Arun when saw the bustling village before him, couldnt help but be impressed by what he saw him. There was a large ground, at the center of the village, which was bustling with activity. The ground was divided among various players, who were practicing everything from archery to swordplay. From what he could count, there were around 100 or so players in the ground itself.
They are really serious about the raid. Arun thought.
The village itself was bustling with activities. Everyone seemed to be working on something, everyone was in a hurry, going from one place to another. He found the envoirment very familiar to an army camp, where everything was working out like clockwork. This was a good thing for him, as people on the ground had no idea that there was a man wearing a red mask on the roof of a building.
Now, where will I find Sonia and others? He asked. He knew about the leader of Hanuman Familia but had no idea about Suzie and others.