Walking down the street was a large male but to call him large though was an understatement. Not even the word fat could properly describe him.
He was slowly slugging himself down, taking each and every step carefully so he doesn't fall over.
It was getting late, and it was getting slowly crowded in the streets, however nobody went near him. There was enough space, he wasn't that big, but the people simply did not want to be near him.
The thought of being close to a humungous hippo must put people of a lot. He found it normal though, just because he was use to it.
He glanced with his eyes around, being too much for his neck. He saw some people he was familiar with, pot luck that they were looking at him.
Luckily enough they are not that horrible and leave him alone.
But he could hear the distant chatters.
"Oh my gosh, it's the hippo."
"He is WALKING, what a shock!"
"Eeew, I don't want to be near him."
The insults were blander than ready salted crisps. Despite this, one stung. "I am not a hippo. My name is Stef," he grumbled.
Not even Stefan but Stef. He showed no sign of being affected by the insults and kept making his way home. The marathon for him finally came to an end. However, his despair just awaited.
In Stef's house hold, there was a demon: his mum. Now abuse can come in many different ways, some may come in physical violence, some in emotional.
His was a bit different. As Stef entered the door, his mum was waiting there.
"Steeef!" She gleamed happily at him. He was out of breath, holding a plastic bag full of groceries. He bent over catching his breath.
"I told you should not have gone outside, it is too much for you," she preached. "You should come and sit over here," she pointed towards the couch being a few metres away.
"Wait," he caught his breath," give me a second."
The mum looked annoyed and started walking over towards him, she was holding something behind her.
"Open wide!!" She opened her own mouth wide. Stef did not hear and looked confused. "Huh?"
His mouth was half open but as he up looked towards his mum, she shoved something in his mouth. Stef was caught off guard, he could not breath.
He was starting to suffocate. "UH, UH!!" His mum looked surprised," oh no, I wanted to surprise you with a good well-done treat, I will get the drink."
Stef's eyes started to panic. "UH, wait," he put his hand out. His mum looked back and asked, " yes?"
He swallowed the whole thing painfully. He took a breath to gasp for air, "I am fine, thanks mum." He gritted the final phrase painfully.
"Oh no worries, you know I would have rushed over, do you still need to drink-"
"No mum, I don't need to disturb you, it is fine, tha-"
He held back finishing the word. His mum nodded, "no worries, if you need it, don't get up, just call me and I will be right there for you. " He smiled and nodded. Sweat was pouring down his face but before his mum would notice, he quickly (for him) dashed over to the couch, that got him out of breath as well.
He sighed as he sat down, but the couch could be heard groaning.
He took a deep breath. He waited until his mum had walked away. "Crap." He muttered quickly, hoping she did not hear him." She had shoved another one of those things in my mouth." He grunted, still feeling the pastry in his throat.
A fluffy pastry had been shoved in his mouth and now is stuck. Something which has such a smooth puffy texture, where this one had a soft creamy filling and as the gorgeous crunchy texture is bitten, you could taste the freedom of buttery delight.
But for him, they are the torture device used against him. He dreads whenever he saw them, that's why his mum started to hide them from him.
"Why just why is she doing this? I don't want to be fat, I don't want any of this."
He bit his lip, he did not want to show any weakness but he felt hopeless in the situation.
"Getting fat until I die from obesity, what a life to live." Nobody could help him for that matter as well. He was put in a situation where he can't get help from anyone.
His other family members? His dad is not with him anymore, if he was, his life might be different, he would go against this, that is what he would think, but he cannot remember his dad so he can only hope he was a good person.
He also had a sister and she isn't being put into any of his mums schemes, however he can only guess because he is resisting so much once he gives up, she is next.
Friends? Good joke, you think he has those. So as you can guess, no help will come for him.
His mum controls almost everything what he does, at least she doesn't over stuff him to death however he can only sit around and do nothing.
He looked at the television. It was really close to him, however, for him to get up and walk towards there, it would take him forever. He gave a lost face when he only could come up with one good solution.
The thought scared him, but quickly came to the conclusion that he was unable to do that. How can he hang a rope up? Then getting on top of that chair. He can't even do a good job of offing himself.
"All hope is lost, isn't it?"
He looked over at the door, and the keys were still in, she still had not locked the door.
"Why isn't it locked? Did she forget?"
You can guess that with a strict household, that she never lets him out of the house, unless it is for school.
His mum did not respond, "she probably is busy with something."
He looked over again, and a thought jolted into his head.
"I could leave."
Being a runaway never was his intention, but it was either that, or him being in this hell hole.
"This is a once in a life time opportunity."
He immediately tried and started getting up. It was hard but he slowly rolled over, off the couch.
He attempted at doing it as quietly as possible, but you must feel for the poor couch, needing to support him.
He was up.
His footstep was loud but he gambled that she would not hear. He was at the door and opened it. He exited to the outside world again for the second time today, which was a new record for him, since he can remember.
He looked up to see the night sky.
"Right, time to move." He closed the door and started walking as far as he could. He was motivated so he was faster that his usual slow self.
First he had to get as far away as possible, where his mum would never look to find him.
He would have to go to all the alleyways, where the stereotypical gang dealers roam around. He wasn't scared, his greatest flaw is also his greatest asset. He could shield himself with his fat. A perfect meat shield.
He took a sharp turn and it was empty except for a few dirty bins. He was not thinking where to go or what happens, even though he is now on the streets, his mum might realise and find him in a instance. What will happen is a thought he does not want entering his mind.
The fact that he is outside now means there was no turning back and running until he is one hundred percent safe. He could try and hide, but the closer he is to the house, the more likely she is to find him. Not only that, is there any chance he can hide?
A big guy like him would need luck trying to do that. He kept on pushing, as if he was dragging a huge van behind him. He almost came out to the other side, but a voice called out to him.
"Stef, where are you going?"
His body froze. He started breathing faster. He was shaking. He turned his whole body to see that his mum was standing there. Her hands on her hips. She had a smile on her face.
"I don't think it is a good idea, to run away, Then I can't pamper you, can I?"
Her smile was devilish. It was frightening. She started walking towards him. He could not speak because of the shock. His words would suffocate him. He could not out run her, so what could he do?
There was a door to his right. He could try and go in there. What ever is in there, nothing could be worse than his mum. She started speeding up. His heart was pumping faster.
He took a deep breath and jumped through the door. He landed on his face. Everything went pitch black.
When he woke up, he looked around and saw himself in a different world.