Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 41 - Chapter 41 This is My Gluttonous Feast_1

Chapter 41 - Chapter 41 This is My Gluttonous Feast_1

"Here, the phone."

The designer saw Lin Yuan seemed a bit dazed and handed over the mobile phone quite decisively to him.

Lin Yuan took it.

On the other end was Zhou Bingbing's voice, which was anything but cold, as she softly said, "We've been thinking about how to thank you. You saved Xiaoying's life and even helped her complete her trial mission. You might not realize how important this mission was to her, but we do. Unfortunately, we're unable to thank you openly, and even the credit for defeating that cultivator has to be borne by Xiaoying. This is also for your safety, Mr. Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan asked, "Are you saying that if it got out that I was the one who took down that old lady, other cultivators might come after me for revenge?"

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: