Chereads / Auferstan: Building A Military in Another World / Chapter 44 - XVII Capital of Magic

Chapter 44 - XVII Capital of Magic

It was time to go. Six men were lost and one tank laid now inoperable. Feebly low damage for a powerful country. But this was a failure, how could they have lost with the technology they had?

"I've gathered round the men," said the lieutenant in a monotone voice. "They ready to go, under your orders, sir."

"Yes, yes." He stepped out the tent. "Tell them we're going full steam ahead as well. Rests'll be a no, so if they're going to piss, piss now. Say that, and we'll head out at three."

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant went his way.

"With the disapperance of the dragoon squad, the citizens of the next city would have already left. There's no need to go into it." He looked at the map, "I'm heading around it. My men. That loss. Unacceptable." -His balled fist gripped harder- "I'm bombarding this capital with meteors."

( * )

"And now he's gone and done something again." Marrise implied sarcastically, "I don't know if I should be surprised or not."

"Not." Butted in Adelheid, "With the rush of Betelion guys wanting a piece of the cake, we can't just be leaving the engineers in another country. The lord wants us to educate these guys, reform them to engineers for both our navy and our military."

"Idealistic, we don't even know where those ships came from, we just know how to use them. No factory's here that produces them." She sat down, "Except Pomlik I guess. He makes bullets, right?"

"Not only that." Came smirking Adelhied, "It's new, but he's trying to piece together parts of our and Germany's technology. A magic gun."

She was left silent, drinking the tea offered to her. "So how am I a part of this debacle?"

"You'll be supervising the school wherein these students'll be taught in." He threw her a stack of paper, but before he could continue;

"You're saying I can go outside?"

"Yes. He permitted so, and he also wanted for you to 'do' something productive once in awhile."

"Huh?" Her brows flared.

"A-anyways, you'll be supervising the soldiers keeping track of the students, as well as the teachers teaching the students. Keep track of trends inside, and know what the students are up to. No escapes."

"No escapes." She rested back on her seat and crossed her arms, "Sounds like a prison. But hey, atleast I get sunlight."

"Atleast you do." Adelheid stood up. "You'll have an office to work with and… Jeane'll be your bodyguard."

Her face lit up. "Really? That's great, for me atleast. When, where, how?"

"At the school already, waiting for you."


Her face could not adjust under the sun. It was the brightest thing she's seen in so many days. Even though the windows were open in the manor, it always felt like there was a veil covering the true luminance of the sun.

But now, as she stood outside the manor's gates, she could finally feel, and witness the heat of that sun.

"Princess Marrise," A Venit Ille soldier approached her. "The academy is just down the street, it is the repurposed school, please be careful, renovations are being made inside."

"Got that." She happily walked in a daze, ignoring completely the soldier that was following her from behind.

The buildings have changed. There have been some building renovations, and now there's atleast three, three floored buildings around the city that's all made of cement, bricks, and new technology.

But for some of the buildings not yet switching to the modern new, they've stuck just on upgrading the already existing walls. She saw the wood be replaced with bricks, and it's started to look more colorful with the added paints that Hierd introduced.

Galloping on the pavement, she saw the military trucks making round trips around the city. They were few and far between but were menacing figures. Crime was, as Adelheid said to her; "Something of the past." And certainly it would be if the people guarding the citizens are that heavily armed.

She and the soldier took a sharp turn, avoiding a crowd of people. Her eyes opened wide, taking in the massive view. It was a building she had yet to see before, but she swore she knew what this was. "This was the first building the officers used to educate the soldiers before Venit Ille was transformed to what it is now, ma'am."

"I see. So this is the noble dance school thing. I personally didn't care for dance, but this building, I swore I've dreamt it in my nightmares."

There was a crowd of a hundred people gathered at the entrance. Along that was a few more hundred soldiers guiding the students along the path towards the inside.

Looking at the students, they were frightened. Of course anyone'd be. They were now going to a new country, a new school, meeting new people, and meeting soldiers that could kill them so easily that trying to run would be like a worm escaping a falcon. Impossible.

"Atleast prepare some flowers and lighten the environment a little." She joked.

"Right on, ma'am. I will tell the guards later."

"A- right… Thank you, this will no doubt be greater than seemingly putting them in school, which already is prison worthy enough."

The school was laiden with brick, the color scheme a red and white. If Hierd were here he'd say; "This looks like a university."

But to everyone there, it looked like a castle. A fortress, a prison. The interior hall was fanciful, it kept still the wooden appearance of the then dance school, a large central staircase branching two paths and two halls either way.

Just one look and she already was overwhelmed by the size, and that in mind it was only the first floor; what of the second, third, and fourth!? She sighed deeply.

She backtracked and went towards the entrance, (where the students were being gathered to). She observed the students were getting cards of somesort with numbers, then the officers then would tell them the reason. "The number represents your classroom. You will be able to pick your courses after completing the basic course."

"Well atleast they can pick their professions still." Marrise commented.

"Ah!" Marrise turned around, and saw Jeane rushing down from the grand staircase; "You're here. You took too long." They both smiled as Jeane neared.

"Well, I had to get into my finer clothes, and fix my messy hair. It's been too long since I've felt the outside."

"Couldn't be me."

"So where'll be my office? Adelheid told me I'd be getting one or something."

"It's upstairs…" The long pause after that was pretty evident.

"Upstairs…" Marrise groaned. "Don't tell me-"

"Fourth floor."

"Ah…" She, without having done anything, was too defeated to do anything. Realizing now, for everyday, she'll be walking up four flights of stairs, every. Single. Day. "Damn you Adelheid!"


It was after the unbearable climb that she was greeted with a great view of the city. The windows at the manor couldn't compare to the height that her office offered. "Well now maybe having those stairs weren't such a bad idea, this is nice."

She felt her wooden desk with her fingers, sliding it with delight. Then a knock from behind; "Come in!"

Jeane came in with a pack of papers held to her chest. "These are the things you'll be doing. Plus the teachers at the moment." -Marrise grabbed it off her, the weight pulling her down- "You're alright?"

"Y-yeah." Her aching hand said otherwise.

"Um, right now; for the introductory phase of the school, we're telling them there's five courses they could pick after the basic course."

"Architecture, Engineering, Naval Engineering, Military Engineering, and what? Joining Hierd's army?"

Jeane chortled, "No, Architecture, Engineering, Agriculture, Sailing, and Arithmetic."

"All the things you've said required fifty gold and a noble title to get that education. Except agriculture, I guess."

"And all the things I've said are being taught for, for free. The lord called it a… Public School? I haven't heard of that before, but whatever it is, he's letting anyone with basic education to be accepted into the school, figured that they pass first the entrance exam."

Marrise flipped the paper, revealing that the exam was to be done tommorow morning. "I see. But what'll happen to the students from Hesia that don't pass?"

"They'll be sent back."

"That easy?" Marrise questioned. "If I were the lord I would have had probably monopolized the influx of young adult men and throw them while they're hot into the pan."

"Well… The lord has his reasons." Jeane patted Marrise's head.

Marrise looked up at her, Jeane's eyes looked mishapen. Almost as if they weren't supposed to be the way that they were. "Are you alright?"

"Other than a little bit of head pain, I'm feeling better."

"I hope so." -she jokingly put- "Because you'll be my bodyguard for this next few what ifs."

( * )

They've disregarded stealth, they've disregarded such a thing for a while now. Indeed, there were no citizens in the city they passed. But no matter; their eyes were set upon arriving to the capital. And; in an hour more. They arrived.

Under the veil of night, the moon being the only source of light. Where the Atago looms closer yet from kilometers and kilometers away;

The capital of Hesia. The magical capital. It was daunting, foreboding. But in a couple of minutes, Friedrick knew it'll just be another pile of dust.

Now, they'll be no citizens inside the capital. "Sir! The city's surrounded, awaiting orders to fire."

"Got it." Friedrick threw the radio down.

The company split up, favoring to branch the tanks to their own respective groups. For each tank, about twenty soldiers guarded it. Since the capital was surrounded with forests, it was perfect for a suprish cannon bombardment.

The capital was majestically impossible to look at. There was a river seperating the forest from the city, with only a long draw bridge connecting the city from the mainland. One could see the faults in that. Though sieges would be difficult in that the only way to get to it would be by ship.

And, zooming in onto the ballistic looking cannons on the top of each castle tower of the tall and long walls, Friedrick saw the famed; Long Ranged Ship Destroyers, he's taken liberty to shorten it to; LRSD, saying; 'lersed.' They were looked unoriginally like cannons. Yet so unorginally was the fact that they had longer barrels, and glowed bluish.

What stood guard on each of such cannons were a heap of guards, sorcerors, be it. But he, from his position could not see a single cannonball. And it didn't even look like the cannon had a fuse at the back that could make it fire.

"A hundred knights readied at the bridge." -then aiming at the castle- "Bowmen, cannon men." A soldier commented.

"The thing's a fortress." The lieutenant said; "the tanks are aimed at the LRSD right?"

"Right." Friedrick replied, picking up the phone, "And,


The soldiers braced themselves; the blasts of the tanks were heard all throughout, but no Hesian knew where it came from. The knights started to mobilize yet not move, awaiting further orders.

The sharp tank shells were breaking air.

Faster, and

Faster yet.

It's been said all to frequent. Been seen all too regularly. Been done all too much. But in fantastic fashion; it could not have been described better than the last time. The soldiers looked at the fortified island. Awaiting for the tank shells to land.


Thunderous clammor!

The consecutive blasts of six tanks were far too great for the stone walls to take. Yet, it was merely the guise for the other wall directly behind the first one. Friedrick's tanks kept on firing, while the magical troops from down below were now advancing.

"Shit!" Friedrick blurted, "They have magic shields that protected the LRSD cannons!"

"What!?" Came in the lieutenant; "Their shields should not be able to defend against our tank rounds, we saw them being used before, they weren't as powerful as this." The realization shocked the soldiers around them.

"Then maybe it's different." Friedrick's eyes sought for answers, his heart dropped.

The knights were moving, yet their wall was being bombarded too heavily upon. Friedrick watched carelessly, too carelessly. The opposing forces and the remaining Sea cannons have started to fire upon the forests.


Those cannons did not fire traditional cannon balls! They fired magic! Blue, heat seaking orbs of death. Friedrick watched it spell doom onto the ground it penetrated. Sending trees flying every which way.

The blue rays that erupted from these cannons, cannot simply be blocked by the armor of a tank, it'd vaporize it whole! Like those Dragoons. Have the Hesians taken the anatomy of a dragoon and revised into cannons!?

The mere thought of it terrified Friedrick."Men! We're leaving! Retreating far from this shit! We're makin' distance with those cannons!"

"Yes sir!"

The soldiers rushed for the tanks and their trucks whilst the raging sea cannons behind them were terrorizing the surrounding forestry. Flinging the trees, uprooting them and creating craters on the green ground. Dirt flew every which way. And while soldiers got in their vehicles, trees couldn't help but snag onto them.

It was like being stuck on quick sand, and for awhile, some of the trucks couldn't move because of the trees that wedged itself onto the wheels, back, and front.

Some of Friedrick's men flew with the trees. Surviving, though their fractured legs told otherwise.

"This is Tiger-1A! Retreating to home point!"

"This is Tiger-1B! Retreating home!"

"This is Tiger-1D! Retreating back!"

Friedrick's radio roared to life with the various calls of the tank men at the other side fleeing the scene of their destruction. The sea cannons were far too powerful to be approached with too close. But judging from the trajectories, it had had to be the same ranges as their tank's.

"Not good, not good at all. I need to radio the Atago. We need reinforcements. My tanks won't be cutting it!"

Friedrick looked behind him, eyeing up the skyscraping towers of the magical capital. It did not take long before more magical bullets started hailing from the sky, but soon enough; they were too far to be targetted from, and the knights have lost sight of their tracks.

The dust had settled, Friedrick reached for his radio. "Where are you all?"

It took awhile before any response was given, for each second of silence was truly heart wrenching for Friedrick. But just as before, the radio came alive with the talking of multiple men. They were all alive.

"Gather at the waypoint and replenish ammo.Tiger-1A and B!"


"Gate the dirt road to the castle before they get there, spot them? Destroy them."

"Yes, sir."

"The rest of you; to the waypoint. Now!"

The precarious situation called for desperate measures. Now knowing what the sea cannons could do, they would not be able to go in for a second time. It took long for the rest of his troops to come to the waypoint.

Tents were sent up, and food was shared. Yet the officers ate and drank not a single ounce. Friedrick picked up the set up radio, bothering to not order the radio operator. He messed with the dials, and a few seconds later he was connected with the Atago.


"Captain, we're making a detour." He distressingly put from over the radio.

"Heard et' plenty good ye." He implied with jest. "So's them Hesians got a back-up plan we din't know bout. Ain't that fantastic. Sea cannons calle." -he picked up the radio- "so it is a range of' wut?"

"I'd approximate a kilometer or two. Maybe greater. But the Atago can hit at farther distances right?"

"Yep' she can. I just don't know if I wants to endanger me ship." Captain Jack worried; "an's did the Lord tells we that yall company should have done did bombard that city whole!"

"We can't." Friedrick said, defeated. "From our first attack we saw the use of magic shields. We don't know why, but the officers say it's different than the weaker versions we've encountered."

"Magic requires catalyst." Jack leapt for the map, pinning his finger on the capital. "The island, why build dem's a city in a place where ships could easily bombard, and where forces could easily wage a starvin siege. No other reason to it says I. It gots to be a big magical ore or somethins."

"Big magical ore?" Friedrick repeated.

"Yeah? Ye' heard me the first time now you heard it the second; Big magical ore. That's the third time." Captain Jack chuckled, "the company that's escortin' me'll arrive later than me ship reaches the capital. This little rendezvouz's rights for the pickin' we'll be there quick."

"Thank you, captain."

In the night of the Atago, she was fully dark. No lights, with only the glow of the moon illuminating her iron hull. Under the thick walls of iron, below the decks of the ship. Sailors slept, and sailors worked. A balanced mix of productivity.

Making her, Atago, a self-operating ship that'd last months upon months without stopping (of course, until the fuel ran out). But there was no need for sleeping stragglers. Battle was just hours away, and even Jack didn't know if his ship were to survive an impending onsalught from the LRSDs at the capital.

Soon he awoke everyone lower deck, the order was thrown to everyone, from sailor to sailor the order went like a yawn that passes from one another; "Load the main turrets! Be on the look-out! And be awake!"

They were at first confused, were they being attacked? This was the fuel of their awakening; but when they rose the decks towards their guns. They were oh so relieved to find no ship terrorizing them with cannons (even if such warships would do no damage to the Atago).

The Atago swiftly reached the shore, the proposed location to meet. Captain Jack could see the lights from the trucks Friedrick commanded, as well as the tanks peering in from the woods directly behind the shore.

"Lose speed!" He shouted; "Drop the anchor!"

The analogue dial rang to zero speed, and the boiler room's caretakers stopped feeding the machine it's needed fuel. Soon the propellors stopped pushing the water aback, and the ship calmly stopped.

Jack stepped out the bridge, looking down at the water down below; "Well! How ye suppose we get down! We're still too far from shore ye scallywag! Why didn't you pick a port ya godsmack!"

Jack's yells reached Friedrick, nervously laughing. "Get down here! Somehow!"

Jack turned to look at the sailors behind and beside him. "Did ge hear that folks? 'Somehow.' My mother sooner beat his sorry ass than me da drinks a nuther' beer! Once mistook a broom for me aunt! Tried to merry er!" He squealed in laughter, his crewmen laughing with him.


Jack and some other important officers of the bridge rode on a lifeboat down towards the shore, beaching the boat. It took awhile but they got their tents set up and the larger tent for the headquarters.

"Since their cannons have far reach, we'll hit from afar as well. How many kilometers can Atago reach?" Friedrick looked at Jack;

"Didn't I tell you that before? Ye' got short term memory loss! She's reaches the sea's edge me says!"

"Right." He focused now on the map; "The Atago's turrets will bombard the fort from far away, whilst the tanks from the coming company and mine'll be heading there after the first round of bombardment."

"So I gets it. They'll be too focused on de threat that they can't see that they'll not see the advancin' tanks. The company I worked with gots three tanks, perfect for ze job, pecialy' since ye've lost one." He remarked.

"Thanks for reminding me." He grimaced slightly. "But yes, you're… Right."

"What'll the ground forces be doing?" Questioned the lieutenant.

"Making their way to the castle." He called into focus the draw bridge leading up to the castle. "Since they have magicians, it's not wise to do that, but what's wiser is disabling their effectivity. Once Atago and the tanks have done sufficient damage, the soldiers'll be marching their way into the city."

They nodded and agreed. "It all starts tonight. At two in the morning."

( * )

It was a long day, when night dawned; Marrise had properly been introduced to the cream of the pie. There were approximately a thousand students, and counting. The basic course taught… The basic things. Jamie, Unchean's scientist, turned now into a professor, leads the nuns that taught the Venit Ille soldiers from months ago. No thing big persay, happened that day.

But what was more so big was that the Betelions were offering up top gold to buy up any remaining vacant spots to get into the school. Adelhied, with his big, greedy eyes; ran up to the opportunity and immidiately accepted the over sea offers.

"Grieg?" Marrise saw him coming inside her fourth floor office. "Duke, why are you here?"

"How many times have I said to forfeit that title, it's gone now. Krimvald's gone. The rest of the nobles have defected to other countries, Krimvald's a thing of the past."

"That's… True, I guess." She looked down, at the city with the sparkling lights and merry people.

"Sir Adelheid waiting for you at the manor. I came to pick you up."

"Thank you, Grieg. But I can… Do it myself."

"I'm your assistant, Marrise."

"You are. Only because you would've been just a head by the beach if I hadn't said that you were."

The Duke of Krimvald, a forgotten name now. Grieg walked calmly toward her. Eyeing up the same view as did she; "And I thank you for that. Really. Truly. I thank you. So please, let me do my job."

She turned to him, looking at his rough face and smiled. "Alright."

They both stepped out of the room, leaving the view behind. Down the steps, of the hallways. It was rather foreboding. The halls invoked an Eerieness she could not get rid of.

She's seen Auferstehen's monsters before. Tough, monsters from hell. Auferstehen is hell. But, she's never quite adjusted to the fact that such monsters exist in the world. Even if she were of the highest of nobility, before, she still did not wield the knowledge to answer that question.

Was she looked down upon? Her youth as the princess of Krimvald was already bleak. But now that she held this posistion, in Hierd's army of men. She won't afford to be looked down upon ever. The duke, the only remaining relative of her's. He's hiding something under that face. She just couldn't unearth it.

As they left the main lobby, a small car was waiting for them. "What is this?" Marrise questioned to him.

"It's a car. It's the new thing the army's pumping up. It's not meant for the same rugged terrain the normal army's subjected to. But it's more for daily transport, without the use of big burly trucks."

"And it's sleek looking, that I say." She smiled.

Grieg opened the back door for her, she hopped in, and he went to his driver seat. It was a kind of cold inside compared to outside.

"Before we head to the Manor, I'd like to go to the adventurer's guild."

Grieg looked at the rear mirror, looking at her face in confusion. "What'll you be doing there?"

"A little something."

"Alright." Grieg roared the car to life as he twisted the key once, twice, and thrice. The few citizens still on the roads, made way for the car, getting on the pavement while admiring the new beauty they were graced with.

A turn left, a turn right. The car handled beautifully, even if the pavement was a little bumpy. But from then, Marrise's already been accustomed to the usual banging of a carriage.

Grieg slowed down round a corner, then stopped. "We're here."

She looked out from the window. It's been awful while since she's seen this building. But it's definitely different. Ladden with brick, and looked to be just as royal as the school.

"It's called the; Adventurer's Commission now. The lord imposed the new one over the old one, since the need for the usual adventurer things are not as useful as before."

She pulled the handle, and opened the door. Grieg leaving in the same fashion; "So what does it do now?" She admired the small staircase leading up to the entrance.

Grieg made his way around the car and onto her shoulder, "Find out yourself."

She chortled a little before walking towards the stairs. Opening the door; she was welcomed with an air of heat and hospitality, it reeked of it acutally.

"Good Evening!" A tender made his way to her; "What will you be doing today?"

Before answering the small tender beside her, she looked around. There were still a multitude of adventurers there, sitting on the chairs whilst talking o' so loudly, that nostalgic feeling of a adventurer's guild.

"I am lieutenant Evergreen, and I would like to post a job." She looked at the tender with a smile. Her suit and the tough looking man behind him should be enough details that elude that she was from the army, even though she technically wasn't.

Grieg nodded, saying nothing.

"Ah, lieutenant; If you so wish; please, follow me to the applicating room."

"Thank you."

The two of them passed a round of people. She's noticed that in the city all of the people wore some sort of german wear. Suits were less common, usually dress shirts and trousers.

The adventurers wore things that were more comfortable for their job, shorter sleeves, round hats, and lots of pockets and bags with their overalls. "A uniform?" She questioned.

The tender looked behind him, at her; "Ah, they're given to every adventurer here. Any one can join."

They walked upstairs, where the chief's room should be at. But it was directly adjacent that. The Application Room, the tender opened the door; letting the two of them in.

It was like a warehouse inside there. So many people working, and so many pieces of paper that the whole room reeked of the odor! Were they in a library!? "Please, sit, while a receptionist comes."

"T-thank you." She sat on the only vacant table, where paper hadn't piled so much around them.

"What's this about a job?" Grieg questioned behind her. "Going incognito for a job?"

"Later." She dissmissed him.

He sighed a little.

It took a couple of minutes, but after the the wait; a receptionist came greeting the two. "What will it be, madam, and sir?" She sat opposite Marrise (as this case permits; Evergreen).

"I would like to know first the services the… Adventurer's Commission does."

"Certainly ma'am." She brought out a piece of paper from… Somewhere, maybe from the piles of paper ducked under the table. "At the moment, the commission operates to explore, to protect, and to help. Whether helping means to go somewhere or to do something, with a price; anything can be done."

"I see." She rested back on her chair; "I would like to imploy the help of an adventurer that would be willing enough to travel places with me, and my platoon."

"Hmm…" The receptionist murmured; "It is possible. But to find one, would take some time. And depending on the danger of your mission; the price will be more expensive."

"Name the price." Marrise put her hands on the table, crossing them together, her smirk was unnerving.

With sweat dripping, the receptionist thought of all the things and prior disclaimers before coming up with the perfect price; "three hundred gold, ma'am."


( * )

The glow of the moon was too serene for the events that transpired in the heat of the city. The citizens were panicking, the already packed streets of the magical capital was now covered with the bodie of bystanders and the occasional knight from the debris.

The first wall was already defunct, the last wall, enfused with magic ore, should hold out much longer against another onslaught of tanks. The knight force that went out to chase the tanks came back. Where there was three hundred, now there was only a hundred. Drenched in dirt, bullet holes and blood.

The sight of the failure was enough a confession for the people that the weaponry of the magical capital was not enough. They began sieging in any home; covering the windows with wood, reinforcing the doors with nails. And digging underground to mak bunkers.

In the middle of this happenstance, the generals were making adjustments to plans that now seem forlorn in the seams as they had now witnessed what a light attack looked like.

"They've taken every city west of here." One said; "Our ports down south has been taken also, and one of the dragoon squadrons spotted a metal warship the size of a mountain trudging near the shore."

"Making way to the capital." The interjection was clear, for him, for the many officers gathered there. "There are not a lot of things we can do, we have mobilized the normal cannons sea-ward, and the galleons have now been beached." (It was too much a risk to have their galleons sink, beaching it would be much more better since the weaponry the Germans had could destroy their warships in one fell swoop).

"It is very last chance to be saying this; but we should retreat while we have the chance."

"Nonsense!" A general shouted. "Those rags ran when we fired our cannons, the sheer fact they targetted our the sea cannons in the first place means something! They're afraid of our capabilities, and want to rid of them. We're not doing that! We're defending while they try everything!"

"That's partly ridiculous and partly genious." Angrily put by one general; "you can't expect us to have the supply that can last a month. Nigh even a week with the amount of people we harbor! We retreat now while we have the chance!"

The earth rumbled!

The men were thrown every which way, their room was seemingly falling as if it were a boulder down a mountain! "What is happening!?" One shouted.

"They've come!"

Just outside, chaos insued, as the fear of citizens were realized, they hid for their makeshift bunkers and houses. Getting anything and everything that their hands could get.

The guards and knights could not change them and their motives. They needed sustenance, and they needed to be free from the prison this city had put itself in.

The damage was severe, the part of wall that faced the sea was completely defaced, the rubble falling into the waters like brittle cookies. The houses adjacent fell with the stone walls, into the jagged rocks below.

Up on the remaining sea cannons, they fired at the forests again, this time; there was now an onslaught of fireballs and arrows firing with it.

The wall was struck once more!

The wall did not hold on as good as it should have had, it was about to fall. One more hit and it will be very soon. But they can't afford another hit. Where did it come from!? There was no flash from the woods, it didn't come from there. If it were over the forests, then by God would that have been too far.

Where!? Then, to the yells of the countless knights on horses down bellow, though their yells could not be heard for the first, for the second, and for the third shout; as soon as they got hit the third time; they know knew where it came from. "The sea!"

But it was too late!

From the forest, emerged barrels, elongated cannons. As the knights stared at the looming sillhouete, the top of it just barely being seen far the horizon, and at the cannons rising from the pitch black forests.

They begged for mercy.