Being home for the holidays was just a matter of a few days, not even ten, so Huang Man didn't bother bringing a lot of clothes with her.
She just brought some personal clothing and also a thick bag of books.
This winter break was all about doing problem sets, nothing but problem sets.
Zhao Mei spent half the day chatting with close neighbors outside before returning home, only to find the kitchen stove cold and the laundry she had reminded them to wash before leaving, still in the basin.
Zhao Mei was furious, "Huang Lina, get your ass out here."
"Didn't I instruct you before I left to remember to do the laundry? Look at that!"
"And it's so late already, yet you have no idea about cooking."
Zhao Mei really couldn't understand how she ended up with such a fool for a daughter; she didn't expect her to be a great cook, but at the very least, she should remember to cook.