[open planet creation panel]
[let's start off with a replica of earth but just slightly larger and stronger]
{Creating huge planet size rock slightly bigger than host home world}
A huge rock suddenly appears in front of me slowly growing bigger and bigger until it reaches a size slightly bigger than earth.
"Create the moon to constantly rotate the planet; like from earth"
A similar thing happens of to the planet as a white moon suddenly maifests
"Put some water on this bad boy"
The water slowly slide into view as a mesmerising Scene of the world being engulfed in water occurs
"Put some plant life on here"
{would you like to customise plant life?}
"Use the plant life from earth"
A Luciouse green Suddenly envolpes the planet… and the moon?
"Why is the moon covered in plant life, and, it even has its own ponds?"
{you did not specify were to put the green life so I placed it on both planets}
"Watever, time to create life. Can you create the speciecs humans used to be before evolution, as well as dinosaurs and other ancient creatures that used to be on old earth… what the hell put some moon bugs and gray humans on the moon aswell, make them slightly weaker physically due to the gravity but their inteligence and speed are higher than those on earth."
{this will consume a large sum of creation points, proceed?}
{Creating detailed species, confirmed. 365 creation points remaining.}
"Fast forward a few million years till the humans and moon humans are intelligent creatures that can communicate"
{confirmed, 215 creation points remaining}
The world filled with new life suddenly started spinning at rapid speeds portraying the fast travelling of time, the planet suddenly slows down returning to normal.
"Let's go see what's going on"
I flew down to the green planet and slowly started looking for settlements of humans.
"System, create a skill of weather control for me"
{confirmed, current points 210}
"Can you also make a skill to detect all intteligent life within a light year?"
{confirmed, current creation points being 190}
As I listen to the system I said "Found one" as with the creation of the skill I found a settlement of
"Create a skill to see race staticis"
{confirmed, current creation points being 175}
Analyse species using skill
Self called: anthropoids
Unique traits/ details:
can see smells, see in a dinfferant colour spectrum, have larger ears resulting in better hearing, have a tint of green on their skin to blend into the green surrondings, have slit eyes and have a variety of hair from blue, black, green, yellow, red and purple, have slightly sharper teeth and muclea slightly resistant to tempriture.
"I said to make the species the same as humans used to be"
{they seemed to have evolved differently due to many factors including heat, the fact that dinosaurs never went exstinct, the less light during night due to the moon not reflecting as much light the fact that most of the world is made is just jungle and trees and the evolution of many new species. It can be noted that they still have inteligence, this can offer faith points.}
"Okay let's make a show. make a skill in wich I'm extreamly convincing no matter what I do and almost all creatures would beleve me"
"MoRTalS… I Am yOUR CreATOr aNd You MUSt BoW DOWn To MeEEEEee!" Oscar said with reverence as he changed the weather to lighting, "if you do good in my name "Oscar" you will be rewarded with rain and happiness after death, all you must do is put undying faith in me, share myself with all intelligent races you see, and carve me into stone as your creator, your ruler, your god"Oscar said with reverence as he could see many people drawing him on the stone and recording his words, (of course in their language.)
After making this terrify display of power Oscar flew of
"Now I just need to do this with all other setelmets to create me as the planetery god to this planet. I must do this no matter what"
As Oscar continued this campaign throughout the world. Along with the other previously discovered intteligent cretures, he came across two others.
Self given name: surbarian
Unique traits/ details:
A race extreamly similar to beast men from fiction just slightly hairy, they have hair colours exclusive to warm colours like, yellow, red, orange, dark brown and heat white. All hair colours have a tint to them; gold, silver, bronze, Dimond, and iron, this depends on their physical strength(better tint stronger overall). They have a unique rough skin that is tough and slit like eyes. They have the same genders as humans, with limited emotions including happy, sad, angry, flustered, embarrassed, envious, love, and annoyed, only these emotions. They have an alert nature and a green tint to blend in with the greenery. These creatures come in many variations like panther-surbarian, wolf-surbarian, ox-surbarian, elephant-surbarian and almost all of the animmal kingdom.
Self given name: barveillances
Unique traits/ details:
Black grey tint to blend into shadows these intteligent creatures prefer the night to come out and sleep most during the day in dark caves or underground. They are semi non aggressive unless seen as pray in wich you are between brutally. They have unique dark vision which enables them to see in the dark but with only grey scale. They are very similar to humans in appearance beside their many variations of skin colour wich remain dark cold spectrum with dark blue, purple, light black, dark green and rare cases grey. They use long ranged weapons and have a special reflex that allowed them to avoide danger. They have a noticeable lack of emotions besides slightly happy, slightly sad, slightly angry, slightly love, slightly greedy and slightly empathetic.
"That took a while" Oscar said to no one in piticular after finishing converting the entire world In ironically 7 days.
"The moon can wait for next chapter" he said
Thanks for reading