"Not again" she stood and walk to the TV, she hit her hand on top of the TV and it came back to normal, she smiled and made to sit down again but the lines appeared again and she sighed.
She walk to the TV and turn it off before leaving the room for the kitchen in other to get something to eat, She entered the kitchen and open the fridge, she took some cookies and a glass of juice before closing it back.
She place it on the kitchen counter and start eating it slowly but halfway to it, Peyton walk into the kitchen and took the juice from, she poured it directly on her face and broke the glass.
"You have no right to eat from this fridge cause you don't belong here" Peyton said and tears left her eyes.
"Clean this broken glass and make dinner immediately, it's an order from Mother" she said and walk out of the kitchen.
Chelina wipe her tears and sniffed as she tried hard not to cry, Peyton is always like that towards her but no matter what she can't get use to it.
She took the broom and packer and start sweeping off the broken glasses, she pack the pieces afterwards and throw it into the trash can.
"It's gonna be fine one day" she said and walk to their food time table and after checking what they are to eat for dinner, she took the ingredients needed from the refrigerator and set to work, she needs to cook it now and go anywhere she wants cause her mother doesn't eat late supper.
Chelina Walk downstairs Change into a new clothes, she decide to go and see her boyfriend.
Yeah she had a boyfriend, which she loves so much, he is a Model.
"Peyton!, Am done making dinner, I want to go see David, I will make sure I come back on time" she said but no Answer came from her.
"Peyton did you.....
"I heard you, Smell out of here you poor thing!!" Peyton yelled and she flinched.
"Ok, I will take my leave" she said and walk out of the house, Peyton roll eyes at nothing
She pick her phone and call her friends to come over to her house and After some Minutes they arrived, dressed like a bitch they are, They are Mabel and Pansy, Mabel is Gerardo's junior sister and she also attends Same school with Peyton.
"Hey baby girls" she rushed to them and hug them.
"Hope you didn't call me here for nothing" Mabel said.
"Trust you cook something for us" Pansy said and she smiled.
"Trust me, that stupid girl cook something before leaving to go see her good for nothing boyfriend" she said and they laughed.
"It's a pity, she thought David really like her" Pansy said walking to the dinning table.
"That Man whore, he is just enjoying the hole in between her legs nothing more, he doesn't love her, I am saying this because, he had fucked me before" Mabel said sitting down with Pansy while Peyton walk into the kitchen to get the food for them.
"How good is he?" Pansy asked.
Your sister is really enjoying, he is so big.....gosh am wet" Mabel said and throw her legs on the table, she is not in panties so she push her fingers into her clit and start touching herself, moaning as she did that.
"Ewwww, bad girl" Peyton said walking out of the kitchen and Pansy laughed.
"Dave!!" Chelina called and run to hug David who hugged her back and kiss her neck.
"It's been long, I miss you" she Said.
"Am sorry, blame it on my countless shoots" he said and broke the hug.
"What do you have for me?" She asked.
"Let's go upstairs, I will give you some money to buy some of the things you need" he said and start walking upstairs with her.
"I don't want money all the time, sometimes try being romantic and buy some clothes for me" she said and he smiled.
"I will do that for my love" he said and open the door of his room, they walk in together.
"I got these for you" he said giving a bag to her, She opened it and it's filled with s£×y lingerie and jewelries.
"Come here, naughty King" she smiled and pull him closer.
"You are too crazy to get that for me, but thanks anyways, I love you" she said.
"I love you too" he said and slammed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily that she tried to meet up with his pace, He unzipped her gown and she broke the kiss immediately.
"David I.....
"Come on don't say no, it's been long and you know that, just let me today, I won't disturb you again" he said and she looked at him, she should just allow him, not like it's their first Time anyways.
"Ok, but only on one condition and that is you will go gentle and not rough" she said.
"I promise you that" he said and claim her lips again, he carried her to the bed and remove her gown, he undressed himself and got on top of her and After some Minutes, her soft moans filled the whole room.
The colourful lights all over the island gave it a beautiful and attractive look.
Even though it dark already, the lights outside made everywhere so bright that it looks like it's still day time.
Different houses are in there but the most beautiful in there is two particular Mansions, a pink house with pink swimming pool and a white house bulid with glass, only few parts of it are made of block and a fountain in right in front of it with a statue of an Eagle in front of it.
That's Gerardo's suite and he can be seen at the balcony, looking around the island, he owns the island and only him and his maids and guards lives there.
"Thinking about how to sleep tonight" he said to himself and chuckled at his craziness.
His phone rang in his pocket and he took it, Goldie is the one calling so he picked up instantly.
"Goldie!" He called.
"Oga!, E be like say the last import didn't go well..." He hung up immediately and put the phone back into his pocket.
"Stupid Nigerian girl" he said and smiled.
He moved close to a wall and touch it fast as if he was drawing something, but unknown to him that some dust are there, so immediately he did that the dust went straight to his nostrils and breathing became hard for him, since he is asthmatic.
"No" he murmured coughing hard, he touch his pocket but his inhaler is not with him, he obviously left it inside the room.
He start walking to his room but halfway to it, he fell down and start crawling to his room, which he wasn't able to make because he became extra weak and he dropped Down slowly.
The door opened and Kingsley walk in, he came to give him something, and when he saw him, his eyes widened and he run to him.
"Boss!!" He called bending in front of him.
Chelina step into the compound of Mansion and her body shook in great fear as she behold her mother's car packed right in the garage and that means she is back.
She hold onto her bag more tighter and she start taking slow steps into the Mansion.
She is just coming back from David's place, after spending some time with him.
He later took her out, after their crazy make out and want to get things for her but she declined because of her mother.
Chelina finally walk into the sitting room and as expected, Susanna is sitting in the sitting room with am angry face.
"Good evening Mother" she greeted and start walking upstairs.
"Come back here!" Susanna said and she walk back to her.
"Where are you coming back from?" She asked.
"I we...went...to....to see David" she said and she smirked.
"That's good, and I guess that's why you didn't prepare the dinner like I ask you to?" She smiled and Chelina gasped.
"Mother I cooked before leaving, believe me" she said and Susanna stood.
"Then how come the pots are empty?" She asked.
"Mother I swear, I prepared dinner before going, maybe someone finish it" she said and Susanna slapped her hard on her cheeks and her face turn red.
"Fool!!, Do I look like I am joking, who will possibly eat that food, if not you!!" she yelled and Peyton smiled from where she is sitting, she actually shared the food with her friends.
"Mother believe me I.....
"Get me my chain belt Peyton" she said and Peyton left, Chelina kneel down and start begging Susanna.
"Mother please forgive me" she begged and Peyton walk downstairs After some Minutes with her chain belt.
"Good girl" she smiled and took the belt from her.
She tore off Chelina's gown from the back and start lashing her mercilessly with the belt, her back start peeling off as the belt meet with her back.
"Mother forgive me!
"Am so sorry, it won't happen again!
"Pardon me Mom!
" Please mother!!" Chelina cried and Peyton smiled Victoriously, she just like seeing her in pain.