Later that day, after his duel against Chris, Ace's eyes fluttered open as he slowly regained consciousness in the local clinic of the village. He was wrapped in bandages as his body lay on a narrow bed. Groaning softly, he shifted to see his father.
At his side, Chris, in the same condition, was sitting on a wooden chair, looking worn but relieved. Realizing that Ace had awoken, "You're awake. How are you feeling?" he said, his voice relaxed yet full of emotion.
Ace's mouth curved into a faint smile, though his body seemed uncomfortable. "I'm… okay. Just a little sore."
Chris's face lit up with a wide, gentle smile. The pride in his eyes was palpable, and he reached out, patting his head. "You should rest for tonight and have a good night's sleep," he urged as Ace nodded in agreement.
The next morning, Ellie, accompanied by Shaw, visited them at the clinic. "Good morning!" they said as they entered the room.
Setting the basket down, she took Ace's hand in hers. "I was worried. But thankfully you're both alright."
"I assure you we're okay honey. We're tougher than we look." Chris reassured her, his voice soft yet convincing.
"Thanks for coming you two," said Ace, his expression light and cheerful.
Shaw, with his usual energy, "The fight was super awesome. Everything went boom, bang, kablooey!" he said as the others chuckled and laughed.
They shared sandwiches, the simple meal becoming a feast. Laughter and animated conversations filled the room, while also sharing their resentment and relief that everything was alright.
2 months later, the village buzzed with the quiet energy of summer. The father-son duo now fully recovered from their injuries, were enjoying their family time together.
As days passed and became weeks, the family shared their last meals with their son who was on the verge of departing for his journey.
Before leaving the village, Ace wandered through the village square, where children played, and adults went about their daily routines. After that he went around the village, greeting and paying his respects to the other villagers, his friends, acquaintances among others. This would be the last time that he would see the other villagers, and the village he had come to know as home in this other world.
In the afternoon, after going around the village, he went back home. There, a feast awaited him on the dining table. Fresh vegetables from Ellie's Garden, succulent boar meat hunted by Chris and roasted to perfection, and bounty of ripe fruits accompanied by fresh drinks which complemented the spread. Chris, Ellie and Shaw were eagerly waiting for him to start. Their faces glowing with anticipation.
Ace's heart ached with emotion as he took in the sight. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at the family who had embraced him as one of their own.
"Thank you," he said, his voice crackling. "For everything. I… I don't know how to repay you."
The family also told him many things. Ellie, joyous tears streaming down her cheeks, shook her head. "You don't need to repay us. After all, you're family. After all, you're our son whom we love very much." she said as she hugged him.
Shaw with a bright smile, "I had so much fun with you big bro. I hope you come back someday. And when you do, I'll have gotten a lot stronger." he said, as Ace nodded. "Mmm."
And last but not least, Chris, his voice steady but his eyes misty, placed a hand on Ace's shoulder. "You've grown stronger. Both as a warrior and as a man. No matter what difficulties you face out there, remember to stay safe and come back home safe and sound."
As the family sat down to enjoy the delicious feast, the room filled with the comforting sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. Each bite of food was savored, and every moment was cherished.
The following morning arrived with a crisp, clear sky. Ace packed his belongings with meticulous care, the anticipation of his journey mingling with a tinge of sadness. At that moment, Chris knocked on the door, holding a weathered leather bag.
"Here are some supplies and equipment you might need on the journey." Chris said, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and concern as he handed over the bag. Inside were essential items: a sturdy water bottle, a compact cooking set, a few survival tools, and a small first-aid kit.
"Thanks, Dad." Ace said, accepting the bag with a grateful nod. He could feel the weight of the equipment, both physically and emotionally as Chris left the room. "I'll make sure to use of them wisely."
Outside, at the doorstep, in front of the house, the family was gathered to say their farewell to their son who was leaving the nest. The sun was rising, casting an extraordinary view on the horizon. Ellie, Chris, and Shaw stood together, their expressions forming a triad of pride, sadness, and happiness.
Ace was given a small pouch of money, packed food, and a necklace as both a souvenir and a charm by Ellie.
With a deep breath and a heavy heart, Ace embraced each of them and proceeded to depart. "Goodbye, everyone. I promise to return one day," he said, his voice resolute despite the lump in his throat. He waved as he stepped away, his hand lingering in the air as if to hold onto the moment just a little longer.
"I wondered where you were?" said Ace as he neared the village gates. "I couldn't find you no matter where I looked, Iza."
"And once again, it's Isabella," said Isabella who seemed to have been waiting for him.
"Came to say goodbye?" asked Ace, a grin on his face.
"I suppose," answered Isabella.
"Still stiff as ever."
"Shut up, idiot!" retorted Isabella.
"Sure, sure. In that case-" started Ace before being interrupted by Isabella who suddenly jumped on him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Consider that my goodbye gift," she said as she simply walked away, hiding a light smile. "See you later, Ace."
Ace was completely frozen, not knowing what was going on anymore. "Uh. Sure. See you later, Isabella," he mumbled as he touched his cheek.
And thus began his adventure and exploration of this new world, and its mysteries with the objective of growing, evolving and seeking strength as he also sought out the truth of his reincarnation and its purpose.