?" Team Leader Justin is being cautious. Looks like he doesn't want his teammates to be injured. 

Theo looks at him, before he walks back to the land. 

"Team Leader, I-" 

The ground is shaking suddenly. There's a sound of rumbling in the area. Theo looks around, immediately wary. This has never happened before.

"What is that sound?" They raise their weapons, but it's hard to steady their hands and aim towards any direction when they still need to hold the thread.

"Private William James, something is approaching us, give orders," Team Leader Justin talks to Theo in urgency. 

Theo is listening to the sound, trying to identify what is it that's approaching them. He can't concentrate with the loud rumbling sound, it's too disturbing. 

"Private William James!" the ground is shaking violently. The sound is getting closer. And the soldiers doesn't know what to do. 

When Theo finally identify the sound, he commands them.

"Let go of the thread, and hold your weapon! Aim it to the sky!" none of them delays their movements, they let go of the thread and aim their weapons to the sky. Waiting for the sound to approach them. 

Theo looks to the sky. He haven't heard of the sound before. Perhaps one of the machines got past this? But it's impossible due to the poisonous fogs and plants, unless the machines could evolve to another level. 

Each of the team member listen closely to the sound, preparing themselves for the worst outcome. What could possibly be there?

As the sound approaching them, Theo can see the sky light up from the distance. That doesn't seem like any phenomenon that have been discovered before. The area gets brighter as the light shines brightly. It could blind anyone. 

The soldiers could feel the overwhelming presence, as they're ready to pull the trigger, only waiting for Theo's order.

"Private William James, should we fire?" Team Leader Justin ask for Theo's command. But only left unanswered. 

"Private William James?!" The sound is almost deafening. Team Leader Justin turns his head towards Theo's direction, wondering why there's no answer from him. Suddenly, he can hear the sound of someone slumps to the ground.

Team Leader Justin approach Theo. He needs to see what's happening and why Theo did not answer him. He takes off his blindfold, only to find Theo knocked out cold on the ground.

"Private!" he checks on Theo's condition. Theo's face is scrunch up, as if he's having a nightmare. What just happen? He turns his attention towards the light, to find some sort of weird looking creature in it. It's not at all clear.

"Aim to the East!" Team Leader Justin takes charge, as he aims towards the light. Hearing his voice makes them questions what had happened, but they follow the orders immediately. 

As they pull the trigger, their weapons broke down, the mana energies become unstable, as the weapons heat up. They throw their weapons away, can't possibly hold it. 

"What was that?" they starts to question. All of them are in shock from the heat radiant. Team Leader Justin looks at the creature, his eyebrows furrowed. That creature must've been the one behind this. 

A few of them starts to take off their blindfold, couldn't take it anymore. 

"What is that creature..." they said after seeing the light in the sky. They can't possibly hallucinate. 

That creature doesn't seem like it will attack them anytime soon, so Team Leader Justin ask everyone to settle down. 

"Team Leader.." Assistant Team Leader John approach Team Leader Justin, noticing Theo on the ground.

"What happened to Private William?" he said as he kneel down to check on Theo's condition. 

"I don't know myself." Team Leader Justin answers as he use his cloak to make a pillow for Theo's head. He lifts Theo's head gently, settling the cloak under his head.

"There's no sign of him being attacked," Team Leader Justin clarifies.

"Where's Lieutenant Aqua?" he looks around.

"He's looking around the area."


"This place is odd.." Sublieutenant Felix, one of the soldiers under searching team of Unit 125. He is securing the area with Lieutenant Nebir

"This area is not safe at all. Lots of poisons," Lieutenant Nebir observe the more darker areas. He looks at his hand, looks like the green light surrounding their body is neutralizing the poison.

'... Must've been Theo,' he thinks to himself. 

"Lieutenant, let's go back. This area seems to be more dangerous."

"Right. Let's go back," Lieutenant Nebir said after hearing Sublieutenant Felix wary tone. This is an unknown place after all. They return to the lake area, seeing how everyone is resting, it assure them that the creature won't do anything for the time being. 

Lieutenant Nebir approach Team Leader Justin who's checking on each teammates' conditions.

"Team Leader," he salute, showing that he has return from securing the area.

"Lieutenant, anything you found?" Team Leader Justin turns to look at Lieutenant Nebir

He inform Team Leader Justin about the darker area of the forest. Seems like their only way out is through the frozen lake, but they can't make a move yet. They don't know what would be up ahead, and they no longer have any working weapons. Not to mention the fact that those communication devices from General Robert couldn't activate no matter how hard they tried. It's like they're trap here with no hint or clue to get out, and their only guide is unconscious. 

After informing Team Leader Justin, Lieutenant Nebir walks towards Assistant Team Leader John. He's noting down Theo's conditions. 

"Assistant Team Leader," he salutes. 

"Oh, you're back Lieutenant." Assistant Team Leader John raise his head to look at Lieutenant Nebir. 

"Yes. How is rookie's conditions?" Lieutenant Nebir observed Theo's body. Doesn't seem out of anything ordinary.

"He have no injuries. It's hard to tell what could've cause this." Assistant Team Leader answers. 

"Huh.. that's weird."


I open my eyes, after hearing the sound of the soft wind, and water flowing, only to find myself standing on a land filled with the color white. The grass, the plants, the river. Only the sky is blue. 

"Where am I?" I look around. This place is foreign, and yet there's still a sense of familiarity. 

"Theo Smith." I turn around as my name echoes. It was coming from the sky. 

"Welcome to the land of choices and decisions."