"The battle royal will go as follows, the three heroes who won the previous match will be sent to a city replica. There you have to find one another and take each other out. There is a time limit of 3 hours, at the end of the time if there is more than one person left, you will all be disqualified. If the instructions are clear we can start our match." The new announcer said, I think since Salaam will be a part of the second round he wasn't assigned the announcer job. After the announcement, three separate cars came to the stage. "I wish you good luck kid, I hope we fight In this round. My sister and her friend Yaoyorozu, have told a lot about you. You even killed Red Moon in one shot." said Kaagaz Rani before getting into the car. I smiled "Good luck to you as well, your sister Parvati has also talked about you. Let's hope that we get to fight before I fight Salaam." I said and walked into my car. She just smiled and didn't reply.
All three cars took three different routes, I knew that I could always come back to the stadium without a problem but that would eliminate me from the competition. After a 30-minute drive, I reached a city simulation which looked close to a rural city with a dense amount of huts and stone structures like a temple, castle and a moderately large wall. "please wait for five more minutes" said the person who came with me to drop me off. I waited for the next five minutes and he looked at the watch and counted to zero In reverse "Now you can go". My first action was simple, I used my mind stone and found two people fighting each other in hand-to-hand combat. I teleported to the spot and hid behind a building. I looked at the Black monk easily dodging punches and kicks from the Kaagaz Rani like it was nothing. "why isn't she using her quirk. Did he erase it." I wasn't sure but I kept tabs on them.
After an hour of fierce fight with Black Monk, Kaagaz Rani fell to the ground and was gasping for air. "how much longer will it take for you to lend me a hand? To beat this Black bastard." She shouted as blood came out of her mouth. I came out from my hiding spot and waved at the two. "hello guys I see that you guys are playing around, that's why I was just waiting it out. You know chilling" I said. Blank Monk quickly started to chant . "don't let him chant," said Kaagaz Rani and lunged forward as a last-ditch move. "if his power is to erase quirk then that won't work on me," I said and teleported Kaagaz Rani into my hands, she was heavy even though she is lean. "HOLD," Black Monk said as a rush of air pulsed through the field and hit me. I dusted my clothes, "Now what? You have erased my quirk. What are planning to do?" I asked him. "it's simple I will fight with you the old school way and kill you since you know about my quirk." What the hell is he even talking about this show is live telecasted and everyone who watches this will know about his quirk.
He rushed towards me like a bull, I placed Kaagaz Rani on the ground and floated in the air. "Hold" he shouted once more as he kept his phase. I kept floating and looked at him, "It seems your power is not working on me, Mr Monk. that's a big problem for you" I said. But he didn't stop, he jumped and grabbed me, and pulled me to the ground. As I was stubborn and didn't leave my position, he started to punch and I also slapped him and threw him to the ground. I descended to the ground near him. "how are you able to use your quirk even after I used my quirk " he asked. I shrugged and sent waves of purple energy towards him. he dodged all of them and continued to use the buildings as a cover and kept running. every time I unleashed a purple wave it would hit the buildings and create a devastating earth quick enough to make him tumble.
After a goose chase, we both came to the border of the simulated city, he looked really tired and dripping with sweat. "So, anything you wish to say Mr. Monk" I asked. He looked and gasped for some more air "How are you so powerful and young." He said, "Hey listen our country has never won a medal, don't you think it's time for people like you to step down for the minority.". "How did you become the number one in Africa, there seems to be something wrong with the quirk distribution," I muttered and focused my space stone power to create a space tear enough to make his head detach from his body.
"well that went well," I said and warped back to Kaagaz Rani who was on her knees, "now I think it's your time. What do say?". She stood up and cleaned the blood from her mouth. "you do know that I was only weak because of his quirk right" she said standing up. "why do you think that you will be able to win me. "I believe that I can win this because of this" she said . I felt a pointy sharp pain in my back, but soon an iron pipe was in front of me penetrating my stomach. "I thought we were friends" I said coughing blood. "you trust people, I have only one goal. that is to win this match and fight my father in front of everyone.".
I phased the metal pipe out of my body, the pipe fell to the ground. I sat on the ground closing my wound with my hand. "so your message is not to trust anyone." I said. "Isn't that obvious, you are young and powerful but you lack experience" she replied and turned her hand to a million small thin slices. "now I must destroy you, if not you will grow and one day destroy my country" she said. I smiled and my mind stone glowed "mangekyou sharingan".
AN: i hope you guys like the novel. comment to show your support.