Chereads / Soul Exodus / Chapter 37 - CH. 37 - Abalm the Logger

Chapter 37 - CH. 37 - Abalm the Logger

In the South Range, Southpaw sits in his chair with his back towards his desk as a waterfall falls from the sky right before the edge of the stone platform. The water is dense and collected with little splashing and no sound being heard, an unnatural pattern, and within its reflection plays the scene in the woods.

Southpaw "How interesting. She knows who she's fighting. I wonder if Teach said something to her."

He says as stomping is heard down the hall to the South Range.

Sharp "Southpaw..!"

She growls as he sweats in fear.

Sharp "Why is my Anais watching the first years' class?! And why is there only half of them there?!"

She shouts with her hands on her hips. He turns around to face her as she notices the screen and gets a shocked and upset look.

Sharp "You sent them to the Okar Woods??"

Southpaw "Okay, now I know what you're gonna say-"

Sharp "Are you insane?! They're only 1st Tiers!"

Southpaw "It wasn't my idea! I only finalized the decision!"

He says defensively as Lady Sharp stares at him blankly.

Sharp "If they come back with terrible injuries, I'm doing the same to you."

He smiles awkwardly as sweat drips before turning back to the screen.

Southpaw "It's a necessity. These students are special and need the push."

Sharp, still a little upset, raises an eyebrow.

Sharp "What makes you think they're special specifically?"

Southpaw only hums softly in response as he watches them.

Back in the Okar Woods, Moshiro watches as the creature raises his arm above his head to strike her down but just before he does, Dante appears out of nowhere, a slight instant glow of green epiphany bursting out from his body.

Dante "Hey, what's up?"

He says, staring straight into the eyes of the creature. The creature hesitates for a moment, shocked by him suddenly appearing but quickly swings at Dante. Dante disappears again and reappears behind him.

Dante "Stay focused."

He says as the creature turns around only to get punched across the face by Dante. He stumbles back a bit before looking at Dante. Suddenly, Killian jumps through the air and grabs onto the creature's neck and yanks him backwards. Saika rushes to Moshiro's side and helps her up as Yoko steps in front of them in defense.

Saika "Moshiro! Are you okay?"

Moshiro "I'm.. fine."

Dante "I hope so cause this guy's tougher than he looks."

He says, shaking out his hand he used to punch the creature. Moshiro looks at Dante.

Moshiro "Dante, how were you doing that?"

Dante looks at her confused.

Moshiro "The way you were moving, that wasn't Caito. Is it your ability?"

Dante "My ability?"

He says looking confused before his eyes light up, remembering something.

Dante "Oh yeah, my ability!"

He turns and looks at the creature being held back by Killian before raising his hand towards them. In a flash, his eyes glow bright blue as he snaps, a wave of energy shoots in their direction hitting them both. Killian grunts a little and grabs his head, loosening his grip on the creature, giving him a moment to grab Killian by the head and throw him over. He hits the floor as Dante charges the creature. He quickly dips back as the creature swings at him before he follows up with a body blow then a swift uppercut. The creature quickly strikes back by slamming his fist down at Dante causing him to block with one arm. Dante's face quickly shifts from confidence to slight shock as he slams his other arm against the fist to support the block only to get shoved down to one knee, the stone crushing beneath him. He grits his teeth before disappearing again and reappearing next to the group, panting.

Yoko "What was that?"

Dante "I canceled his powers. Sorry Killian, I caught you in the crossfire too."

Killian "Not a problem, I'm all good now."

He says while wrapping his fists and forearms in bone coverings. Dante looks back at the creature, sweating.

Dante "The problem is, despite that, he's still insanely tough. I know Myth Types still keep their hybrid forms without the abilities but still, this guy is something else.."

The creature cracks its neck before stomping its foot down.

Creature "Academy students."

He says with a deep, booming voice.

Saika "He speaks!"

Yoko "Praise be your mom."

They say sarcastically.

Creature "My name is Abalm, and I was once like you. Fooled by a leader blinded by a perfect world. Join me and let us repair this world together."

He says, raising his hand to the group.

Dante "I guess this guy's got a whole evil plan."

Killian "Did he say Abalm? From the academy?"

Moshiro examines with sharp eyes as she thinks back to before they left for the mission.

The rest of the team is getting together around Nobody and Nazuna as Moshiro adjusts her red boots. Teach then steps up next to her. 

Teach "Hey, Moshiro. Wanna know a little something about the mission you're about to go on?"

He asks with an excited look. Moshiro looks at him for a moment before continuing what she was doing. 

Moshiro "No thanks."

Teach sweats a bit and smiles awkwardly.

Teach "You sure? I don't see anything wrong with me giving some extra advice to my dau-"

She interrupts him.

Moshiro "Sensei, as your student, I don't think it'd be fair to the others if you gave me alone extra information about the mission."

She says while standing up quickly and looking at him. He stops and looks down a bit.

Teach "Right. Sorry."

Moshiro stares at him for a moment with a soft, almost regretful look before slowly looking back at the others.

Moshiro "I… if they don't need it then neither do I."

She says as Teach looks up at her. He smiles.

Teach "Of course not. Then let me tell you something that doesn't really change anything. Just some fun information for you to have."

She looks at him, more intrigued this time.

Teach "This forest we're going to is haunted but it's not just that…"

He whispers. He leans in with a smile and looks around making sure no one else is listening.

Teach "The ones haunting the forest used to be academy agents too."

Her eyes widen a bit.

Teach "A 3rd Tier Hunter and Vanguard. Isn't that interesting?"

Moshiro nods, her eyes shining a bit.

Moshiro "What happened?"

Teach shrugs as he stands back.

Teach "Not sure. All we know is one day, after a supposedly failed mission, they never returned from those woods. Be it shame or death, something kept them there."

Moshiro looks almost excited about the new information given to her as Teach smiles.

Teach "But don't tell the others or it might cause more panic than good."

He puts his finger to his lips with a smile as she nods.

She focuses back to answer Killian.

Moshiro "Yes. Abalm, 3rd Tier Vanguard. The one who went missing with his partner years ago."

Killian looks surprised as Saika looks shocked.

Saika "No way…"

Killian "I guess the rumors were true. At least partly. Something really did corrupt him."

He says as they all stare at him. 

Yoko "Yeah right! We'd never join someone as smelly and gross as you! You look like a wet egg!"

Abalm lowers his hand.

Abalm "You were drained by the glintroses. You won't be able to transform nor use any of your abilities. You should take care not to over exert yourself."

Yoko grits their teeth before charging at him, ready for a fight.

Yoko "And you should take care not to die! I don't need any fancy attacks to kick your ass!"

Saika "Yoko, wait!"

He shouts as Yoko rushes up to him and swipes their sharp human claws at him. He leans to the side, avoiding the attack. Yoko quickly spins and slams a swiping kick at his head but he blocks with his arm. He then quickly grabs onto their ankle and yanks them up, grabbing onto their collar with his other hand and holding them upside down. 

Abalm "I'm going to teach you something the academy won't. Fear of death."

He says as Yoko grits their teeth with a mix of fear and frustration.

Killian "Yoko!"

He shouts before charging at them forming a bone claw on his right arm. Abalm turns his gaze to him before swiftly throwing Yoko back at the group, impaling their horns into a tree. He then backhands Killian's attack out of the way before grabbing him by the back of the neck. Dante grits his teeth before snapping the energy burst at Abalm only for him to move Killian in the path of the wave and deactivating his bone claw. 

Dante "Ah, sorry Killian!"

Abalm then grabs a stone from the ground and quickly throws it at Dante, hitting him in the head and ending his power for the moment. He then tosses Killian at Dante, knocking them both over. They grunt as they get up, Yoko coming back with a small tree log stuck to their horns. They look at them.

Yoko "What? It just means my body's built different."

Moshiro "Guys, we have to work together! None of us are strong enough to beat him on our own!"

Abalm "She's right."

They look at him with frustration on their faces.

Abalm "I was never one for teaching even as an agent for the academy but I think I'll teach you a lesson."

He raises his hands together, his palms facing each other as they begin to glow. Their eyes widen as he begins to form a log of wood in his hands. The group is shocked.

Killian "What the-!"

Saika "How is he doing that? I thought he was a Myth Type!"

Southpaw giggles in his chair.

Southpaw "It's true. Every person in the entire Universe can only have one Type power, if even that, but Myth Types are particularly tricky in the fact they can have extra abilities thanks to their mythical attributes."

He says, watching the water screen.

Abalm "This world is vast with knowledge you cannot know and history long since forgotten. You children have much to learn so pay attention as I begin my class."

He grabs the now huge log and places it on his shoulder. He then disappears with blitzing speed as he jumps into the sky, raising the log above his head.

Abalm "Log Slammer!"

He shouts before slamming the log down at the group. They quickly dodge as the attack explodes with energy. Saika lands back between Dante and Yoko, the tree branch now gone from their horns.

Saika "Guys, let's focus on his-"

Dante "I'll just use my powers to stop his-"

He interrupts only for the log to come shooting out of the smoke and hitting him directly in the face, splashing a bit of blood from his nose. 

Abalm "The leader of this world knows not what he speaks. Let me lead you to a greater world."

He says as Killian grits his teeth and steps up but Moshiro grabs his shoulder.

Moshiro "Wait."

He looks at her for a moment but listens.

Moshiro "Something I've noticed about his power is he needs both hands to form the logs. If we can keep one of his arms pinned or something, we can limit his moves to just basic attacks."

She whispers as Killian watches with her as Yoko attempts to attack. Abalm quickly forms a log between his hands again, blocking an attack from Yoko.

Killian "You're right! Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Moshiro's eyes sharpen as she explains her plan.