Arun had gotten many descriptions of Omeron over the time he had spent in this world. Considering that he had been here for a month or so, and the time he had heard that thing's name, told volumes about that creature's influence in the world. He had heard that apparently, many had tried to best the beast in the past, but unfortunately, none had succeeded. The amount of death that had been linked with Omeron's name was enough to birth fear in anyone's heart.
That beast is so strong, that even Adam believed that it could decimate a great city on its own. He always wondered whether it was true or not, because he was yet to find a monster or beast that couldnt kill. The big boar that he fought, was strong and durable but was ultimately got killed. Although he had not met the giant porcupine and monster with chicken feet in battle yet, still he had no reason to believe that he would not be able to beat them.