Chereads / Fantasy Came True / Chapter 5 - Walk to home

Chapter 5 - Walk to home

Caligo was waiting for her outside the school, looking at the unusual building designs which he has never seen before, as, in his world the buildings were excessively decorated and were maintained properly but these look very plane and unattractive except the one which is opposite to Akai's building which she called 'school'.

That one was somewhat colorful; some of the roofs were tent roofs and he couldn't make out which one was the entrance.

Akai was ready to leave the school, bag full of food and snacks, her katana and the first aid box and went out with two plumbers in her hands. She stepped outside the school.

"Mr. Oblivion, please give me a minute"

"Alright", as he watched her going towards what appears to be a two wheeled thing "What is that?"

"This is a handy vehicle called bicycle" she told him while trying to break the chains that locked it "its eco-friendly vehicle, it much faster than walking at least, though it becomes trying when you peddle too much"

"I see" he said while scanning the bicycle as if he was memorizing all the details of how it looked like.

"here I have finally broken it, I know it's bad stealing is bad but I will return it when see Mr. Security uncle again" she thought then asked Caligo ,"do you wanna try it out, Kal, oh sorry, sir. Shouldnt have called your name like that"

"It's okay"

"I am really sorry your name was too big, so I unconsciously called you by short one" she said "this was just a bad habit of mine, please don't be bothered about it"

"I won't" he said "I'd like to try that bicycle thing"

"Sure let me explain how it works first" Then she started to do so, she showed the paddles, the sit, the handles and what break is and how to use it. Akai's explanation was very beautiful and simple that Caligo understood in an instant. However to make it more clear Akai showed a demonstration of how to ride the bicycle. After that she asked him to try it out and when Caligo was standing next to it Akai burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just that you are so tall, you look like a grown up riding a five year old's bicycle" she said mocking him "no wait you look like frog in a bicycle, I can't stop laughing"

"Do care about your life?" said as if his were glowing red.

"Ey, how tall are you?" she asked barely holding her laugh "he is tall, very tall I mean, like a mountain….he looks close to 190cm" she thought while analyzing him from bottom to top "or above, I am not even 160cm, I feel to cry now I am so short"

"Why does that matter?"

"Not much seeing how that bicycle is very small for you"


"Didn't you notice how I was sitting perfectly on it and that my legs reached the peddles they were straight"

"I thought it was small for her or something", Caligo had an important thought, "wait doesn't that mean I humiliated myself like that"

"I suppose we have to walk then" said Akai.

"I see lets walk then" he immediately agreed with her

"Okay then lets goo" she was and thought of something, Akai could have just adjust the sit but now it's not needed "wait what is that?" she asked while narrowing her eyes at the distant figure of someone waving their hand and coming towards them "looks like someone is coming here"

"It looks like a girl" Caligo replied

"A girl, Wait you see from this far" asked shockingly, because her eyes could only see blurry black figure. It looked like a moving sesame seed to her.

"Yes, I can but is she dangerous?"

"How should I know? But let's wait and see" she said "I'll call her in the meantime"


"Hey!" Akai said in a very loud voice to insure the girl that they were here

"Hey!" the girl replied back

She ran faster now knowing that the two people were no threat. When she finally reached them both panting, Akai too ran to her.

"Hey are you okay? What happen to you?"

She could barely breathe when Akai asked about her. The girl had long black silky hair and dark black eyes; coincidently she was also wearing black uniform of 'Lunia All High Girls School'.

"I am Seoul Han Yun" she replied "a student from Lunia high"

"Student from Lunia, huh; It's pretty obvious by her black skirt, black ribbon with a golden broch in the middle, they are pretty expensive; then again she herself looks rich, I mean look at that gorgeous straight hair with no bangs" Akai thought while looking around "is she the only one, I don't see anyone besides her" she looked for others though there was no one besides her "oh I am Akai Razaar from Together High, the one in front of you, what should I call you?"

"Please call me Yun"

"Pleasure to meet you Yun, call me Akai okay"

"Yes thank you"

"By the way Yun, are you the only one here or are there others?" Akai asked her.

"I-I know that it must be surprising but I am the only one here" she said stammering.

"Don't worry totally believable, because I too was only one left from my school. So what happened to the others?"

"Please believe me when I say that they 'disappeared" she said thinking that Akai would not believe her, no matter what she told. Surprisingly to her, Akai did believe.

"Totally expected that" Akai thought "I trust you, say did you see something else weird? Like some weird creatures or something"

"Weird creatures, Yes, Yes I did they were terrifying and scary" she said.

"Anything else" Akai glanced at her suspiciously questioned her further.

"Anything else" Yun repeated what Akai had said.

"Yeah like, fairies? Or carnivores plants?"

"Maybe I am not sure but did see monsters! And ash"

"Great I am very glad that I am not the only one who had seen them" Akai narrowed her eyes "I see so she had seen them too, now let's try this" Akai agreed with her "and how about those fairies? Or something that is not dangerous?"

"Oh yes I did see some but they disappeared too like the ash"

"A real fairy" Akai shouted

"Am yes" Yun replied

"I thought so" said Akai

"Am what"

"Actually I had seen them too" Akai said with unusual excitement, meeting with Yun's statements "those beautiful fairies, I mean"

"Fairies?" said Caligo keeping his cool "you didn't tell about those"

"You never asked, did you?"

Akai turned to Yun and introduced her to Caligo; she had also explained what they were planning about.

Yun lived in district 404 north of here which was very far from the school. Therefore, Akai convinced her to stay with them for extra safety measure, as Akai's home wasn't that far away, Yun can call for her parents from there and they could come pick her up.

Akai herself didn't know whether Yun's parents were even there and as well as hers. After the discussion all three of them made their way to Akai's home.

On the way their situation became very awkward.

"Isn't this great, no one is talking or asking questions" Akai thought while glancing on her both sides "besides this girl" , she glanced at Yun "is a big liar, either she was just twisting the story us or that, she knows something about this incident. It's obviously because there were no fairies to begin with, I simply just wanted to try this trick but I never thought it would actually work. I am lucky today, either way there are no people around and the cars on the road are…smashed into the walls of the houses and the buildings. More than that I don't hear any sound of anything, no birds, no cars, no people screaming. Where is everyone?"

"Akai, you there?"

"Yes off course. What is it?"

"There something heading our way" said Caligo.

"A monster?" asked Akai.


"Is it big? Cause I can feel the ground shake" Akai said watching the ground

"Yeah it is" he answered

"Should we run?" Akai asked

"I can take care of it" said Caligo confidently

"So confident" Akai thought, Caligo ignored the word 'bro' in her sentence "sure bro, do your best, Yun stay close to me"

"Yes" said Yun "what is coming?"

"Got no idea" Akai smiled at her

"We'll see when it comes, right…now"

No sooner did she finish her sentence, a giant black wolf leaped towards Caligo who was standing in the front and he skillfully jumped backwards.

It was unnatural; no human can jump that far not even in million years. It was an amazing thing for Akai; to have seen things that only happen in anime or manga. She was impressed.

The wolf stared at Caligo with its bloody eyes; showing off its razor sharp fangs and blood covered claws.

Yun was scared out of her mind; Akai assured her safety with a bright smile and giving her a hug. On the other hand Caligo was unfazed by the wolf, rather the wolf itself was whimpering in front of him yet it stood in attack formation. It was unordinary sight.

The only thing it was doing was barking and growling at Caligo instead of attacking him.

"Move", Caligo commanded the giant monstrous wolf.

That simple word was very intimidating that the wolf took a step back.

"Or you'll be dead" he completed his sentence.

Hearing those words, the wolf whimpered back and sat down. That was unbelievable show.

"The wolf looks like a puppy, what happened? The wolf could kill us with one slash of its claws but Caligo just shut him down by mere words." Akai thought "This is unbelievable, what is, he?"

Not sooner than that the creature started to shrink and finally became small as normal furry black dog with red horn in the middle of its fore head.

"What the hell is that, now?" asked Akai in complete shock.

"It is a magical beast, from my world" replied Caligo "I didn't expect them to have also crossed the gate" he also hopped that the demons had not crossed the gate because if they do it will chaos.

"Magical beast?" whispered Akai "amazing, they too exist"

"Anyway it's harmless now" said Caligo he pointed at the fury dog "it won't attack us again"

"I see, alright then" Akai nodded her head, and then turned to Yun "hey Yun look, look at that, the big bad wolf turned into a small doggie" she laughed at the cute dog.

Akai put on a big grin on her face so not to make Yun get scared or get worried about being getting attacked by a giant wolf. Sure enough that did make Yun smile by herself. Yet something did not feel right to Akai because to her Yun's eyes looked very cold. Her smile was, fake somehow thought Akai.

Though it didn't matter to her right now therefore she let her suspicions pass. Both the girls watched the dog which was a wolf some minutes ago, rolling and playing on the ground as to show that it is not harmful.

"Hey mister isn't the dog very smart?" asked Akai.


"Yeah I mean look at it" she pointed at the little wolf "after losing to you it started to act very cute and innocent, so it can live longer"

Caligo gave a light smile as an answer. The wolf barked playfully and jumped on Akai and kept on licking her face. She shut her eyes and mouth tight. Finally when it stopped, Akai exhaled deeply then took a bottle of water from her bag and washed her face and rubbed her face very harshly with tissue papers, removing any leftover microscopic droplet of the saliva from her face.

"It likes you" said Caligo.

"Like me? Like me? Eww no" Akai said in disgust "I don't like dogs; the only thing it is doing is rubbing its saliva covered tongue on my face. That's very disgusting, eww, EW. Imma cat person not dog, you can keep em"

"I can't keep him" Caligo replied "it took you as its master"

"What?" Akai asked dumfounded "but I didn't defeat it or something"

"It's not like that, it is magical creature, it can understand and feel people's aura and in this case it chose you"

"Aura… awesome" she looked at him awe.

"You are admiring"

"Off course, then I don't mind having him" she said patting the little wolf's head "right boy" and the dog barked.

"Akai" Yun called "why don't you give it a name?"

"A Name?"

"Yeah it will be easier to call"

"I like calling it 'doggie' though but doesn't seemed to like very much as how he is whining" Akai watched the little wolf who was looking at her with sad eyes "Hmm you are right, lemme think"

Akai looked into the wolf's eye and thought of a name. "Red eyes, red horn, dark night like fur and very strong….." she thought deeply "let's see what matches the description. Wait that's right this might do, perfect"

"What is it Akai?" Yun asked excitedly


"Drake…" said Yun smiling. "that's not bad"

"It's a strong name, it suits him" said Caligo

"How do you like it, Drake?" Akai asked the little wolf'

"Woof! Woof!"

"I suppose that means 'yes' buddy?" she patted his head "Woof!"

An hour after making a new friend, all four including drake made it to district 101's entrance, Akai' district. It was same as the other districts which they had to cross on the way, on people at all and no sign of living things.

"Something is weird here, why is there no one? I hope they are alright" Akai thought as they continued forward "another problem is that no monsters attacked us after Drake. I asked Caligo about that and he told me that it was because of his aura, the monster were scared to even show up now, in front of him I mean." She watched him walking front of her "Though we, by whom I mean me and Yun, are very close to him, we are unaffected by it. He said it was because we were too weak to even feel anything at all. To be honest that was very rude, actually what did I expect, and I am a normal week human, boohoohoo. By the way, twenty minutes later from now with the current speed we will reach my home, Can't wait to see their faces full of surprises after seeing me alive."

"Hey Akai" Caligo called her hold a large club in his hand.

"Where did you get that?" she asked "looks familiar for some reason" she said.

"It weights over one tone" he said swinging it like a baseball bat.

"One tone, huh?" she looked pasted Caligo "and there are more behind, I suppose these are the clubs I told them to take it" she looked disappointed "good thing they came in handy" she shrugged her shoulders and she was happy and sad as well.

"Why would you even ask your friends to carry them?" asked Yun "that's a burden for them"

"I liked the design of these clubs and more so because they were carried by the monsters" said Akai "I thought I'd enjoy them while they lasted but they lasted very, very short time"

"Should I carry them for you?" Caligo asked casually "I can bring if you want"

"No thanks" Akai said immediately "we should move on now"

Both of them nodded.

On the way Caligo asked so many questions about earth and the normal lifestyles of a person. Both the girls took turn and explained everything and how they work.

Caligo took all of them by amazement and curiosity like what was a car or a bus? What were those 'vending' machines on the roadside? And how could the lamps work without fire or candles that had to be lighted by people in his world? What was electricity? And many more, it was like teaching a new born baby about the way the world works.

Caligo didn't show any sign of amusement but to girls were having so much fun while answering his questions, Even Drake joined them.

Twenty minutes later Akai was running towards her beloved home, the one which she tried so hard to reach since yesterday.

She and her family lived in a flat, on the ground floor's first room, so it was easier to find. Her family wasn't rich nor were they poor.

Caligo and Yun ran after her to find her pressing the doorbell like a mad woodpecker. Only adrenaline was rushing inside her and cold sweet ran through her neck.

Caligo watched Akai as she acted out of character. He'd seen her been unaverred by the whole monsters situation. She was clam in every way and in any situation up until now.

She was shaking all over; her beating heart could be heard very clearly. He couldn't interfere with what she was doing. Losing her loved ones is one she is most afraid of. That was her weakness. And here he thought nothing could make her waver.

Akai banged the door, called out to her parents and her little brother who was supposed to reach home by yesterday but there was no answer.

She went under the window of her living room, she climbed on the window panel though she couldn't open it from outside but there was no one was inside as she peeped through the little gaps of the curtains. Then somehow she remembered that she was having the house keys and not her brother or her parents.

"I am so stupid" she said mumbling to herself.

"What happened Akai, did see anything?" asked Yun

"Nothing", Akai replied rudely which surprised Yun, "sorry, I meant to say that I made an idiotic mistake, you see ...Hahah…", she gave off an embarrassing laugh, yet a relief.

Akai quickly took out the keys from her backpack and finally opened the door; she burst through the door then left it wide open for her two companions two come in.

Inside there was on one, the house was untouched since yesterday morning, no sign of anyone coming in or going out.

This made her insides twist, clenching her stomach. She took deep breath and closed her eyes to think rationally.

"I had the keys, no one came in, no one could go in, mom and dad had spare keys when they left for the buying supplies. Also I told them if they wouldn't get any help, they should go to the police station. That's right they might be there"


"I think I know where they might be", she said with a knowing smile "to the police station"

"Are you sure?"

Next thing she was running towards the police station which was very close to where she lived. Akai was filled with mixed emotions of worriedness, sadness and anxiety, although none was positive. What will she find there? Will everyone be there or just little brother and her beloved parents.

She hopped that everyone whom wished to be there was actually there. Yun ran after her and Caligo followed after grabbing Akai's things. Before they even reached the station Akai shouted to whoever that might be inside.

And sure enough, someone did come out it was El, her little brother. Tears dripped on seeing his dear sister who he thought might never make it out alive.

He ran down the high stairs of the station, and almost tripping on the way to get to her. Akai too ran as fast as she could to hold her little brother.

The moment they were close enough, El jumped on his sister, hugging her tightly and weeping like child. Akai cupped the back of his head and pulled him closer to her. Both fell to the ground, El cried on her shoulder and she was holding hers.

"I am here, don't worry now", she forced a smile.

El was followed by Akai's three best friends Kiara, Lily and Rose. "What took you so long?" he said crying

"You seriously are Devil's child" said lily

"Aey, you guys are okay" said Akai smiling "and rosy, what happened to your face? They are very red.." she asked the girl with big round glasses and short wavy brown hair.

"We had to wake her up, slapping that is" said Kiara

"Now stop crying kid", Akai looked down on her brother who had very dark circles under his eyes, sign of not sleeping the whole night yesterday, "if you don't stop I will make fun of you the rest of your life" she gave a wicked smile at him.

He knew exactly what his sister was, a devil. She may be smiling kindly towards others but that was just a mask she would put on when she was out of the house and in the public.

He remembered the times she got very angry she almost hit him very to point he would cry, when they were young.

Even if she had stopped doing those she would make fun of him badly, he'd been cooping up with her and doing the same to her, she used to get angry and he like it but these days she doesn't react to any of the insults said to her, she was clam.

Then again he thought that she cared about him the most in the whole world because there were many times she was there for him he had gotten hurt.

Either way there was a point; it was embarrassing to cry like that in front so many people therefore immediately stopped.

El smiled while hiding it from his sister, he was very happy that made out alive.
