"Captain, I seem to have seen these codes somewhere before. Let me study them carefully, I might find some important information," Lisa said, her eyes revealing focus and confidence.
Captain Jack nodded, saying, "Good, research it as fast as you can. Everyone else, don't just stand around, continue searching the vicinity for other clues."
The team members dispersed once again, conducting a more thorough search of the basement and the surrounding area. Lisa sat to one side, concentrating intently on deciphering the codes written on the paper slip.
As time ticked by second by second, Lisa's frown deepened. Her fingers rapidly tapped on the keyboard, her eyes glued to the computer screen. Finally, a hint of surprise appeared on her face.
"Captain, I've found it! These codes are an encrypted program, and through my decryption, it leads to a dark web address. This address is very likely related to the Dark Law Enforcer," Lisa said excitedly.