As Alex approached his room, he noticed two servants standing at the doorway. "Why are you still here ?" he inquired, puzzled . Annika's commanding voice echoed from within, "Mrs Annika instructed us to remain stationed here. We tried to assit, but she declined. Come inside and see for yourself".
Entering the room, Alex was taken aback by the sight before him. Annika, her hair tied back and sari cinched at the waist, whist pushing a heavy cupboard.
"Need a hand ?"Alex offered , moving to assit her. Grateful for the help, Annika replied, "Thank you ". Within a moment, Alex spoke thank you for the smoothies , Annika responded "you don't need to thank me it's just something , l do when l am in a happy mood". Then Alex reached out , gently touching her wrist, pulling her wrist, pulling her closer to his chest. 'Really so you just make them when you are in a happy mood, but don't you feel anything when l touch you like this, he moved his hands towards her waist, he asked his voice barely with above a whisper.
For a moment, they were locked in a silent exchange their eyes searching each others answers, then he moved her earbrows whist searching for answers again he moved his hands towards her waist, within a moment Annika responded well l feel nothing at all, then she hit him on the chest, but deep inside she wanted Alex to confess his love then she took the broom and began sweeping. Alex intervened, "You don't have to do this . There are plenty of servants who can handle it ".
Undeterred, Annika continued sweeping . "You've left me with no choice, my dear wife, Alex teased , taking the broom from her and tossing it aside.
'Let me go, l have nothing to do ,"Annika protested as Alex scooped her up, carrying her to the bed. As the servants entered to clean the room, Annika warned,"Don't you dare come in or risk losing your job". "It's alright, they can come in, Alex assured her with a rope. "Now you can't move ". "I'II teach you , Annika vowed defiantly as Alex silenced her with a tape.