They talked for quite a while, and she was dying of curiosity when suddenly, there was a surprised voice at the gate of the courtyard, "Hey, what are you all doing here?"
She jumped in alarm and turned her head to look, only to discover that it was indeed Okuno Yasuharu and Hidaka Tsukasa, two detectives. Instinctively, she went up to greet them, hoping to buy some time for Nanahara Takeshi, even though she wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. Nervously, she asked, "What brings you two here?"
"We're here for you guys, and for them. We were just inquiring at their homes and no one was there..."
"Looking for us?" Kiyomi Liuli, noticing that Okuno Yasuharu and Hidaka Tsukasa looked quite perplexed, couldn't help asking, "Has something happened?"
With a strange expression, Okuno Yasuharu said, "The precinct called, saying the murderer has confessed..."