Info 6

1 Kilometer/Km= 1,000 meter/m

1 Mile/M= 1,600 meter/m

1 Astronomical units/AU= 149,597,000 Km

1 light year= 9,000,000,000,000 km/ 6,000,000,000,000 M

Infinite= infinite light year, infinite km and mile, etc.

True infinite= infinite^infinite(infinite^inifinite)(infinite^infinite)...

Beyond Infinite= Beyond all concepts of infinite.

Unknown= is a measurement that goes beyond the concept of measurements.

Unknown has levels and each level surpasses the previous level an Unknown number of times.

the level goes from the lowest which is the 1st level unknown which is known as unknown and then to the highest which is the Eternal Unknown.


^ exponents symbol

() multiplication symbol

... Never-ending, endless, and infinite

/ or