Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 89 - Chapter 88 You Know Nothing about Cultivators (Seeking First Subscription)_2

Chapter 89 - Chapter 88 You Know Nothing about Cultivators (Seeking First Subscription)_2

Zhou Bingbing said, "Xuan Dynasty's tolerance for Cultivators is zero. Once a Cultivator is discovered, if their actions can be justified and aren't deemed absolutely necessary to kill, they are transferred to the Other Domain for isolation. However, for any reason, if they harm the innocent, regardless of their identity, they must be executed on the spot! They're playing with fire, all to save a mere few million? That amount of money is not insignificant to us, but for them, it might just be the change they spend in a day."

Sun Xing said, "Lin Yuan's suggestion, on the other hand, seems more sensible. Maybe he's trying to frame a certain Cultivator..."

"We don't need to explore their thought process, we just need to investigate their actions!"

Li Liang enunciated every word, "No matter what his purpose is, since we know his true motives, all we need to do is to thwart his plans."

Zhou Bingbing asked, "What do you plan to do?"

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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