Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Pie in the Sky (Seeking Support for Continued Reading)_1

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Pie in the Sky (Seeking Support for Continued Reading)_1

There was silence for a while.

Lin Yuan asked, "Can I exclude the cost of the medicinal baths and the Nutritional Recovery Agent and just learn Martial Dao?"

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

The waiter explained, "Without the elixirs, the average person simply cannot withstand that kind of high-intensity training. Think about it, a two-hour lesson costs you several thousand yuan. If we can't provide you with a fulfilling experience and gains, you probably wouldn't be willing, right?"

In other words, they're basically running you ragged.

Lin Yuan said, "I can sign a contract..."

He currently only had one Cultivation Technique and no channel for utilizing Spiritual Power, but the mere spontaneous circulation of it allowed him to sense its many miraculous aspects.

Especially when it came to protecting the body... Lin Yuan felt that he probably didn't need the elixirs.

"Even if you are willing to sign a contract, if you really get injured, even if you don't pursue the Martial Arts Hall's responsibility, this matter will definitely be exploited by those with ulterior motives, which is very detrimental to the reputation of the Martial Arts Hall."

The waiter smiled and said, "You also think that this price is very reasonable, don't you? Therefore, Martial Arts Halls that can open here generally don't have to worry about the source of their students. They don't need to bother with what is, to them, a trivial profit, and risk leaving hidden troubles for their own Martial Arts Hall."

Lin Yuan's spirit sank again.

It made too much sense.

He straightforwardly said, "But I don't have enough money..."


The waiter looked distressed.

"Then there's no need to buy a full-year class; wouldn't buying a half-year class be the same?"

Suddenly, a voice intervened.

A middle-aged man dressed in a suit, only considerably older than a young girl, greeted them.

Compared to the stunning female waiter, this man already had a sizable belly, his sideburns had started to recede, yet he still stubbornly combed his hair in a 30-70 style, and didn't look like a salesperson at all.

He waved his hand and said, "Little Li, go and receive the new clients, leave this customer to me."

"Yes, Manager."

The female waiter replied and left.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Sanyuan, I'm the manager of this training center on this floor, you can call me Manager Zhao."

He reached out his hand to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Hello... does your Martial Arts Hall have a half-year class?"

Zhao Sanyuan smiled and said, "Normally, of course, there is none."

Seeing Lin Yuan showing an expression of speechlessness, he hurriedly said, "But there are also abnormal situations…"

"Such as?"

"Have you considered purchasing second-hand Martial Dao training classes?"

Lin Yuan frowned and said, "Second-hand?"

"Rest assured, the sources are absolutely problem-free and are through regular channels. Moreover, you can verify with the staff inside the Martial Arts Hall, and they will certainly acknowledge it."

Zhao Sanyuan explained, "In fact, the high fees of the Martial Arts Hall are quite humane. For example, if you have been learning and progressing in a Martial Arts Hall, but once you officially get into a higher-level Martial Dao Academy, the Martial Arts Hall itself becomes somewhat superfluous. What to do with the remaining classes then? Refunds are naturally out of the question, and the Martial Arts Hall wouldn't quarrel with students destined to become Martial Artists over such an amount of money. They do allow these people to sell their remaining classes."

He smiled and said, "And if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Lin, your previous goal was not the martial arts stream but the academic stream, right? It's just that recently you decided to switch to the martial path, so you planned to come to the Martial Arts Hall for intensive improvement, correct?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"That's even more suitable, with just half a year... to be exact, eight months until your Dragon Gate exam. To finish sixty class sessions will take at least a year's time. What happens to the remaining class hours after you pass the exam and get into the Academy of your choice in eight months? So it's better for you to directly purchase half a year's class time. Moreover, if you buy these second-hand class hours, you not only enjoy the benefits of other students, but the price is also somewhat negotiable."

"That good?"

Lin Yuan asked, "If this is true, wouldn't everyone sign up for second-hand classes? Who would buy new ones?"

"Of course, there are also disadvantages. The classes can be transferred, but names cannot be changed... otherwise, with each transferred class, there would be a name change, and that would be problematic for the Martial Arts Hall. So during classes, your instructor won't call your name but someone else's. The same goes for the use of lockers, medicinal baths, and so on, but as long as you know it's yours, it's fine, and the instructor won't mind."

Zhao Sanyuan smiled and said, "The rich pursue martial arts while the poor pursue letters. Those who study here long-term are quite wealthy. Just to save a bit of money, they certainly won't let someone change their name. Besides, these second-hand courses aren't available all the time. Mr. Lin, you're quite lucky. I just happen to have a student who has been officially recommended to the Sky-supporting Warrior Academy, and he has about thirty-two classes left, which suits someone like you who isn't very well-off but has dreams of pursuing Martial Dao. Are you interested?"

Lin Yuan asked, "What about the price?"

"As for the price, of course, there's a discount. The class left by student Zuo Jianqing at the Descending Dragon Martial Hall is normally 2333 yuan per session. How does 2000 yuan per session sound to you?"

Zhao Sanyuan was quite generous, directly offering a three hundred yuan discount per class, a total saving of ten thousand yuan for over thirty classes!

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and said, "I have two conditions!"

Zhao Sanyuan's eyes lit up and he said, "Please tell me."

"First, a lump sum payment of 60,000 yuan to buy it all out, which is equivalent to you giving me two extra classes for free!"

Zhao Sanyuan replied, "This... Let me hear the second condition before I decide."

"Secondly, I require that the transfer agreement be signed within that Descending Dragon Martial Arts Hall and demand that classes begin immediately today. Any problems with that?"

Zhao Sanyuan chuckled and said, "The second condition is very reasonable, after all, you're also afraid of being scammed... I can understand that... Seeing that Mr. Lin, you're also a straightforward person, okay, those two classes can be considered as gifts."

Lin Yuan went over it again in his mind.

Ensuring there were indeed no issues.

The other party's words made sense, wealthy people wouldn't care about such trivial savings.

But to him, it meant purchasing just the right amount of class time, allowing him to learn systemic knowledge of Martial Dao, and most importantly, he would still have tens of thousands of yuan left for living expenses.

For half a year...

That should be enough.

Confident in his own physique and Immortal Dao Spiritual Power, Lin Yuan felt that in six months, he could completely transform into a qualified Immortal Warrior.

Zhao Sanyuan was indeed very diligent.

He first took Lin Yuan to the Descending Dragon Martial Hall and specifically found one of the assistant instructors there to bear witness for him.

"Oh? Transferring classes?"

The assistant instructor named Fang Zihao appeared to be about twenty-three or twenty-four, with a very capable demeanor.

He glanced at Lin Yuan and said, "No problem, as long as the transfer agreement is signed, classes can start immediately..."

Hearing this,

Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, such a large martial hall was right here; the martial hall surely wouldn't let an assistant instructor participate in scamming people.

He nodded and said, "Then, Manager Zhao, let's sign the contract now."

"No problem... Also, there's something else that needs to be stated in advance. I'll cover the 3,000 yuan transfer fee as a token of appreciation for Mr. Lin's promptness, but regarding the training suit and locker rental..."

"I'll pay for that myself, no problem!"

Saving twenty thousand yuan in one go.

Naturally, Lin Yuan was quite pleased, and even so, after taking the contract Zhao Sanyuan handed over to him,

he still meticulously read through the transfer agreement from start to finish.

Especially the largest annotation within it.

[Upon transfer, Party B shall fully inherit all the treatments of Party A, with no objections allowed!]

Full inheritance.

Ensuring there were no problems with the contract.

Lin Yuan signed his own name.

Then he received a black magnetic card.

At the entrance of the martial hall, a scan,

Lin Yuan clearly saw the number inside change from 32 to 31!

Having thirty-two classes on the card was indeed without any issues.

He took out six checks and asked, "Do you need me to go with you to withdraw the money?"

"No need, the bank is just at the door, I'll go withdraw it myself in a moment."

Zhao Sanyuan chuckled and said, "Mr. Lin, you go ahead and start your class. I wish you a smooth progression in Martial Dao."

With that, he turned and left.

"Come with me, Lin Yuan,"

Fang Zihao also smiled and said, "It's the basic class, right? Come on, I'll help you with the training suit and locker rental services!"

"Thank you for your trouble, Assistant Fang."

Recalling that he would soon be in touch with another side of the world, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

"It's no trouble, this is part of my job."

Fang Zihao also beamed with a friendly smile.