"那座石像说有一些测试,然后就传送到这里来了,果然厉害!你不是说时间不多吗?你为什么不像青玄道士那样直接给机会,算是浪费时间去测试?我觉得时间太多了!那对我的考验是什么?齐瑾忍不住叹了口气,有些抱怨!来到城市街道,进入一家餐厅,点酒点菜,边吃边抱怨:"喝完月神饮,我没吃一点,应该吃完饭再喝!"这时,突然有个小乞丐走了进来,却被店员急忙拦住,店员一边骂骂咧咧地说道:"滚出去,臭乞丐在哪儿,别打扰我的生意,滚出去!"旁边也有食客附和道:"对了,臭乞丐,你进来跟我说臭,我怎么能吃喝?快出去!有的怒目而视,有的则厌恶地捂着鼻子...这时,齐瑾意识到了不对劲,于是停止了喊叫."停下,小二,去给他准备些酒和吃的,我来付钱!"小二难以置信的看着齐瑾.过了一会儿,他回过神来,去后厨准备饭菜."多谢这位活菩萨,小乞丐,好几天没吃饭了,多谢活菩萨,多谢活菩萨..."小乞丐跪下来,不停地向他道谢.齐瑾急忙过来把小乞丐扶起来,顿时愣住了.这岂不是带我去餐厅吃好吃的,叫我记住那个喝了月神酒的小男孩吗?但看小男孩的样子,他似乎一点都不记得自己了,所以什么也没说.他抱起小男孩,把他带到桌子上坐下.看着这个又脏又害怕的小男孩,他感到很痛苦.想到世人只能在电视上看到的场景,活着出现在他面前,心里很不舒服.其他客人本想说些什么,但看到齐瑾身旁有一把利剑,就觉得不好招惹,就是没有废话,自己吃喝."谢谢大哥,你这么善良,你一定很有钱,有钱了,你就一百岁了."小男孩笑着说.齐瑾心情大好."你从哪里来?你为什么这么小就出来乞讨?小男孩正要说话,服务员端来食物,所以他没有说话,而是迅速地把食物倒进一个大碗里,然后转身跑开了.临走前再次感谢齐瑾!齐瑾心里知道,小男孩不想影响他的饭菜,于是拿着饭菜离开了...齐瑾没有阻止他,默许了!齐瑾吃完饭离开了餐厅,不知道该去哪里,边走边看,突然又不知从哪里冒出来一个小男孩,齐瑾仔细看了看,好家伙,又是他,对,又是那个小男孩!"你能换你舅舅的道士罗平吗?没有额外的东西吗?齐瑾在心里抱怨道."大哥,那边打架了.去看看.最好把他们拉开.小男孩还是一副不认识齐瑾的样子.祁瑾脑袋一懵,怎么是我???但他还是被小男孩拉了过来...他一看到打架的双方,立刻拉着小男孩,走到一边,问小男孩."他们为什么要打架?你认识这两个人吗?小男孩说:"是的,他们是当地人.黑袍人是老师,另一个灰衣人是奴工.粗犷的男人辛辛苦苦挣钱给孩子读书,可是他的孩子读书不好,什么都学不到.于是,他们俩因为粗人家的孩子读书不好,才发生了冲突.老师先找到粗布人,说他教不了你的孩子,就让粗布人把孩子带回去,不要再来了.而粗布人说,他的孩子不傻,教不好,就做不了君子.然后两人开始打架,但教诲先生身体虚弱,被粗人压制住了.所以大哥赶紧拦住他们,不然教老师就要被打死了."这时,周围已经有不少人了,却没有劝阻,反而像看戏一样谈笑风生...祁瑾明白了原因,但又出现了新的问题."衙门城呢?安全部门呢?他们为什么不照顾它呢?齐瑾平静的问道.这一次,是小男孩愣住了...山顶的庙宇内,道士罗平愣了愣,他捂着额头说道:"我怎么能忘了这些,坏!!""哎呀,别管了,大哥,你去拦住他们."小男孩焦急地催促道.齐瑾差点以为应该是道士罗平身为修仙者,很久没有在凡间走动了,一时间就把这件事忘了.These two incidents were actually the tests that Daoist Luo Ping referred to. The former was a test of Renshan, and this time it was a test of his ability to handle things. Thinking of this, Qi Jin held his forehead with his left hand and was speechless for a while! Then, in the urging of the little boy, he walked towards the two to fight, and then used the strength of the Qi Cultivator Dacheng to easily separate the other party.The surrounding crowd was also frightened by this scene, and then the timid crowd began to disperse, some just stepped back a little, and continued to watch.Qi Jin didn't care about these people who made up the numbers, and directly went forward and said:"What kind of fight are you two having? Don't you know that it affects the normal and stable life of others? You tell me first, what's going on?""你们两个吵什么架?难道不知道影响别人正常稳定的生活吗?你先告诉我,到底是怎么回事?"Although Qi Jin heard what the little boy said, it was only a rough idea, so he needed to be more specific, so he pointed to the coarse cloth man and asked.齐晋虽然听出了小男孩的话,但只是一个粗略的想法,还需要更具体一些,于是他指着粗布人问道."It's him, as a teacher, but he can't teach students well, he's simply incompetent. I'm lucky that my child left, and it's even more hateful." The coarse man was extremely angry."就是他,作为一个老师,却教不好学生,根本就是无能.我的孩子走了,我庆幸,更可恨." 粗汉非常愤怒."A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language. It is clear that your child is not educated, what does it have to do with me!" The teacher retorted."脏嘴是说不出好话的,明明你孩子没文化,跟我有什么关系!" 老师反驳道."Stop talking, I want to hear the details. I ask you, why do you say that his children are not educated?" Qi Jin did not wait for the coarse man to retort, but immediately interrupted and asked the teacher."别说了,我想听听详情,我问你,你为什么说他的孩子没文化?" 齐晋不等粗汉反驳,立即打断,询问老师."It's because his children don't listen carefully in class, or they always look at the birds and trees outside, and sometimes they even ask their deskmates to go and see the bird together, which affects the entire classroom study. As a teacher, I have also disciplined him, such as using a ruler to hit the hand, punishing the station, etc., to no avail, so I came to him and asked him to take my child away." The teacher said after easing his mind."就是因为他的孩子上课不认真听讲,或者老是看外面的鸟儿,树,有时甚至还叫同桌一起去看鸟,影响了整个课堂学习.作为老师, 我也管教过他,比如用尺子打手,罚站等等,都没有效果,所以我就来找他,让他把我的孩子带走." 老师放下心来后说道.At this time, Qi Jin gathered spiritual power in his right hand and pointed it on Mr. Teacher. At this time, the injuries on Mr. Teacher's body gradually disappeared.这时,齐晋右手凝聚灵力,指向了老师先生. 此时,老师先生身上的伤势渐渐消失."A certain family thanks this expert for his treatment!" The teacher's face was ruddy and overjoyed, and then he gave thanks to Qi Jin."某家人感谢这位专家的救治!" 老师脸色红润,大喜,随后向齐晋道谢.