Chereads / Auferstan: Building A Military in Another World / Chapter 11 - XI Preparing A Curriculum... And Wasting Time

Chapter 11 - XI Preparing A Curriculum... And Wasting Time

"Give me... ten wooden boxes that is large enough to fit inside of it... Fifty pieces of short bond paper, fifty pieces of pencils, fifty pieces of erasers, and five pieces of chalk."


"Nice, see? See!? See, how I describe my shit, voice? Hahaha, you will never ever fool me, never ever."

Somehow, someway, Hierd heard a deep humpf. 

He grabbed and opened one of the wooden boxes, they were heavy, mind you. And picked inside it, paper, pencil, and eraser. He hadn't even a miniscule of thought when it came to education, nigh even mathemathics. To which a thought came to mind, "They'll be teached how to read and write, yes... But... They aren't gonna be teached to make letters and reports. If I teach them how to write letteres and shit, information's gonna travel with swiftness (with the trucks) and with completeness." 

( * )

The first church bell had already rang. With that, did Hierd write the implications of how to write a convenient letter. That; it shall need to be short, concise and to the point. That it must be complete, correct, and most definitely true. Too did he write a letter of his own as an example! But of course, there was no class today, nor was there practice. He looked outside, the forest behind the chief's house was abundant in flora, the trees were green and healthy, and there was a ubiquitous amount of bushes with big, plump, and colorful berries. A scene he'd see not in his original world.

Motivated by looking at the greenery, Hierd had stopped writing and dropped the pen onto the table (in fear of ink getting onto the paper). And went outside. Clean "Fucking air." Hierd took a deep breath, and with a fit of tiredness he decided that he was to return to his workbench when he wishes to later. And started walking towards the chief's house. 

The back door wasn't unlocked, but he knew that no-one was really inside, for there was no sound that emitted, and the dirt on the ground wasn't distrubed. He walked over to the other side, following the same observations as the back. The main street was lively, unlike the first day he was there. When the people saw him, they greeted him without fear. When the soldiers saw them, they had performed a pseudo-salute (a bow and a salute with very rigid movement). The air was lively, and he too was lively. But then he remembered that he had yet to ask Ridge village of their soldier's academics. 

He walked towards the Ridge village's houses, and walked inside the hastily-done house that was the chief's. When he opened the door, Friedrick greeted him. "Good Afternoon! Captain, Hierd." 

"Good afternoon to you too, Friedrick. May we sit down for a meeting?"

He looked around, before; "There aren't very many sitting spots, captain. So may it be that we could instead walk and talk, if it not to be too much a private matter?" 


Hierd moved out of the way for Friedrick to exit. He was carrying a basket of fruits and other stuff. But also was he carrying a backpack, one that he gave to Ridge village soldiers. "Where did you get one?"

"Ah? The backpack? The soldiers who did not need it or use it then were piled onto a corner, for other people to use. They are very useful captain!" 

"Didn't suspect them to do that, they have a good sense of comradeship."

"I see, do you wish for one too?" 

"What we have been given is plenty enough."

He nodded. 

"What is it that you wish to talk about captain?" He turned to Hierd.

"Do your soldiers know how to read and write?"

"Yes, captain. Funny thing, two of your squad leaders. I believe their names were... Heduc and Jeane. Had questioned me of what you had said too captain. I believe they will be handling our soldier's academics as well as you will tommorow." He smiled. 

"Wow, my guys are reliable I should give them a medal or some shit for real." 

Hierd laughed. "They certainly are reliable."

"Thank you, captain Hierd, without your help in the recent years, as well as chief Naturvege's intervention from last year's Auferstehen. We would never have been able to stand once more."

"You are welcome, Friedrick. I will relay your thanks to Naturvege as well." Hierd said with a wider smile."But it seems there is nothing for me to talk about, I will go." He went away looking back once more to wave bye.

"Didn't even need to say it. Heduc and Jeane read my mind, or had gathered I was going to say to them it otherwise."

Then, to avoid doing his work and sitting on that damned wooden chair in his damned cabin house. He wandered the town in a fit to search for his squad leaders. For he had never visited their homes, he didn't know where to look. To waste more time, he started with the first house directly infront of him. He walked up to the door and knocked on it three times, before hearing a pair of footsteps approaching and then walked away.

The person behind opened the door, "Good afternoon-"

It was "Heduc..." He sighed realising he wasn't gonna be wasting any time. "Good Afternoon Heduc."

"Good Afternoon, Captain. Please, come in." He stepped out of the way for the captain to enter.

As he entered, the atmosphere was cool, and the place was rather spotless in spite of it being rather medieval (wood and all). Hierd heard a herd of sound coming from one of the rooms of the house. "What is happening?" He questioned to Hierd. 

"The rest of the leaders are busy, might it be that they are... Busy with something else..."

With Heduc, Hierd made his way towards the room where the sound was coming from. To which when he opened the wooden door, the three squad leaders were arguing upon something, to which at the centerpoint of it all... 

"We should teach them quickly rather than have them slowly learn!" Exclaimed Vedal as if a cheetah was following fast behind him.

"No!" Yelled then Jeane. "Having them slowly learn will have them retain the knowledge they've learned! Speed doesn't!"

"That is untrue!" Retorted then the once silent Gelmund. "The captain wishes that they be understanding at most decent speed, not at it's slowest!" 

They all sat screaming at each other without break, an arguement where Jeane was the only one who contrasts their ideals. Not noticing that Hierd was standing on the doorway. 

"Guys!" Yelled Heduc, to which they were interupted and stared at Hierd. 


"You were here!?" Jeane exclaimed. "Since when!?"

"I had just came." He said. "And wish to thank you for thinking in advance for the betterment of the both villages.'

"Oh. Be not so humble, captain. It is our job, and we are fully committed to it!" Vedal said. 

Hierd came in and sat with the others, unfortunately the room was quite small but since he was the captain, he was given the best seat, the bed. "What've you all been doing?" 

"We've been trying to decide how we should tackle this problem with how we approach our teaching of them."

"Too fast? Too slow? I gather?" Said Hierd.

"Yes, captain." Replied Heduc. 

"This Auferstehen is coming closer. Education can come second, but atleast should they understand words, grammar, and bullshit. But it's probably better for them to gather an understanding fast, then after Auferstehen, should they be then be teached slowly and more better with actual teachers..." 

"I have say in this, and that I wish that they be teached quickly." Said Hierd, Jeane saddened and the rest agreed. "We simply haven't enough time, should they not be covering the basics nigh even the intermidiate version of learning the language then they wont be learning anything."

"I see." Replied Vedel.

"But it may it be heard that when Auferstehen dawns and then breaks. They'll be studying with more efficient and slower speeds with actual teachers."

"That is more than okay! Riiiight.... Jeane?"


"If you may, continue on writing your 'curriculum' I wish to observe the town's surroundings..."

"Thank you captain." 

He left the wooden house, of... (He didn't know whose house he entered but presumed it to be Heduc because he unlocked the door). And towards was he to the streets. Now, to waste even more time out of the seat's curse. He wishes then to head to the church, not to attend anything, but more to understand the church's underlings and gather information upon the continent that Naturvege had not even an ounce of knowledge upon, just his kingdom and just the theocracy it seemed.

It was a day where the church would not hold masses or any-so-what kind and people would leisure to come and pray, but there was, sadly? Happily? No-one attending.

The church laid dormant in the village's middle. With it's bell stagnant and from the windows within, empty. However, Hierd entered anyways. 

The dark environment, with only the windows making the room any bright made the place cool and gloomy. That wooden altar, ominously stood without deference--seemingly, only Hierd stood eyeing and defeating it's prideful chasity. 

Footsteps, it came from above. 

Hierd noticed and proceeded to walk towards the altar and to the door to the side of it. However, before he could open the door...

"Hello, Good Afternoon...?" A priest, stereotypically, old and bald headed.

Hierd turned around. "Good Afternoon. I am Hierd Die Grace."

"Oh." His eyes weren't friendly. "What is your business, Lord? I assume it'd be what the chief had talked to I about."

"Yes, that, and that I wish to look at the church."

"Okay, I have already relayed that I show my support to this."

"I?" Hierd tested the priest. "A priest's word mean more than one man's own concious decision." 

He looked more irritated than before. "I rephrase, I relay that with the whole church's wills that your using of this church as an educational facility, we support."

Hierd smirked. 

"Thank you, father."

He then walked around the church, feeling the many wooden pews with his hands. They were not polished like what modern churches were, but they were comfortable enough to be sat upon without worry of such a thing as a splinter. The priest watched Hierd observe the church.

"Is there anything of your discontent?" Said the preist, his once irritated face no longer visible yet what laid was a cold stale one.

"No, not at all." He then stopped turning to look at the preist. "This theocracy, the kingdom of God. I wish to know what it is, for I have not even a clue of it's doings."

"A lord who does not know what the theocracy means...?" He was stunned, but not overly so. "May it be that you are from the continent of the East? You do look of Eastern descent, yet your clothing matches not with their culture, ah... but pardon, if you wish to know lord, may we sit down first?" 

The two met and sat at one of the section of church pews. The priest sat down with a grunt then a sigh. "I am Benedict Gaius, I am the preist of this lonely church. The Theocracy, of which I am from is a kingdom unlike any other. For it exists in the holy land, where God had descended to the world tis this. And unlike any other, we exist in every country in the form of many churches, all of them act like tiny embassies, each to carry a mission. That is, to make worshipping to God for all who live and all who will ever live." 

He was looking at the altar, which above laid the huge glass panels, it not being colored glass. "Yet you haven't any control of the East?" Questioned Hierd. 

"No, the East has many cultures each with many different aspects of a 'religion' yet..." He frowned. "They look like monkeys, each one of them worshipping a lower God, like they were cursing the ones who were worshipping them and the whole forest with their weird chants and hexes."

"Is it not that the church chants too?"

"No." He looked at Hierd with eyes slit. "They looked maniacal, dancing around a pit of fire it seemed. And some sacrifice their own bretheren for that stupor, a trance, that'd rather be a ritual!"

"I see." Sweat rolled down Hierd's face looking at Gaius, of which intently looked at him. "Have you a map in this church for this continent?" He said trying to switch the conversation.

Gaius then looked away, rested his angered face, "No, this church does not possess such a thing. The nearest city lays a merchant's guild, when registering, you may own one map."

"Nice, but how am I gonna go there lookin' like a lord?"

"I see, but for someone like myself, couldn't I merely buy one there?"

He chuckled. "Though you are a lord, no-one can simply buy a map. Besides, a lord with his manor should have a map! Yet you came here under some pretence, to an isolated village. With weird technologies and absurd weaponry. Who really are you, lord Hierd die Grace?"

"That..." He smirked with some stroke of confidence. "Why would I need to tell you?"

He looked away, "Well... There is no more need to talk, is there, lord? I shall go now, for the sisters may have needed me when I was away."

"I see, good bye."

Hierd went out as well, for what was he to do inside the church anyways?

"That priest didn't like me. Neither would the theocracy if they were to hear of my weird weaponry. But what should I do? Kill him? Assasinate that man out of him being a priest? Wouldn't I be brought down upon some divine judgement from doing so? Whatever may it be, the future isn't gonna be looking so bright." He sighed. "I'll go to the training grounds, maybe some soldiers are practicing there..." 


They all were sitting on the wooden floor, now that the captain was gone, Heduc took the best posistion twas' the bed. "The captain wants to hold some lesson tommorow, so will we, we shouldn't bother with our own ways of teaching them. Just that we are to do so with quickness and perciseness, for a way that our captain can teach men who can understand and listen."

Gelmund whoms't was part of that Unchean research division said; "When I was signing up to the division of mine, we partook some 'exam' they called it, we should do that thing too for both the start and end of classes to see how far they had improved in their studying."

He was more confident speaking with them than with the captain, but who wouldn't be uncomfortable speaking to that striking man?

"That's an idea!" Heduc chuckled. "I'm gonna add that to my list of doings, so should you all!"

They nodded in agreement. 

"Adding Ridge Village and Venit's uneducated soldiers (which was twenty all-in-all) wouldn't it be better if we all handled the same class instead of five, four, or ten?" Said Verdel.

"Well... Certainly that would make things faster for us." Said Herdel, who was now rubbing his chin wondering on about the topic inside his head.

"Then that's what we should do! Makes things easier, makes thing less hard for them too I think!" Said Jeane ecstatic. 

"Then we should all have different things to do, such as in demonstration of some words, or that some of us observe them while they listen!" Heduc said.

"Yes!" They all said with a fist towards and starry-eyed eyes. 


He was coming towards the field, and really not suprisingly, there were some lots of soldiers shooting their rifles at the targets far down the field. He approached the men, of which there were about fifteen or so there were more from Venit Ille then Ridge Village. When they saw Hierd, they greeted him. "Good Afternoon, captain Hierd!" They stiffened up and looked at him with posture full-on straight. 

"Good Afternoon, I shall stay here for a bit."

"Okay captain!" They went on shooting, with each competing who could shoot the farthest one without fail, it was not far-fetched to say that their ammo usage was alot however Hierd had planned for this back then and asked Alrife to safeguard a truck full of ammunition just in case. When Hierd observed the field near him, he saw the same boxes lying on the green grass which was slowly turning dirty with the amount of brass that filled it, though one could say that the golden look had made the ground look in some ways, shiny.

"Where did you obtain the ammo boxes? From Alrife?" He questioned to one of them.

"Yes, captain. He had came here awhile with a box of this."

"I see."

( * )

Hierd heard a gun crackle, though one would find unsuprising, the soldiers who were there were ecstatic, screaming joyously; 'Yes! Yes!' Or, "You did it!" Intrigued upon the celebration, Hierd went to the crowd of people whoms't were bunching up on the guy who shot that bullet. 

"What's happening?" He questioned, raising his voice a bit for they were a bit loud.

They shut-up and faced the captain, fixing their posture. "He shot the thirty meter one without fail for five times! Captain!"

"I see... A marksman! First of many!"

"I wish to see him." As soon as it was said, he came out from the crowd with a stern yet at the same time, absent face. 

"You wished to see me, Captain?" It was a rather tall man, and was from Ridge village. But his muscles did not show that much.

"Yes, what is your name?"

"I am Matthaus, sir."

"If you make another five shots of that target, I can guarntee you a medal, Matthaus!" Hierd was enthusiastic, whilst the crowd behind him was hyping him up to do it.

"I will take your challenge."

The crowd moved away, watching from the side, while one guy went towards to, yet not close to, the target. 

A deep breath, certain in his position, he kept his body still whilst looking at the sights. 

He stopped his breath.


zhir, "It hit!" 

He pulled the bolt towards him and back.

Another round.

Again, he sighted with that target, 


"It hit!"


"It hit again!"


It's been four times, and yet not one miss. At that fourth shot, the captain was both nervous and impressed for him. 

He once again pulled the bolt towards him, the final round inserted into the barrel, and so did Mattheus' dropped sweat. "

Another deep breath, like the other ones that came before, this time, it carried weight unlike the four others. His body as still as a statue, as he stopped his breath on the final deep one. 

He put his finger on the trigger, hesitating a little as he wasn't sure if his sights were even aligned at the target. He fixed it, well, he thought he did. Unsure again, he fixed his position, and soon he had to take another deep breath. The crowd was anxiously waiting. 

He went in again for another take, stopping his breath and looking on forward. 'There it is, just straight on.' 

His finger pulled the trigger.



The man at the end, who was at the target gave a moment of looking at the target.


The crowd erupted in laughter and joy for their comrade. Whom had just won a medal!

Hierd congratulated him. 

"Everyone! In formation!" 

"Yes, captain!" 

They were a mixed bunch of lines but all took their stance. 

"Today I announce the giving of the Marksman Medal to its rightful owner! For he had done an excellent job in shooting at the target with a staggering amount of skill. To Matthaus, I award you this medal, and hope in the future, that with this medal, shall you be able to reach better skies than what cloud you stand on right now!" 

"Erm... Give me a german marksman medal pin."

He put his hand on his pocket. 


And out came the medal. 

Hierd fixed the pin behind and pinned it on his right pocket. 


The crowd clapped and looked with inspiring eyes, in hopes that they themselves could land a medal as did Matthaus.

"Thank you captain."

"You're welcome."


Hierd had just came back from the unplanned 'ceremony,' the gifting of the medal to Matthaus. Hierd was suprised that someone from another world could shoot that good from so far away and at consitency! 

But now, he's back, and his table urges him to write further what else to think about. But, rather than picking up that pen, which from the fall earlier that day, spilled ink from its tip. He groaned in irritation, further losing the motivation to do anything that day.

He fell on his bed and up came the Zs.