Chereads / Awakening the Daily Intelligence System / Chapter 39 - 38, Weave a powerful intelligence network!_1

Chapter 39 - 38, Weave a powerful intelligence network!_1

"Tomorrow, the place where the retired senior official Zhang Guilin fell, as well as the spot where Rakshasa City's once top figure Chen Shanhe used to fish, I had better visit both, just in case I can gather some related intelligence that might be of great use in the future. Even if I don't obtain anything, it doesn't matter, consider it an experiment!"

"Of course, rashly contacting these big shots could also bring me some dangerous intelligence, but if I really did get that dangerous information, I just wouldn't meddle with it."

"Also, if I could intercept the antiques at the Yiyi Auction, that could also net me a tidy sum."

The intelligence that refreshed today, although it wasn't as profitable as the Guangxu Yuanbao from yesterday, several pieces still have potentially huge benefits.

Lin Mo was calculating in his heart. Tomorrow he needed to take full advantage, and try his best to utilize all this intelligence.

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