Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33 As long as the wage is right, it doesn't matter if they're alive or dead (Vote for monthly tickets recommendation)_1

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33 As long as the wage is right, it doesn't matter if they're alive or dead (Vote for monthly tickets recommendation)_1

The surface of this world may seem safe.

But inside, the undercurrents truly surge violently…

Zhao Sanyuan is dead.

Li Zhengjing is dead too.

If Lin Yuan's strength hadn't been strong enough, and he hadn't mastered the two sets of rudimentary martial techniques to an extremely proficient degree during this time, perhaps he would have died as well.

For now, Gale Martial Hall wouldn't dare to trouble him, but what about after this incident settles down?

Keep in mind that Gale Martial Hall, unlike local martial arts halls like Descending Dragon Martial Hall, has a headquarter and affiliates…

Would such a colossal entity tolerate his existence?

Although Lin Yuan believes he is not in the wrong, they obviously won't think the mistake is theirs.

He must not indulge in the false hope… placing his safety on the chance that others might not bother with him.

Just cultivating the "Nayuan True Jue," even though the progress is remarkably fast, is still after all a step-by-step process.

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