Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 182 - Chapter 135 Fang Zihao's Gift_2

Chapter 182 - Chapter 135 Fang Zihao's Gift_2

The book ended up being fed to Xie Tianyi.

But Lin Yuan had memorized this string of numbers.

Although much time had passed, Lin Yuan's mind was now clear; the things he had memorized were difficult to forget even if he wanted to.

If his guess was correct, there must be a connection with a Cultivator on the other end of this number.

Maybe he could try using this number.

Thinking this, Lin Yuan pulled out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

A busy tone, no answer.

But a look of joy appeared on Lin Yuan's face...

If a number hasn't been used in a long time, then it would have inevitably been disconnected by the communication company due to depleted credit.

Calling it would simply lead to a direct message indicating the line was discontinued.

Yet this number was getting through, it just wasn't being answered.

This meant somebody had been using this number continuously...

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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